Seeking Sprite Artist for Beyond the Tides(Closed)

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Seeking Sprite Artist for Beyond the Tides(Closed)

#1 Post by pocoscon »

Hi, I'm looking for a sprite artist for my fantasy game. Though the title seems kind of fluffy, the game is more of a thriller and horror, though the main elements are mystery and romance. It's a medium length game at the moment and the plans for it are to be between 50,000 and 70,000. I plan to have Yasu as a girl as well, though this might change if the artist I get doesn't want that. Like I said, the game is a bit of a thriller and does have mature themes. No gore though, but will have some mature love scenes. Also, I'm a student, so I can't pay, but can offer writing, coding, and maybe some editing :) . This game is also a collaboration, and iI think of those I work with as partners :wink: .

Why I'm doing this?

Because I love making Visual Novels and working with others. For years I've enjoyed playing them and really want to see one of mine come to life. I also do it because I enjoy sharing stories with people and hear what improvement i need to do. Even if it's something that proves to be difficult, like school taking up time, I long to make as many visual novels as I can, and have fun with people I work with :) .


I can't afford to pay because I'm a student and with school things are really tight for me. However, I can offer coding to a project or writing. Just ask if you'd like an example. I have some things I've written in the last few weeks.

I understand though that schedules are tight since it's school and many artists like to make some extra cash, and I do wish you luck for the games you get paid for :D .

What I need
There are two main things I need from the person I work with. First, someone who will stick with me even if times get a bit tough, and second, someone who loves being creative and works with me as a partner. For minor things I need you to be okay with or don't mind BxB, are okay with some mature themes, and just have fun making otome games :) . For the characters, there are seven main ones and about four sub ones. The main ones will have two outfits, one pose, and six to eight expressions. The minor characters will have either one or two outfits, but only about four to five expressions. I know this seems like a lot, but I don't expect you to draw them super fast. I just need them in the story because they are needed. You also have to be able to draw simple fantasy style characters like wings and tails.


I don't really know styles other then anime and realistic, so please don't hesitate to send me something different. I'm not an artist though, so I don't know much about what different types of sprites can be made. However, I have a good example of chibi Takeda done by the awesome Manou Azumi . He doesn't have wings because this was for an old character of hers, but she let me have his look.


This is what I kind of want his appearance to be, but really just for him. I'm up for any ideas you have for the other characters though, and love creative thoughts on their looks.

Dead Lines
Something we have can discuss together. I will do my best not to make any hard deadlines, but we do need some to make sure the game can go smoothly. I've learned it's always good to have goals, and helps motivate everyone to do some work. I will tell you it will not be anything that will make your life difficult. It'll be simple things like have one of their characters clothing done in two weeks. I get their is school to, so I can also work around your schedule and make things easier so you're not stressed out.

For now it's just going to be me. I have the prologue and some of Takeda's path planned out. I plan to work at least an hour a day on the game except Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday because I have school during those days. i also am happy to share with you what I have and love any advice or ideas for the story as well :mrgreen: .


You must have skype, email, or msn. I need to have contact with you at least once a weak, so I know you're still with the project. I do prefer Skype, but email is fine as long as you are able to access it easily.

And that's about it. Besides that, I have some info on the game. If you're interested please send me a pm or comment. Looking forwards to working with you :) .

Plot- After surviving a near suicide attempt and dealing with his inner demons, Yasu Yamada finds a ray of hope years later when doctors declare him mentally stable. With a father whose is dead, and no one else to care for him, he has no choice but to go back to his old hometown Nasae and live with his distant cousin. When arriving, he suddenly feels deep nostalgia and happiness because his youth was always in the town. Enter Takeda Moji, Yasu's childhood friend, who never learned the reason for why he left. Upon meeting again, the pair strike up their friendship quickly, and slowly, Yasu feels like his old life is coming back. However, even with himself feeling at home, Yasu quickly feels trapped and begins to think that his life is under someone's control. When getting a warning from Mariko Usagi, a girl know for her strange ways, about how the town isn't as happy as it seems, Yasu slowly remembers the events that took place before his departure from Nasae and how a single mistake caused the town to become infected by creatures known as the Tainted. But as he helps Mariko fend off these creatures, Yasu will learn that his enemy might actually be someone very close to him, and he himself might be the true threat.


Yasu Yamada-Our protagonist. A full human with the special power of being able to see the Tainted. Yasu is a calm and collected guy, who doesn't have much trust in others because of how badly he was bullied for being pudgy. Though still looking basically the same, Yasu has come to care very little of what others think of him, and prefers to focus on his water coloring. When meeting his best friend again, Yasu's solitude is quickly gone, and he finds himself meeting old faces from his past. Though most see him as being cold and a loner, Yasu can actually be very friendly, especially to those who he cares about. Due to his suicide attempt though, he often keeps secrets about his past, and lies to everyone that he just left because of family problems. Yasu also has a love for chocolate which is close to being an obsession, and is afraid of anything sharp.

Takeda Moji-A Tengu who was Yasu's best friend before leaving. When learning of his return though, Takeda does everything in his power to fix the friendship they lost after Yasu left. During his childhood, Takeda was always bullied along with Yasu because of their status of being the 'trash' of the town. Takeda though, was always kind of knight in shinning armor for his best, and protected him from the bullies that always attacked them. When Yasu left though, he was strangely calm about his departure, and spent most of his time with Yoshiro. However, when his mother married Yoshiro's dad, Takeda changed his image into something that society would accept. Now older, Takeda has become a suave, charmer who is always being surrounded by girls. Funny thing is he doesn't actually date any of the girls that go after, but isn't afraid to flirt with them either. His hobbies range from training his Tengu power, to going to the library and reading. Because of his friendly and outgoing nature, many in Nasae have come to trust him completely, and even Yasu is taken in by his positive aura. However, Takeda has never been able to fully forgive Yasu for leaving him alone, and secretly has a very bad taste for human flesh.

