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FI: Interview [Official]

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:32 am
by Googaboga
Each of the six interviewees have three types of endings; an ending where Susan gives the best impression possible for that character, an ending where things go fine, and an ending that's just sort of silly. The endings where Susan gives the best impression are the endings with CGs. The ending you get depends on how the interviewee responds to the type of impression you give (the three possible impressions Susan can give are Serious, Friendly, and Eccentric). Each interviewee takes each impression a different way.

The endings are listed in order from 1 to 18. The first spoiler for an ending includes basic info; as in the interviewee, the name of the ending, what impression to give to get it, and what type of ending it is. The second spoiler lists the choices you make to get the ending. It is possible to get an ending without making all of the exact choices listed. But if you make choices throughout the game that are different than the guide some of the answers later in guide won't be correct for your playthrough. That's because later in the game the choices that appear are based on previous choices made.

If you have a specific question and would rather not resort to using a full walkthrough, feel free to post your question in the game’s completed thread or PM me.


Ending #1
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Overzealous Guy/Kole
Name: A Job Well Done
Impression: Serious
Type: Things go fine
-Stay here.
-Just help the guy.
-Stay right here.
-Continue waiting.
-I’ll treat you to lunch. or I’d be so thankful if you did this for me. or I’ll do anything you want! or *flutter eyelashes*
-It will be fun. or If you don’t I’ll hold my breath until you change your mind. or I’ll make you sound really cool. or I’m starting to lose my patience, hurry and say ‘yes’ already.
-If I got to interview you I’d be the luckiest girl in the whooole world. or Coooooommmmeeee oooooooooooooonnn. or You gotta do me a solid.
-You can call me <insert character’s name>.
-What do you do for a living?
-Where do you live?
-How do the two of you know each other?
-How long have you lived here?
-What is the first thing you notice about someone?
-Do you have any siblings?
-What would you ask someone to get to know them better?
-Thank you for not going.
-Do you care more about pleasing people or speaking the truth?
-He doesn’t really have a job.
-He lives with friends.
-For work. or For school.
-The serious type.
-He’s the middle child.
-He would rather make people happy.

Ending #2
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Overzealous Guy/Kole
Name: Call Me
Impression: Friendly
Type: Best impression for this interviewee
-Stay here.
-Give myself a pep talk first.
-Stay right here.
-Continue Waiting.
-I’ll treat you to lunch. or I’d be so thankful if you did this for me. or I’ll do anything you want! or *flutter eyelashes*
-It will be fun. or If you don’t I’ll hold my breath until you change your mind. or I’ll make you sound really cool. or I’m starting to lose my patience, hurry and say ‘yes’ already.
-If I got to interview you I’d be the luckiest girl in the whooole world. or Coooooommmmeeee oooooooooooooonnn. or You gotta do me a solid.
-I’m attractive.”
-Finish this sentence, the motto of my life is…
-What’s your favorite joke?
-Do you call every woman you meet ‘honey’?
-What’s your desktop picture?
-If you could have one superpower what would it be?
-Are you two close?
-Do you have any superstitions?
-Do you collect anything?
-Why did you push your hair back?
-What do you miss most about being a kid?
-Summer camp.
-He doesn’t have a desktop.
-Being able to fly.
-All of these reasons.
-Living in a boarding school.

Ending #3
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Overzealous Guy/Kole
Name: Wrong Number
Impression: Eccentric
Type: Just sort of silly
-Stay here.
-Quick! Close my eyes! (If I can’t see him, he can’t see me)
-Stay right here.
-Continue Waiting.
-I’ll treat you to lunch. or I’d be so thankful if you did this for me. or I’ll do anything you want! or *flutter eyelashes*
-It will be fun. or If you don’t I’ll hold my breath until you change your mind. or I’ll make you sound really cool. or I’m starting to lose my patience, hurry and say ‘yes’ already.
-If I got to interview you I’d be the luckiest girl in the whooole world. or Coooooommmmeeee oooooooooooooonnn. or You gotta do me a solid.
-It’s a secret.
-...Where are all the people?
-If you were gender bent who on the island would you want to date?
-Does that girl like you?
-What kind of shampoo do you use?
-Do you believe in love at first sight?
-Is she not pretty enough for you?
-If you wanted to be my boyfriend how would you woo me?
-What are you most afraid of?
-Tell him.
-Tell me a bedtime story.
-Raffle Festival.
-Cucumber and melon.
-Sort of.
-If I can’t have it, no one can.
-A mushroom.

