Recruiting Artists (priority to graphics resources)

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Recruiting Artists (priority to graphics resources)

#1 Post by Typon »


I am looking for some artists for my Visual Novel (Kinetic one, meaning no choices).

Plot :

Maksimilian is a proud soldier devoted to his motherland. He controls of his emotions well and never discuss orders. However that does not mean he is a stupid and can not think by himself. It is just that he is a soldier who truly trust orders and hierarchy. Since few time he has been affected to an important and secret project called D001. This huge structure hidden in a cold desert place is used to put some people in quarantine. These people have the particularity to have been missing for some time, sometimes several years, and reappeared without any explanation. Some of them have very strange behaviour and because of the mystery surrounding them, the government decided to keep them in a area under surveillance until someone finds out what really happened to them. But some problem will occur like unexplained wounds, missing soldiers and impaired memories, disturbing Maksimilian's faultless carreer.

Compensation :

I can afford to pay artists who are expecting to be, terms have to be discussed. I don't know yet if this projet will be a free project or not. To be honest I would like it to be commercial OR to be free with some commercial additionnal content (same universe with parallel stories).

What I need :

Someone who is really interested in the project and would be part of it will be prefered. I have some ideas for some characters designs and all but nothing is decided and the artist may propose ideas. What is important is to stick to the project until the end. There should be 5 or 6 main characters and sub characters (for the moment 4, but probably more). A set of expressions will be needed for the characters, I don't know yet about poses and outfits (1 at least of course). I'll need CG including mutilation and blood. Most of the backgrounds will be inside the building but I'll need some few of the outside.

Style :

Any style is welcome, I don't know much about it. What I am looking for is a durable partner who would be able and agree to do all the graphic stuff of the game (characters sprites, CG, backgrounds) in order to have a coherent art design.

Writing :

The current story contains about 12 000 words. I guess about between 16 000 and 20 000 should be expected as a total count at the end (the main idea was to do this kinetic novel as the first game/story and to developp others after this one who would probably not be kinetic novels).

Planning :

I don't really have any, I work on the project when I have some extra time, some days I can write a lot and sometimes I don't write anything during several weeks. I will also take care of the programming which shouldn't be really complicated anyway (since it's kinetic).

More informations :

I am currently writing the story in French (since I am French). English translation only will be considered when the rest of the game would be done.
OST and Voice acting would be cool but I don't know if I can afford this (in this case there wouldn't be any Voice acting and I'll try fo use some free musics).
Please be sure that you really are interested and are ready to be involved in the project (which will take a certain amount of your time for sure) ; don't drop me half-way.
Skype or mail address needed for exchanges.
I'd like to release the game on Steam and maybe also on some other plateforms.

If you have any questions, just ask me.

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