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How to feel less stressed about posting your art online?

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 11:15 pm
by anh0814

I've been meaning to post my art online again, while creating my Visual Novel. :lol:

But I keep feeling stressed out for weeks, and haven't posted anything!

I've posted my art before under different pseudonyms, and they are very well received. :oops: And I know that it will be the same this time as well.

I think I feel pressured about being consistent, like I have to post weekly or something!

What can you do to feel less stressed about posting your art online?

I would love to hear your advice and thoughts.

Thank you. ❤

Re: How to feel less stressed about posting your art online?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:17 am
by akhayashiii
Hi! I just recently started posting my art online again after a year long hiatus and sometimes I feel the same way! But I just realized that most people don't really care about how many times you share new stuff online XD It's often just a pressure that we put in ourselves, and social media also doesn't help with its algorithm that was made to keep people posting everyday. Social media anxiety is pretty common nowadays because of that ;u;

One thing that helps me deal with this feeling is keeping in mind that I'm primarily doing my art for myself, and having fun in the process of creating. If you put love into the stuff you're creating, people will notice that and will follow your work because of that, not the number of times you post on your social media. :3