Yoshiro Moji- Another one of Yasu's childhood friends, and Takeda's stepbrother. Like Yasu, Yoshiro is a human, but has the special ability of being able to heal any wounds with great speed. However, the downside to this is that every time he uses his power, he loses a small portion of his life. As a child, Yoshiro was always confide to his room due to his father's fear for his life. However, upon sneaking out one day, he met Yuya and Takeda, and quickly became good friends with them. Since that meeting, Yoshiro was always snuck out by the pair, and was shown many of the beautiful places Nasae had to offer. However, Yoshiro's life became difficult when Yasu just went up and left, and lost a part of himself, with Takeda being the only one who could keep him happy. Now older, Yoshiro is still confined to his room, but relishes in the music he creates during his free time. Personality wise, Yoshiro is timid, and very shy of people, often becoming scared when around too many unfamiliar faces. He highly looks up to Takeda however, and becomes happy when seeing Yasu again. Still, despite being sickly, Yoshiro still hold a good heart, and is always trying to find way to help others. However, like Yasu, Yoshiro holds a secret, and might not actually be the pure person people have come to know him by.

Eren-A wolf who has been labeled as jungle boy because of his love for always going into the forest. As a child, Eren lost his parents in a tragic accident, and become an orphan, hiding out in caves that the forest had. During one of his many escapades of protecting his animal kin, he came across the trio and struck a very quick friendship with the three. For Eren, it was a happy time as he had no family to call his own. He was especially close with Yasu, and saw him as an older brother figure. However, upon Yasu's departure, Eren slowly began to hate the specious that weren't animals because of how they treated him, and hurt the forest. Eventually, Eren frayed away from society, and forgot about the relationship he had with the trio, only seeing the animals as his true friends. Now, Eren spends most of his time protecting the forest, and killing anyone who threatens it or the animals. Many in Nasae have become afraid of him, and his violent nature. The only non-animal person he tolerates is Noir, due to how she cares for him, and his friends. Upon learning of Yasu's return, Eren struggles with whether he should trust him, or kill him for the mistake he caused before he left. Despite seemingly being violent, Eren is still caring to those he loves, and secretly wants a family.

Mariko Usagi-A girl who shows up at the oddest moments. Mariko was never an outgoing girl during her younger days, and always had a way of making people disliking her because of her being a know it all. Yasu was one of the few though who could tolerate her, though the pair rarely got along. Now most of her days are spent at the shrine with her master Noir, trying to find out what these strange creatures are. When realizing Yasu's return though, Mariko becomes wary of him, and believes he's the reason for all the trouble the town is having. Personality wise, Mariko is still a know it all, and also noisy when it comes to the lives of others. She is also a bit proud, never wanting to admit that she's wrong, much to her master dismay. Still, she longs to fix Nasae, and protect the people from the threat that's infesting it

Keith- A 'snake' who is known as the trouble maker of the town. Even as a child, Keith loved to cause misfortune for others, and mischief. His greatest enemy though was Takeda due to how he always lost fights to the Tengu whenever he attacked Yasu or Yoshiro. Now older, Keith spends most of his time getting with girls, causing trouble, and using his demon powers to hurt other people. However, due to his high status, no one can touch him unless his father allows it. Keith is also a bit of a sadist, to the point that he 'gets off' at others pain. He still sees Takeda as his greatest enemy, and vows to destroy everything he cares for, especially if it's Yasu. However, even with being a rather insane and rash guy, Keith is very emotional, and has a hard understanding of love and friendship. So, in a way, Yasu has become a bit of an obsession for him in that he believes he holds that answers to those two words.

Ardalain Milest- A skilled witch who is always good at making others uncomfortable. Since a child, Ardalain has been spoiled rotten, and doesn't know the meaning of no. She often picked on Yasu and Mariko because of their 'creepy' looks, and enjoyed the attention her classmates gave her. Now older, she is basically the same, except for being the 'idol' of the town. Unlike the others, she doesn't care for Yasu's reappearance in town, but does care for the fact that her 'future husband' Takeda is spending so much time with him. Selfish, childish, and rude, one has to wonder how Ardalain is so 'liked' in town. It's probably because of her witch powers though. Is also a tad oblivious to others feelings for her, greatest example being Keith.

Sub Characters
Tainted- Unseeable creatures that infest the hearts of any living thing, making the host become irrational, violent, and unstable. Though weak by themselves, if they manage to take over the heart of a powerful being, it could be very destructive for the town. Luckily there are those who can see them, and completely vanquish them from life. However, Yasu and Noir are the only known ones who are able to do so in Nasae.

Sakura- A hardworking police cat who is always trying to keep everyone in town safe. Serious, stout, and a bit impatient, she will do anything to catch the criminals, even if they are supernatural. When not doing her police duties, or solving a case, Sakura can be found training with her gun. Many wonder if she knows how to relax.

Vaan- The quirky subordinate to Sakura, and good friend of Takeda. Unlike his boss, Vaan isn't really into the whole police thing, and just does it to impress girls, though he does work his hardest to keep the town safe. He greatly admires, and sometimes envies, Takeda because of how well he does with girls. Unlike his boss, Vaan does believe the town is infected with the Tainted, and helps out Mariko later in the story.
Black Lotus(A work in progress)- (BxB,Horror,Thriller,Fantasy) Tells the story of a boy who must save his home and friends from dangerous creatures known as the Tainted. ... 43&t=28588

Catching the Sun(A work in progress)- (GxG,Slice of Life,Friendship,Drama) ... 43&t=29404

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