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Composing Commissions [CLOSED / Price Adjusting]

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:14 am
by ProjectTrinity
Hello, lovelies!

May 2014 Demo Reel

Still closed! The prices are currently undergoing a small spike in rates. For possibly cheaper alternatives, I implore everyone to read and comment on this linked thread!

Contact Information

Skype: symphonycometh (No video/audio chats allowed)

Non-Commercial Commission Rates:

0-60 seconds: $30
1-2 minutes: $50
2-3 minutes: $60
3-x minutes: +$10 per additional minute

Commercial Commission Rates:

0-60 seconds: $70
1-2 minutes: $90
2-3 minutes: $120
3-x minutes: +$20 per additional minute

For those who have over $500 for music, please contact me via email or Skype to negotiate.


Non-Commercial to Commercial Conversion: x3 of original price for song(s)/score.
Choir: $150 + Regular Rate
Deadline (More than 3 days) : $50 + Regular Rate Per Song
Emergency Deadline (Less than 3 days) : $100+ Regular Rate Per Song


-At least 50% or more up front and then 50% to begin the second half once you approve the first WIP.
-Do not send me any money until I accept the job offer. I might have to decline your offer.
-Money must be sent within 7 days in order to remain on slots.
-Make sure my style fits your needs beforehand: There is no refund after you send the cash.
-You cannot put two songs into one track. Different song = New Track
-Original music only. No covers, recreations, or pre-made music.
-I must return all money if I miss a deadline of any sort for any reason.

Slots Available:

1) Tomoyo's "Groups of Two" VN (Entire Soundtrack)
2) Eora's "Réadú"
3) Owen's "Bealdor" RPG
4) Michel's "Metal Angle" game.

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:53 am
by briannavon
I will bookmark this!

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:45 am
by Greeny
Just for reference, what are your rates for commercial use? Just a ballpark figure will do.

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:32 pm
by ProjectTrinity
It flexes depending on budget, type of project (Indie/studio/High profile/ect), and other things around those. That said, if there's no deal or bundle or context that would help lower the commercial rates, you just need to multiply the regular rates x3 as I can't be bothered with royalties. Note: If you don't intend to sell my music at all or ever, the rates are the exact same as my first post.

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:13 pm
by Itwasneveradream
A question about art trading with you.
Is there a certain quality of art you'll trade with? A specific style? Or anything else?

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:35 pm
by ProjectTrinity
Oops, I should have specified that a little. Traditional/Comic-Western/Chibi/Childish* art styles are the ones we won't be accepting at this time. Any art style that can tell a serious story without giving the audience a juxtaposition in their thoughts would be considered. As for the quality, besides the link I gave you, my avatar, which features one of my characters, gives a fairly good example of the quality the team is used to dealing with, give or take.

*Childish =\= bad. Just not viable to any of our current projects.

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art (Slots Are Running Out~)

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:00 am
by Reikun
My project isn't ready for music yet, but I loved your demo reel and will keep you in mind :) Do you (or your team) have a website?

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art (Slots Are Running Out~)

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:49 pm
by ProjectTrinity
^ Why thank you! =D We have 4 places you can look at our content and/or see updates instantly:

Facebook / Official Site / Youtube / Soundcloud

Be warned: My Facebook updates on *all* of my projects - and I have quite a bit of them. Novels, games, a webcomic, music, ect.

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art ~ NEW SLOT GET

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 9:37 pm
by ProjectTrinity
After 1/2-months, there is one new slot opened. In case some were interested, but didn't know that it'd be months before I opened this up again. After one slot is officially claimed, I'll be closing this until one of the long term slots are finished once more!

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art ~ NEW SLOT GET

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 7:02 pm
by Shensation
you have piqued my interest. e-mailing you now.

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art ~ NEW SLOT GET

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 10:23 pm
by ProjectTrinity
^ And responded!

On that note, my inboxes for both here and my email has received enough submissions to close the thread back up on Friday. Make sure you send in your inquiry if you're interested before then!

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art ~ NEW SLOT GET

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 5:53 pm
by pickle131
I would highly recommend his music C:

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art ~ NEW SLOT GET

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:47 pm
by ProjectTrinity
^ I didn't think I'd see a Pickle here! Hey, Pickle! c: Many thanks for the support. <3

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art ~ 5th and 6th Slot Get!

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:11 pm
by ProjectTrinity
Updated the demo reel to the most recent one for this thread! Actually includes some more VN-approved tunes and clarity in tracks.

Re: Will Compose For Cash or Art ~ NEW SLOT GET

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:21 pm
by Geckos
pickle131 wrote:I would highly recommend his music C:
I agree!
He is a pleasure to work with. Very punctual, gladly takes requests for alterations, and has a good attitude. The vast majority of songs he's created for me so far needed no changes whatsoever, and sounded great.
Lovely music.