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Masq, visual novel/interactive drama

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:24 pm
by javier
I want to let you know about our visual novel, Masq.

Masq just made the PC Gamer's Top 100 Games of All Time and it's getting great reviews worldwide. Masq is set in an edgy, erotically-charged world of gorgeous fashion models and dangerous mobsters. As the protagonist of the story, you can be to be a hero, a villain or anything in-between. You can replay Masq over and over and experience an unprecedented variety of plot twists and endings including murder, sex, betrayal and yes...even love. The twist is, in’s all up to you!

You can find Masq at, or directly download the whole 5 episodes file (17MB) from

You require Windows, Shockwave if played from the browser, and you need to be online even to play the download (sorry). For now Masq is free and there is no adware or anything like that. We're clean you can Google us and check what other people in your forum are saying ... f=4&t=2802

Masq is for ages 16+. Masq is not for children.



Re: Masq, visual novel/interactive drama

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:16 pm
by Der Tor
this game is really unique... it seems to have hundreds of branches depending on your actions. What is really, really great about the game is that each time you choose something that is moraly wrong thinking it will bring you momentary benifits, but than painfully realize how in the long run it brings you in more and more trouble. It's kinda a moral test for the player. I guess if your character is in deep trouble at the end, then that's because you choose the dishonest and selfish choices.

Oh... and if you ever want to translate it into german, i can help you with that :mrgreen:

Re: Masq, visual novel/interactive drama

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:48 pm
by javier
We're really glad you liked Masq Der Tor. Thanks for offering translating it to German. It would be great! Let's stay in touch. My mail is

Re: Masq, visual novel/interactive drama

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 3:27 pm
by Otaku Dash
Just finished the Online demo... Masq is very promising and interesting to play and the multiple choices make it intriguing enough to engulf a player into seeing what comes next :) I must be honest though when I saw that this game was online only.. wich is a shame really cause that may disuade some people to play it (I myself was a bit a backtrack when it said it was online only even with the 5 episodes downloaded ^^; ). Still that dosen't make it less interesting *smiles*

I can only hope this project remains free and that one day it might have a stand alone version.. in the meantime I wish you the best and the good work on the continuation or work in this project. I might try the full version later when I have time. ^^

Re: Masq, visual novel/interactive drama

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:56 am
by naiomi666
I really like this game because it is so much fun to play. I just haven't figure out how to find the wife cheating on you. If anyone can find it please tell me, 8)

Re: Masq, visual novel/interactive drama

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 7:41 pm
by Der Tor
WOW... i didn't even know she was cheating...

The only thing that i know which gets close, is that when you go to prison, you have the option to ask your wife to persuade her boss to drop the charges... she will than sleep with him... but i don't know if that counts as cheating, since you kinda asked for it.

Re: Masq, visual novel/interactive drama

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 6:51 pm
by Nobody
This VN's a masterpiece in gameplay. The graphics are nothing special (but still not bad), audio is non-existent and there're no deep philosophical discussions or aww-inducing romantic scenes, but the sheer amount of possible outcomes and plotlines is amazing. I've played 4 times so far and each time it was a completely different storyline. Right to the root. I've been a loving husband, a Don Juan, a murderer and a regular successful businessman so far. I like how sometimes not only your choices but random chance and speed seems to determine the outcome so you can't just follow the usual VN trial-and-error routine to find every possible ending.
WOW... i didn't even know she was cheating...
Whether she does depends on how you built up the plot.

Re: Masq, visual novel/interactive drama

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:51 pm
by naiomi666
would you know how to build that plot?

Re: Masq, visual novel/interactive drama

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:33 pm
by Hakura0
I seriously stink at this game...
So far I've succeeded in getting Peter shot to death, trophy'd to death, and lost the funding at the last minute. The last one occurred when my goal was to keep Peter /alive/ for the course of a playthrough so, success I guess?

Re: Masq, visual novel/interactive drama

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:10 pm
by Der Tor
it only now occurs to me that this game is kinda like "Lola rennt" (Run Lola, run) :mrgreen:

Re: Masq, visual novel/interactive drama

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:34 pm
by Vatina
Der Tor wrote:it only now occurs to me that this game is kinda like "Lola rennt" (Run Lola, run) :mrgreen:
I love that movie!

(Sorry, that was off-topic....)