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I made my own game (and I'm making a new one)

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 5:20 am

My friend and I made our own game in visual basic (not C++) :D .
It's called "Koch Killer".
U have to kill a teacher from our school :twisted: .
It's pretty simple (the looks and the game) but it was just for practising (hope I write it ok :P ) and fun just like ToL1.
now we're busy making a 3D game with 3D Game Studio (I hope u know it). It's (again) about our teachers and school. Some sort of Doom game but much better.

Who else is making a game?

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 2:59 pm
by BlackSpider
Although killing a techar type of game doesn't really belong to the ren 'ai games category and many people might not like the idea, I think I should actually try playing the game before judgeing it. I'll give my opinion later, but I can already say that I don't like the main goal of the game :(. However it all depends on how you put the whole thing toogether. IMO game programmers should know their limits...

Do you have a website with this project?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 1:24 pm
by Blue Lemma
I'd be careful before spreading that around. With the current level of paranoia about school violence and zero tolerance (elementary school students getting suspended because they brought a G.I.Joe to class?!) someone might think you're actually planning on hurting the teacher. I assume you're not, but other people can be quick to jump to conclusions. Plus, you know how people are so ready to blame video games for violence... :evil:

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 5:44 am
by Unicorn
First of all, I have to agree with Black Spider that a game that is about running around and killing persons is hardly on-topic on a ren'ai-related forum.

With that said, I also want to express that I know that this world is full of different people, some are great, some are jerks and a lot are in the vast field between these extremes.
So, I can understand that if you are a pupil and one of your teachers is (or acts like) a jerk and feel that you are helplessly at that person's mercy, this could cause some frustration that accumulates until you feel that you explode. Writing this game in order to blow off some steam might not be a bad idea (at least quite better that actually running amok). But disclosing it to the pubklic in this way might be not an as good idea because depending on your local laws, this can be regarded as an severe personal insult and again depending on local laws and your own age, either you or your parents can get sued for it.

After I talked about possible moral and legal issues, I also want to express another thing, that belongs more to a game-makers forum:
This game is based on a real-life context. So, I think I can safely assume that this game also can be only understood correctly from people that relate to the same context because a person that comes from that context usually doesn't bother with explanations that he himself knows by heart. (Or does that game start with at least 2k of text explaining who is who at your school and why this teacher deserves to be killed in your opinion? Actually, for such a severe decision, 2k of text can't even be enough because there has to e a vast amount of reasons to be told in order to convey such a radical idea to the player.) So, frankly, I think that nobody who doesn't go to your school would even understand the things that you built in this game and that you think are "fun".


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 1:18 pm
by Eiji
I get the same amount of flak for playing FPS (first person shooters) too..
mostly from those uber-conservative Right-wingers..

of course I do give them something they cant defend against.. ("if half-life violates "thou shalt not kill", then explain to me how do you kill something thats not even alive?".. makes their jaw drop)

of course, I got a bit bored with all that.. so I took on Ren'ai for a newer pasture.. ever since I played "Graduation" I was hooked... though I do sometime indulge in a Fan Mission for "Thief" off an on... been thinking on making an FM of my own.. after some thought I think Lemma's Rules apply to them as well..

looking for ideas

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 3:08 am
by Guest
looking and thinking of ideas about characters of people and what people would like in a game :D
of course cute girls, nice engine can someone give me more specific ideas :D if someone has ideas to share I'm available on
icq: 91925797
and yes I'm that inspirated game planner that that faq was talking about, or at least I think I'm >.<