Ending #4
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Some Chick/Kimber
Name: An Awkward Exit
Impression: Serious
Type: Just sort of silly
-Stay here.
-Just help the guy.
-Think of other options.
-Head out of town.
-I'll knock on the door. or I'll look around outside.
-Call out.
-I’ll treat you to lunch. or This interview could get you a lot of attention. or I’ll do anything you want! or If I got to interview you I’d be the luckiest girl in the whooole world.
-Dude, don’t be a jerk just do the interview or Doing this interview will help me get closer to achieving my life-long dream.
-I’m starting to lose my patience, hurry and say ‘yes’ already. or Do the interview or else... or Yooooouuuu haaaaaaavvvveeee tooooooooo.
-I’m <insert character's name>.
-What do you do for a living?
-What would you like me to call you as, other than your name?
-I prefer my real name.
-What is your favorite time of day?
-What is the first thing you notice about someone?
-No, I wouldn’t.
-Where could I find you tomorrow?
-I would be the president.
-Do you have any siblings?
-Where were you 3 hours ago and what were you doing?
-She isn't really sure.
-They are fun.
-She thought they were professional.
-She didn’t know.
-Wasting time.

Ending #5
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Some Chick/Kimber
Name: A New Friend
Impression: Friendly
Type: Best impression for this interviewee
-Stay here.
-Give myself a pep talk first.
-Think of other options.
-Head out of town.
-I'll knock on the door. or I'll look around outside.
-Call out.
-I’ll treat you to lunch. or This interview could get you a lot of attention. or I’ll do anything you want! or If I got to interview you I’d be the luckiest girl in the whooole world.
-Dude, don’t be a jerk just do the interview or Doing this interview will help me get closer to achieving my life-long dream.
-I’m starting to lose my patience, hurry and say ‘yes’ already. or Do the interview or else... or Yooooouuuu haaaaaaavvvveeee tooooooooo.
-*Extend my hand*
-Have you ever won something?
-Who is your favorite person on this island?
-Sure. Can I pick what it is?
-Tell me something interesting about yourself.
-What TV shows do you like?
-That’s the only way to do it.
-If you could have one superpower what would it be?
-I’d want to be a queen.
-What is your favorite joke?
-If you could immediately learn a new skill right now what would it be?
-About two weeks.
-Both of these.
-The power to see ‘what ifs’.
-How to farm.

Ending #6
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Some Chick/Kimber
Name: An Open Door
Impression: Eccentric
Type: Things go fine
-Stay here.
-Quick! Close my eyes! (If I can’t see him, he can’t see me)
-Think of other options.
-Head out of town.
-I'll knock on the door. or I'll look around outside.
-Call out.
-I’ll treat you to lunch. or This interview could get you a lot of attention. or I’ll do anything you want! or If I got to interview you I’d be the luckiest girl in the whooole world.
-Dude, don’t be a jerk just do the interview or Doing this interview will help me get closer to achieving my life-long dream.
-I’m starting to lose my patience, hurry and say ‘yes’ already. or Do the interview or else... or Yooooouuuu haaaaaaavvvveeee tooooooooo.
-Actually names aren't important.
-What shampoo do you use?
-Do you think you’re prettier than me?
-Only if I can call you kumquat.
-What are you going to name your future children?
-Do you have a girlfriend??
-I do that anyways.
-If you could rob from the rich and give to the poor and get away with it, would you do it?
-Your mighty fine royal fabulousness would do.
-What was the most ridiculous thing you believed in as a child?
-What position do you sleep in?
-All of these.
-All of these.
-The rich don’t necessarily deserve to be robbed.
-That ghosts were real.
-A chinchilla.

