I'm facing a stone wall on how to finish my visual novel

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I'm facing a stone wall on how to finish my visual novel

#1 Post by GlassHorse »

So I've been working on this film education visual novel for about two years. I won't go into details, but basically the ending was going to have that "doki doki literature club" vibe (if you haven't played it and like physiological horror you should give it a shot. It's free).

So the novel basically started light hearted and ends as a physiological horror.

I'm realizing I'm having two problems as I'm getting towards the end of polishing the dialogue.

- One part of me that it may feel shoe horned in to readers, but also stereotypical yandere (a type of girl in anime where they "snap" and kill everyone around you so she will be the only one for you) situation at the same time. That "oh, the girl that likes you goes crazy and kills everyone around you." I don't want horror/gore to feel like it doesn't fit in.

- The other is my friends and family really freaked out by it. You shouldn't censor yourself, but I'm just going to say that this very far out compared to who I act like as a person. A little bit of me doesn't feel that it's worth it. I know for a fact they will look at me differently.

So I'm sorry if I'm rambling, but I really need help.

(here's the link of the visual novel, right up to when things start to go downhill)

https://gamejolt.com/games/SenchaCinema ... ETA/476784

Thank you guys so much,


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Re: I'm facing a stone wall on how to finish my visual novel

#2 Post by parttimestorier »

On the one hand, I would normally encourage someone to write what they want to write without worrying that anyone will judge them for it. Personally, it doesn't bother me at all when some of my friends write weird and dark stories. It's just fiction - writing a character doing something violent certainly doesn't mean that you're a violent person in real life. Hopefully most people know that.

But if you also feel like the initial plan for a violent ending isn't really fitting with the way the story turned out anymore, then maybe something else would be better. DDLC's twists are surprising to some readers because of the way that it starts out with a cute slice of life setting before suddenly genre shifting into horror. But if your VN is clearly influenced by DDLC, and your readers have already read DDLC, a twist like that might not have the same effect since they're a lot more likely to see it coming. If you want to surprise people, maybe you should take it in a totally different direction, like having a character who seems like they're about to snap and go full yandere turning out to actually be a perfectly nice and peaceful person.

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Re: I'm facing a stone wall on how to finish my visual novel

#3 Post by Imperf3kt »

Just want to point out that your perception of a yandere is slightly skewed.

While what you describe is indeed one potential trope of the character archetype, it is only one potential trait.
The actual character trope of a "yandere" is actually far deeper than a character who simply snaps and murders the 'competition'

Just wanted to point that out as I see too many people confuse what a yandere actually is.
TVTropes has an exceptional article on the character archetype
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