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(WIP) How Far to Dream (Fantasy, GxB, KN)

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:01 am
by Aeruuli
How Far to Dream
"I am girl and fire bird, with Solace as my name."
'How Far to Dream' tells the story of Solace, a young girl who is adopted by the roaming dragon, Singe, and how she comes into her own. It begins where she is coming of age to adulthood, both as a human and in her adopted father's clan. As such, she is now forced attend the ceremonial dragon right of passage known as "Anjunc." Which means going out into the world for a year, before she must make the choice of whether she belongs and what her role there will become.


race: dragon
affiliation: Fire Clan
The roamer who claims one of the girls as his own after she shows him a kindness. He is a loner and his scales are a darkened, rust red when in dragon form. He tends to keep away from dealing with his king, if he can avoid it, or even others of his kind. He is gruff, a bit strict, and protective of his adopted daughter. When in human form, he bears hair that is darkened gray and a long scar along his right forearm. His skin is tanned from all this time under the sun. His eyes are a deep orange with a dark yellow tint. He wears black pants and a deep blue vest that is torn at the sleeves.

race: human
Born to a native tribe as Eshmi Thetta, she is the human child who is raised by Singe on his own. He gave her the new name when he adopted her. She is a bit quiet and respectful, but has an inquisitive mind that can outweigh her silence. She is best known for her kind heart. Being a tad naive due to her time of isolation with her dragon father's nature, she is coming to learn of the world, and trying to find her place within it. She has choppy, dark brown hair at uneven lengths, with the longest tufts falling about her shoulders. Her eyes are a rare, clear shade of green. Her skin is pale. For clothing, her bodice is hip length, , fitted, light green, with a white ribbon to tie it together, and black pants that go to her knees beneath. She goes barefoot at all times.

'Nanise Thetta' ("Sorrow")
race: human
affiliation: Aeos
A woman of the native tribes who is being married off to a captain of the Aeos army, who is seeking to take over the home valley of the tribe. She is Solace's older sister by blood. She is more serious, outspoken but obedient, and much more practical. Singe gave her the nickname. She is trying to garner peace between the tribes and the soldiers of Aeos. Her hair is pale brown, almost honey tinted. Her skin is light tan, and her eyes are soft blue. She wears loose, knee length dark purple and white skirt expected of her of the Aeos' style, together with the fitted bodice style top of her tribe, that is dark brown of the tribe. She wears dark brown sandals. Her hair is longer but twisted into a braid and pinned to the top of her head. Two long strands hang down evenly on either side, with straight bangs that dangle above her eyesbrows.

race: dragon
Affiliation: Fire Clan
He is the adopted son of Scorch, current king of the fire dragons. Raised to be wary of humans, he is calculated and careful. However, he is not without his reasons for being so and he has quite a temper. In dragon form, he is a dark red in scales, with eyes with the brightness of freshly spilled blood. A little rough around the edges, he is being groomed as a prince regardless. Though, he still has much to learn. In human form, his hair is a dark, almost dirty blonde, but his eyes are bright and clear. His skin is the dark tan of the fire dragon people and he wears the red and black robe of the royal clan with dark grey pants.

'Tobias Rolam'
race: human
affiliation: Aeos
The captain who ranks high in the armies of the kingdom of Aeos. He is to be married to Sorrow, Solace's sister. A human soldier, he has no tolerance of dragons, nor mercy. He is loyal his orders and firmly believes in the cause he is fighting towards. A bit strict, he is not without compassion towards his fellow man, nor those who serve him. He bears a sword known as Stormclaw and is a bit of a veteran fighter. He is tested in battle, but not without caution. He has light tan skin as well as a scar nicked into his left eyebrow. He wears an arm plate and arm guards, but otherwise sticks to his purple and white garments, with light grey pants and dark grey boots.

Re: (WIP) How Far to Dream (Fantasy, KN)

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:27 am
by Ran08
Awwww, I really like this. Why is it a KN?! *sobs* It sounds like such a nice idea for a VN... hahaha. But being kinetic is fine too!

Will it feature romance? I am a huge GxB fan, hahaha, so I really hope it will. :))

Nevertheless, the story seems quite interesting, and I am loving the characters already! I wish you good luck on this project~

Re: (WIP) How Far to Dream (Fantasy, KN)

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 5:57 am
by Aeruuli
Ran08 wrote:Awwww, I really like this. Why is it a KN?! *sobs* It sounds like such a nice idea for a VN... hahaha. But being kinetic is fine too!

Will it feature romance? I am a huge GxB fan, hahaha, so I really hope it will. :))

Nevertheless, the story seems quite interesting, and I am loving the characters already! I wish you good luck on this project~
Ahaha..It is nice to hear you like it as least. (=

I could not think of any additional paths this time around. This is my first truly public project, so I want to keep it simple. To answer your question, yes it will. Thanks for pointing out a tag to add and for wishing me luck! What character catches your interest the most, so far?

Random update: I am working on the character sketches. I will try to have them up sometime today!

Re: (WIP) How Far to Dream (Fantasy, GxB, KN)

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 8:03 am
by Ran08
Awww, you're welcome. :) And I understand. I'll be waiting for a VN from you sometimes in the future! :)

Kalus, mostly. Hahahaha. Like I said, I'm a huge otome fan, so right now it's him who interests me the most. :D

Oooooh, sketches! Yay, I can't wait to see the art! :)

Re: (WIP) How Far to Dream (Fantasy, GxB, KN)

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:08 pm
by KittyKatStar
Eeee I always love stories with dragons.

I'm really interested in the premise and what is required in the ceremonial passage of right.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the KN and good luck with the project. ^_^

Re: (WIP) How Far to Dream (Fantasy, GxB, KN)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:07 pm
by Aeruuli
I'm working on sketching the backdrop for the main menu.
Here's a preview. It features Solace and Singe. --v

Main Menu Sketch (Smaller).png

Ah. Kalus is a lot of fun to portray. I will be working on getting their individual portraits up this week. I do have a sketch of the main menu shared now. See above.

Dragons are always a favorite of mine. (= It is always fascinating to see others' interpretations of how they should be too. Thank you for taking a look at my project! Also, I adored your game, Autumn's Journey. I'm on my first play through. I will definitely leave a review when I finish it. ^^ I like the little details, like the scales for ears in yours.

Re: (WIP) How Far to Dream (Fantasy, GxB, KN)

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:01 am
by Aeruuli
Update: Working on character head shots, so I can show more of what the characters personalities are like.
Character Headshots (Smaller).png