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Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 5:05 pm
by Tanhithion
Hey, I thought people might like to introduce themselves here once they join.
Me: Male (unknown height?), caucasian. Pianist for 7 years, composer for three. Worked on 18 projects (none of which have finished, lol), written over 220 songs.
:D There's me. How about you?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 7:25 am
by The Dark One
Cool. :) My name is Alex, I am male. I am still in school and I love video games. Final Fantasy and Star Ocean would have to be my favorite game series'. I currently work on 2 projects.

>Final Fantasy Collectible Card Game (FFCCG) > (I created it...)
> Chrono Trigger Novel Project (CTNP) I am a Comitee Member... <

And thas me :D


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:26 am
by kara24601
*stands up* Hi , I'm Kara ( my first name irl is Karessa but I hate it so I use Kara online and whenever I can irl ) , and I love ren'ai games.
*sits down*

( Heh )

Anyway , my other interests are bishounen games , raising simulations , any "odd" or non-fighting game like Harvest Moon..but I also love RPGS and sometimes I like fighting games... , dolls 'n toys , Arts 'n Crafts , dancing , singing , sleeping ( well I don't sleep as much as I used to but I still love it ) , food , Narnia , Alice In Wonderland , Anime , ect.

I am into so many things that it gets hard to keep track of things.

I was born in Germany but I understand America better...( so I'm American-German / German-American )

My birthdate is November 27 , 1979
so yes I love the 80's

I have Brown hair and eyes ( hate 'em )
My favorite colors are Black , Red , Blue , Purple , and Gold.
I'm one of those girls that grew out of dolls then got reinterested when I was older. ( yes even though I'm 24 I still love cartoons and stuff )
I grew up watching stuff like Unico and Robot Carnival so it's not like I got into Anime just 'cause it was popular because back then it still wasn't that popular and people like me didn't even know there was a special word for it. :lol:
I've been told that when I was younger I was afraid of horror movies , even a non-horror movie like ET scared me... but I got into horror movies from watching the behind the scenes specials when they started showing them.

I'm an amateur artist , programmer , and I have my own website.
I consider myself a pretty good writer but I still make mistakes sometimes.
Any (sp.) you see in my messages means that I think I misspelled something or wasn't / am not sure of the spelling.
Sorry for any problems. :oops:

I want to try other things too , such as making my own music , just don't have the instruments / tools for it/them yet.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:43 am
by Jerails
Hi, I'm Jerails. My full name is Irrelevant. Many of you already know me, but this is an introduction thread, and I plan to make partial use of it. (Surf the threads if you wish to learn more about me, for now I'll just put up the jist.)

Still in school. Musician. Percussionist for 4 years, playing mostly bell-set type instruments (Xylophone, Marimba, Chimes, Bells, Steel Drums, and any other perc instrument that can climb a scale.). Played traditional drumset for 2 years. Marching band member, adept at bass and quads. Used to orchestral snare, can't stand marching snare (TOO much bounce.).

Currently working on a novel, and I'm hoping to get back into my artistic mood. Found an old friend who I used to draw with, so it's almost certain I'll start again.

Obsessed with internet typos. Habit of correcting spelling mistakes (Provided I myself actually know how to spell something.)

That should do it for me.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:34 am
by Iaman
Hey, my name is Ian, I'm still in high school, in my school's marching band(playing the trumpet), and in my church's Peer Ministry Team. I love art and drawing and everything like that(actually, if you go to Art Dumpage, I have links to my art site), i'm not really that great, but meh. I'm an avid gamer, and like just about any type of game, exceptions being racing in general(although Burnout 3 is good), fighting games(excluding the DOA games, King of Fighters, and Naruto series), and plotless games like Custer's Revenge(although I haven't played it, running naked dodging arrows to molest an indian doesn't sound fun to me). I am an RPG fanatic, but old-school rpg's like Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, FF7, and Final Fantasy Tactics are the best. I love anime, and even though it technically isn't true anime, Teen Titans is amazing! Umm......... I guess that's about all there is to know about me, except that I plan to become a video game developer after I go through college... ok, so now you know me!

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 11:36 am
by Sai
Hehe, I'll give this a go.... Hmm sounds a bit like one of those help groups though ^^ ("Hello I'm Sai, and I'm an eye candy addict")

Hello I'm Sai. That's all you need to know for that bit or I would need to kill you =/

I live in ye olde England.

I've been drawing for as long as I could hold a pencil and it's a hobby of mine, I will forever be practising drawing I believe, trying to improve.... I study art and design in general. I am basically a graphics and multimedia designer right now. So I practise design on art and multimedia programs etc. as well as learn various programming.
I have no musical talent to my knowledge ._.

So what do I enjoy? I know you're dying to know.

Drawing for one (obviously, although I really should draw more and practise fundamental anatomy blah more often -_- But there's this thing called spare time that I lack...)
For gaming I am biased towards RPGs. Final Fantasy 7 is my favourite. But also I liked Grandia, Star Ocean 2 etc. And tactical RPGs like Disgaea, Vandal Hearts and Final Fantasy Tactics.
For music I like a variety: Modern Classical (Vanessa Mae, Bond, Rin'), Japanese Music (hitomi, Maaya Sakomoto, Charcoal Filter, Do As Infinity), New Age/Alternative (Mike Oldfield) and English bands like Muse. I also like some Movie soundtracks and various Game/Anime soundtracks.

