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The Brat (Sci-Fi Adventure)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:52 am
by spearcarrier
I've been sucked into this ren'py thing since I found it a few days (weeks?) ago and have been working towards taking a short comic story script of mine and converting. So I present to you The Brat thread, where I will periodically post character developments and other fun things. I hope you don't mind.
The Brat is a short story that follows Anja, a girl whose main job in her small tribe is to look after 'The Brat'. It drives Anja crazy that The Brat gets away with anything she wants like getting muddy at the creek or throwing temper tantrums in the village square. Her mother, the village priestess, tries to get her to be patient but seriously! All she does is make messes and get in the way! What a BRAT!

When their village is attacked by no less than one of the big cheese's elite, you must guide Anja to escape with The Brat and live to tell the tale.


Features? Seriously? This is going to be a short story! But...
Several bad endings, only one good ending
Custom art
Hopefully animated sequences. Hopefully.
If I can fit in more features, they will be added here.


Our protagonist, she is the only child of the village priestess and the Brat's assigned companion.

-The Brat -
The Brat is a small girl with a big disposition. She's not mean. She just doesn't sit still very well.

-Cicayda the World Eater-
Cicayda worked hard to get where he was, which is a cushy job pushing buttons in order to subjugate the masses for the empire. He's also known to be a little bit of a jerk.

-Malice Cursestriker-
Malice is in it for the fun. She has had so much fun doing her job, it's only natural she'd end up working alongside Cicayda

This is the spot that I will be updating from time to time as I get screenshots and art through development. I most likely will also just add responses rather than edit this all the time. Enjoy!

Stuff You Don't Care To Know
This is my first visual novel, so the most I have planned is some music. Animated pngs would be lovely, or something like that. Full screenshot images as the story progresses... basic stuff. Voice acting would be nice, and yeah... music... but because I do my comics semi-commercially I will have to get a budget for that or it wouldn't be fair. I'm already collecting materials and getting it done.
Basic script done
Flow chart done
Opening sequences almost done
Animations in planning
Characters almost done
Other art also in progress
Actual game code begun

Re: The Brat (Adventure, VN)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:41 pm
by spearcarrier
Another character. This one keeps changing. I've been stuck on her forever. She's changed colors and clothes several times.


Re: The Brat (Adventure, VN)

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:31 am
by spearcarrier
And of course, the Brat.

Coding on the game goes slowly, as I'm having to learn as I go. But things are shaping up. I hate that I have to go back to work now!

Re: The Brat (Adventure, VN)

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:29 pm
by spearcarrier
another bit of character development. Subject to change.

Re: The Brat (Sci-Fi Adventure)

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:59 pm
by spearcarrier
Menu image. I was gonna be all fancy with it but that just got ugly. So... something simple and clean. And hopefully will have a slight animation.

Re: The Brat (Sci-Fi Adventure)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:09 pm
by verysunshine
Your characters look very cute! What are you using to make the character art?

Re: The Brat (Sci-Fi Adventure)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:17 pm
by spearcarrier
I'm mostly using the BelBel and Chibibel models. I've morphed them to make them unique and to give them a look that matches how I used to draw back when I was footloose and fancy free. =^-^= I also work a lot on the shaders to keep the look together. Sometimes I'll make clothes from scratch for a model, but I'm lazy and try to get away with not doing that.

The nice thing about using 3D as my base (it's not the be all end all) is that it keeps my artwork consistent. Before I started using 3D my style was all over the place!!

Re: The Brat (Sci-Fi Adventure)

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:45 am
by spearcarrier
Screenshots! Screenshots everybody!
Thanks to the awesome GreyWolfXx things are underway. And its' time for screenshots. Of course I'm going to edit the original post too but anyway...
