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Social Gaming

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 4:01 pm

Here, social gaming means video games that connect to the social network: For example, "share" your screen to your friends (PS4), tweet your achievements and progress, inviting your friends to join so you gain more rewards.

I'm not mainly talking about Farmville and iOS games with social network-connected high score tables. I'm talking about shooters, RPGs that allows the player to tweet the progress automatically or manually.

What do you think about the trend of connecting console and PC games to social networks? Is it necessary for visual novels (done before?)?

Re: Social Gaming

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:53 pm
by truefaiterman
I think it's not suited at all for these games. It's like making an app so you can post "Hey! I finally reached chapter 4 of a book, yay!". And, if you want to record the game, or make a screenshot, it's pretty easy.

Re: Social Gaming

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 8:07 pm
by Cyrus
I dislike social gaming aspects as much as QTE. Letter boards or stat collecting being an exception. I enjoy seeing how bad I am or what percentage of users made this or that decisions.

And I hate the 'more rewards' stuff. I don't expect a game to burn me for not having any friends. I have to go door to door now just to be able to get the heart ponies? Joy.

Re: Social Gaming

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:51 am
by TrickWithAKnife
There are rare occasions when games connecting to social sites aren't a burden.

Generally it's a blatant way for game developers to get free advertising. Clever, and invasive. If I have to have my gaming habits plastered all over my facebook status everytime I level up in a game, the game is getting a quick delete.

Re: Social Gaming

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:04 am
by SundownKid
Generally it's probably not necessary for visual novels unless A) they have some added gameplay, or B) it's just to say "I finished it!" or something to that extent.

Re: Social Gaming

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:10 pm
by Dreadwing93
I think the only time social aspects should be added to a game is when you need to cooperate with other people, and even then it's very easy to do this poorly. The social aspects of the game should feel like a bonus rather than a burden.

Just an example, but let's say there's a game where a girl asks you to help gather signatures on a petition to save her apartment building or something. This event wouldn't be necessary to completing the game, but could be an interesting bonus.

Re: Social Gaming

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:50 pm
by merdeamour
Dreadwing93 wrote:I think the only time social aspects should be added to a game is when you need to cooperate with other people, and even then it's very easy to do this poorly. The social aspects of the game should feel like a bonus rather than a burden.

Just an example, but let's say there's a game where a girl asks you to help gather signatures on a petition to save her apartment building or something. This event wouldn't be necessary to completing the game, but could be an interesting bonus.

I have the same views as Dreadwing93. I tried playing Sims Social on Facebook once, but I gave up soon after finding out that you have to send out dozens of requests to friends just to move on from my current task. Talk about burden.

The 'tweeting progress' part sounds interesting, although I don't think it's something I'll especially be looking forward to in a game. I can always do that on other social networks (e.g. fb, my blog, etc).

Re: Social Gaming

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:58 am
by SundownKid
It's my opinion that the "social" features in games are actually antisocial. I don't want to drive people away by posting status updates on Twitter or Facebook where my personal feed is supposed to be. It should be an authentic "guys, try this game!", not a canned update. They are usually just advertising the game and nothing more, so why include them? "Social" games don't actually involve people, co-op multiplayer games involve people.

Re: Social Gaming

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 11:52 am
by Pencey
I don't really mind it. Like, on PSN I don't really care about my trophies/achievements nor do I bother looking at anyone else's. But when it comes to things like fighting/multiplayer games, it helps if you're looking for someone to play with.

I dunno about visual novels though. It seems kinda unnecessary.