Ending #7
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Closed Eyes/Damon
Name: A Sheep Named Susan
Impression: Serious
Type: Best impression for this interviewee
-Stay here.
-Just help the guy.
-Think of other options.
-Investigate the west side of the island.
-I'll track down the noise anyway.
-That way.
-That way.
-Do you want me to lie to my boss and find someone else? or This is an emergency!
-You’ve got to do it, my boss is crazy. or Dude, don’t be a jerk just do the interview.
-*Glare furiously* or I’d be so thankful if you did this for me. or Tell me what I can do to get you to agree.
-My name is <insert character's name>.
-Why are you dressed like that?
-No, but please don’t take too long.
-What do you do for a living?
-What types of food do you like?
-I’ll go.
-Great. I’d like to buy these nails.
-What hobbies do you have?
-What was your first job?
-What you know about Damon?
-What is your favorite time of day?
-What were you doing yesterday?
-His scarf.
-Bessie Jo and Riley.
-Yes, but mostly simple dishes.

Ending #8
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Closed Eyes/Damon
Name: Sincerely
Impression: Friendly
Type: Things go fine
-Stay here.
-Give myself a pep talk first.
-Think of other options.
-Investigate the west side of the island.
-I'll track down the noise anyway.
-That way.
-That way.
-Do you want me to lie to my boss and find someone else? or This is an emergency!
-You’ve got to do it, my boss is crazy. or Dude, don’t be a jerk just do the interview.
-*Glare furiously* or I’d be so thankful if you did this for me. or Tell me what I can do to get you to agree.
-*Pats him on the back*
-Have you ever won something?
-I don’t mind.
-What do you think people on the island think of you?
-Tell me about your high school prom.
-I’ll go.
-What happened?
-What nickname would you like?
-Have you ever been called a workaholic?
-What you like about Damon?
-When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
-Heads or tails?
-They don’t think about him much.
-He had me choose it.
-Handing out candy.

Ending #9
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Closed Eyes/Damon
Name: Comeuppance
Impression: Eccentric
Type: Just sort of silly
-Stay here.
-Quick! Close my eyes! (If I can’t see him, he can’t see me)
-Think of other options.
-Investigate the west side of the island.
-I'll track down the noise anyway.
-That way.
-That way.
-Do you want me to lie to my boss and find someone else? or This is an emergency!
-You’ve got to do it, my boss is crazy. or Dude, don’t be a jerk just do the interview.
-*Glare furiously* or I’d be so thankful if you did this for me. or Tell me what I can do to get you to agree.
-I'm meet, pleased to <insert character's name> you.
-Do you cry easily?
-Can I touch your hair?
-If I asked you out, where would you like me to take you?
-Okay have fun.
-How would you like to die?
-How would you like someone to propose to you?
-What do you dislike about Damon?
-If you were genderbent who on the island would you want to date?
-In the equation 2(4 - 2(3 - x)) - 1 = 4(2(4x - 3) + 7) - 25 what does x equal?
-Fear and disappointment.
-My interviewee doesn’t like being touched by people he or she doesn’t know.
-A secret place.
-My interviewee would rather propose himself or herself.
-Because of something going on with himself or herself.

Ending #10
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Tourist Stereotype/Tomi
Name: Time to Leave
Impression: Serious
Type: Just sort of silly
-Stay here.
-Just help the guy.
-Explore the rest of the town. or Think of other options then Investigate the east side of the island.
-Catch! or don’t click either option and wait
-Read it.
-Wait until the Chase it! option goes away
-Your future will be much brighter if you do good deeds for others. or You haaaaaaavvvveeee tooooooooo!
-Please, I really need your help. or It will be fun.
-*Start tearing up* or I’ll make you sound really cool.
-It’s <insert character's name>.
-Where were you 3 hours ago and what were you doing?
-Do you consider work a career or just a job?
-Do you have any siblings?
-Do you want children? When? How many? Are you able to have children?
-I’m sorry, but you can’t go until the interview is over.
-Clearly you don’t understand my situation.
-Where do you live?
-How old are you?
-Why aren't you more careful with your map?
-Just making rounds.
-To go on a vacation.
-Whichever of those comes first.
-Sunny Island.

