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Dating sim VN game (requesting NPC's)

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 8:58 pm
by Raichi
I'm looking for some people who would be willing to submit some NPC's for me to use in my game.

For 18 year old Taichi lying and cheating is like living and breathing, so when he is challenged to a “getting laid” contest it’s time to really let his skills of charisma shine. Woo girls, or boys if that’s your thing, he’s bisexual so it’s up to you.

WIP info:
I already have the storyline written out (3 act structure) and am currently working on the tutorial, and have placeholder art for the main character. I would share a screenshot of the current ren'py project buuut hitting print screen gives me a blackscreen when I hit paste, so unfortunately I don't know how. Art is anime-style. (taichi is my fairy tail character so it's sort of a doujinshi type vn, but you don't need to know anything about the anime or fairy tail universe)

Would rather not share my gameplay as that would ruin the fun :P but really I just need a lot of characters for him to date.

If you would like to help please fill out this form to submit an NPC:

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] first + last
[b]Gender:[/b] male or female
[b]Age:[/b] range 18 - 25 (higher is fine also, but the majority should be this range)
[b]Type:[/b] what type of personality they are into. E.g. nice guy 
[b]Traits:[/b] min. of 3 words that describe the personality, e.g. shy, clingy, promiscuous. 
[b]Subjects:[/b] 3 things npc likes to talk about, e.g. a hobby, fandom, etc. of theirs. 
[b]Dates:[/b] amount of dates required for intercourse.
[b]Job:[/b] in school, studying, or what they do for a living.
[b]Story:[/b] a short summary of their life up until now.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Either a short summary, or use a dollmaker(e.g. ) and upload the image to imgur or something. (art is fine too if you like to draw, but know I will only use it as a reference, not in the actual game.) 

Re: Dating sim VN game (requesting NPC's)

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 5:34 pm
by Zelan
Not sure if you're still looking for help, but if so here's a guy and a girl for your consideration. Here's the dollmaker that I used.

Name: Leandra Browning
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Type: Sensitive/creative guy
Traits: Thoughtful, creative, reserved
Subjects: Writing, tea, card games
Dates: 7 (if this is too high, just whatever the max amount of dates is)
Job: Studying in college, on track for a degree in English, works part-time at her university's library.
Story: Leandra's father is from the US, and her mother is from Mexico, so she grew up speaking both English and Spanish, but due to English being the language she used in school, she's most familiar with writing in English. With her English degree, she hopes to become a novelist, but realistically she knows it's more likely that she'll end up writing clickbait for an online news source or something. She's a pretty quiet and reserved person, which is fine because she doesn't really need anyone else around to write, drink tea, or play cards (there's always solitaire, after all). But, really, all of these things would be improved with a thoughtful companion to share them with (especially cards - 100 games of solitaire is 99 games too many).

Name: Jackson Palmer
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Type: Rebel
Traits: Indecisive, shy, follower
Subjects: Motorcycles, music, cats
Dates: 2-3 (depending how many the minimum and maximum are, he should be one of the easier ones)
Job: Would like to be a musician, but only does that as a hobby; currently works at a convenience store to support himself but isn't happy with it
Story: Jackson has led a pretty normal, boring life in his opinion. He's always wished that he was "more" - more confident, more outgoing, more charismatic, more talented, you name it. An ideal partner would bring all of this out in him, would be someone confident enough to sweep him right along with them.

This was a lot of fun to do! I hope you like them (: and I look forward to seeing your game!