Ending #11
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Tourist Stereotype/Tomi
Name: Smile for the Camera
Impression: Friendly
Type: Things go fine
-Stay here.
-Give myself a pep talk first.
-Explore the rest of the town. or Think of other options then Investigate the east side of the island.
-Catch! or don’t click either option and wait
-Read it.
-Wait until the Chase it! option goes away
-Your future will be much brighter if you do good deeds for others. or You haaaaaaavvvveeee tooooooooo!
-Please, I really need your help. or It will be fun.
-*Start tearing up* or I’ll make you sound really cool.
-Well, I’m <insert character's name>. Nice to meet you.
-Have you ever had a secret admirer?
-Finish this sentence, the motto of my life is...
-Do you want to be famous?
-Do you have any superstitions?
-Fine. We can go but we can’t stay for too long.
-You have a point.
-If you could have one superpower what would it be?
-Tell me something interesting.
-Do you have pets?
-Sort of.
-A TV show.
-He doesn’t want fans.
-His shoes.
-Copying other superpowers.
-Vale and Talos.

Ending #12
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Tourist Stereotype/Tomi
Name: Remember Me
Impression: Eccentric
Type: Best Impression for this interviewee
-Stay here.
-Quick! Close my eyes! (If I can’t see him, he can’t see me)
-Explore the rest of the town. or Think of other options then Investigate the east side of the island.
-Catch! or don’t click either option and wait
-Read it.
-Wait until the Chase it! option goes away
-Your future will be much brighter if you do good deeds for others. or You haaaaaaavvvveeee tooooooooo!
-Please, I really need your help. or It will be fun.
-*Start tearing up* or I’ll make you sound really cool.
-My name is also Tomi.
-At what point does a girl become a woman?
-Can I have your number?
-Tell me a bedtime story.
-What would you make if you were cooking dinner for me?
-Wait! I'll come with you.
-Sheesh you are selfish.
-Are you the jealous type?
-What do you like least about yourself?
-Has a rumor ever been spread about you?
-My interviewee really isn’t sure.
-My interviewee came alone.
-My interviewee's father.
-Sweet pastries.
-They are all really expressive.
-None of it was true.

Ending #13
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Mr. Grump/Dr. Lev
Name: Pleasantly Professional
Impression: Serious
Type: Best impression for this interviewee
-Stay here.
-Just help the guy.
-Check one of the shops.
-The building with no window display.
-Do you want me to lie to my boss and find someone else?
-I’ll keep it as short as possible. or Your future will be much brighter if you do good deeds for others.
-Doing this interview will help me get closer to achieving my lifelong dream. or *Start tearing up*
-My card.
-What question would you ask someone to get to know them better?
-Where could I find you tomorrow?
-What is the first thing you notice about someone?
-Do you have any siblings?
-Let her go.
-Ask about Lev.
-Where do you live?
-Where do you see yourself in five years?
-What hobbies do you have?
-School and work related questions.
-The first thing he noticed about someone.
-He prefers to save his money.
-He didn’t say.

Ending #14
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Mr. Grump/Dr. Lev
Name: All About You
Impression: Friendly
Type: Just sort of silly
-Stay here.
-Give myself a pep talk first.
-Check one of the shops.
-The building with no window display.
-Do you want me to lie to my boss and find someone else?
-I’ll keep it as short as possible. or Your future will be much brighter if you do good deeds for others.
-Doing this interview will help me get closer to achieving my lifelong dream. or *Start tearing up*
-Whaddup. I’m <insert character's name>.
-Is “Lev” short for something?
-What is your favorite animal?
-What’s your desktop picture?
-Do you have any quirks?
-Wait and see.
-Ask about Marisol
-Girl stuff.
-Do you think people control their own destiny?
-Did you celebrate Halloween as a kid?
-Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
-A picture of him when he was younger.
-He wishes. or No.
-A bunny costume.

Ending #15
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Mr. Grump/Dr. Lev
Name: A Well Deserved Break
Impression: Eccentric
Type: Things go fine
-Stay here.
-Quick! Close my eyes! (If I can’t see him, he can’t see me)
-Check one of the shops.
-The building with no window display.
-Do you want me to lie to my boss and find someone else?
-I’ll keep it as short as possible. or Your future will be much brighter if you do good deeds for others.
-Doing this interview will help me get closer to achieving my lifelong dream. or *Start tearing up*
-I'm <insert character's name> and this is the 10 o'clock news.
-What type of shampoo do you use?
-If you were gender bent who on the island would you want to date?
-What is the longest relationship you’ve ever had?
-Wait! Don't go!
-Ask about 'Damon'.
-Nothing, not a thing!
-Can I borrow your pants?
-If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
-Which islanders do you ship?
-He or she wasn’t impressed.
-Who would he or she date if he or she was genderbent.
-I think so.

Ending #16
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Creeper/Hark
Name: Farewell From Afar
Impression: Serious
Type: Things go fine
-Stay here.
-Just help the guy.
-Think of other options.
-Find an offbeat path.
-Go forward.
-Go back.
*Note the three direction based menus have more than one correct combination. As long as you choose two forwards and one back or two backs and one forward you will be set on his path
-You've got to do it, my boss is crazy!
-Please, I really need your help.
-It will be anonymous
-<insert character's name>.
-Tell me something interesting.
-What do you enjoy doing in general?
-What do you do for a living?
-Why are you dressed like that?
-Will you be back soon?
-I should go back.
-What is your favorite food?
-What was your life like five years ago?
-What does your name mean?
-They can’t swallow with their eyes open.
-Various reasons.
-A little over a year.
-Health reasons.
-He found it.

Ending #17
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Creeper/Hark
Name: Gotta Go
Impression: Friendly
Type: Just sort of silly
-Stay here.
-Give myself a pep talk first.
-Think of other options.
-Find an offbeat path.
-Go forward.
-Go back.
*Note the three direction based menus have more than one correct combination. As long as you choose two forwards and one back or two backs and one forward you will be set on his path
-You've got to do it, my boss is crazy!
-Please, I really need your help.
-It will be anonymous
-*Extend my fist*
-What is your favorite joke?
-If you could try out any job for a day, what would it be?
-Have you ever done something heroic?
-What was the last book you read?
-I’ll come with you.
-I’ll ask someone.
-Well, I think you’re super.
-What would you really like to be doing right now?
-Who is your favorite person on this island?
-If you could immediately learn one skill, what would it be?
-They broke the mold when they made me.
-Working with his father.
-I’m not sure.
-No one.
-Probably invisibility.

Ending #18
Basic Info-
Interviewee: Creeper/Hark
Name: See You Again?
Impression: Eccentric
Type: Best Impression for this interviewee
-Stay here.
-Quick! Close my eyes! (If I can’t see him, he can’t see me)
-Think of other options.
-Find an offbeat path.
-Go forward.
-Go back.
*Note the three direction based menus have more than one correct combination. As long as you choose two forwards and one back or two backs and one forward you will be set on his path
-You've got to do it, my boss is crazy!
-Please, I really need your help.
-It will be anonymous
-My name is on a need-to-know basis.
-When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
-Do you want children? When? How many? Are you able to have children?
-Do you have a girlfriend??
-What irritates you?
-I sense something this way.
-Do you have some kind of self-esteem issue?
-How would you like to die?
-Can I touch your hair?
-What are you most afraid of?
-They don’t celebrate holidays.
-My interviewee didn’t really help.
-Problem causing.
-A question about death.
-I’m not sure.

Re: FI: Interview [Official]

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:13 am
by PyTom
Thanks for posting the walkthrough.

I think with so many endings, posting a walkthrough like this is helpful in making your game accessible to completionists.