I love anime and manga. Most of my money goes towards buying manga and anime ^^ I also didn't get into anime when it was widespread (I just sort of saw an advert in a magazine for Ruin Explorers and some other series and went from there) but I sort of got into it around the time it was becoming more known. Back then Pokemon was starting up and that seemed to boost anime into the Western market. A lot of people don't seem to want anime to get popular but I don't mind, means more anime and manga for me to get my hands on quicker if there's more of a market for it =) But England isn't great for anime ._. No soundtracks or posters etc. Video selection could be better... I usually buy manga locally (cos Tokyopop and others do a good job of distributing here) but buy anime online.

Hmm I'm gonna run away now.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 6:14 am
by Erik
Ok, I'll gave a go as well, then.

I'm Erik, my name in real life is Erik, and as you may conclude from this I royally suck at thinking of nicknames :P
I'm 17 years old, I live in the Netherlands and I'm in the final year of (the Dutch equivalent of) High School, I plan on going to University next year and studying Science or Mathematics.

I've played the accordeon (is that geeky btw? :P) for about 7 years now, I go to a pottery club once in a week, and I like computer programming and forum dwelling as well :D I like anime and manga but sort of lack the cash to get myself much, since I'm too lazy to get a job. In the spare time I should be spending on homework I like sitting where I sit now and chatting or studying the Japanese language (I'm using a website for the course material, and it's a bit hard but I do plan on going through with it).

I don't think any more information is needed as of now :P

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:31 pm
by Tyler
Hi I'm Tyler. In highschool. I play the violin. My fav color is blue

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:53 pm
by PyTom
Ah, what the heck.

The name is Tom. I'm a red state guy living in the blue state of New York. I'm currently a grad student, but looking to go off into the real world soon.

I've been a fan of Anime since 1996, an I've enjoyed watching animation as long as I remember.

I've created the Ren'Py game engine, which has its own forum here. I'm also working on creating my own game, which is due out "eventually". I'm teaching myself writing and art as I go along.

I currently have 340 GiB of anime, and 123 volumes of manga.

Hobbies include watching anime, shooting skeet, clicking reload on, and making indices of my manga and anime collections.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:15 am
by Jerails
...340 Gigs...123 volumes...Good gravy sir where have all the hours gone!?

Dang...I only gots...2 Gigs of anime...and I think...13 volumes...maybe more, I dunno. But overall most of my money goes to games and musical instruments...

...But seriously...340 Gigs...That's like...33% of my harddrive space...

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:19 am
by chronoluminaire
Hello, all! I'm Alex aka Chronoluminaire. I'm *gulp* 26, I live in England, and I work in a software company. I'm so busy these days I barely have time to watch anime or play games :-o I run a weekly board games evening where people come to my flat and play games like Settlers of Catan, Puerto Rico, Articulate, Apples to Apples etc.

I do like watching anime and reading manga, naturally. My favourite anime at the moment is Fullmetal Alchemist. (I have about 40-50 manga, so in between the two of you :) ) I like computer games: ren'ai games (duh) and strategy games like Starcraft.

Good to meet you all! :D

And I've been working on a ren'ai game (Elven Relations) for way too long now. The script is ballooning a bit (this is my cut-down game as per Lemma's tip #1), but is making steady progress. The guy who draws my lovely character art is also very busy so I've got someone else to colour it. That's enough plugging for now...

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:55 pm
by Erik
Jerails wrote:...But seriously...340 Gigs...That's like...33% of my harddrive space...
And about 280% of mine :shock: :P

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 1:23 pm
by PyTom
It's about 77% of my anime-dedicated RAID 5 array. It currently consists of 4 disks set up such that any one of them can fail without losing any data. (There is a total of 640 GB of raw space in the array right now.)

The funny thing is that the computer that runs the raid array (shipon) is a K6/2 266 that I had lying around.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:01 pm
by Sai
Talking about anime collections now are we? ^^ No? Oh well too bad cos I'm gonna ramble anyway.
hmm in terms of manga and anime, I don't have as much on my computer anymore, and it's usually burned off or removed after watching if I do grab some fansubs. So I don't keep count. Unless you cound other anime stuff... I have 8 GB of artbooks, 11 GB of soundtracks and other stuff like that.
Off the computer though (as in store-bought) I have about 89 volumes of manga (I didn't used to read manga much but now I'm an addict, but I prefer to read off the computer for some reason so I don't have many scanlations). That isn't including the pile of individual manga issues I have lying about somewhere, mostly bought when they had them on offer. Those are from back when manga was published on a issue basis rather than volumes, I'm glad everything is only volumes now, easier to keep track of. I also have a pile of anime magazines... both Japanese and English. I used to collect Japanese Newtype back when English Newtype wasn't published, when English Newtype appeared I decided to stick with both cos the content was different enough but since the content got closer to each other I just get English Newtype. I also get G's Magazine which is a Japanese bishoujo games magazine. The other magazines are random ones I picked up like some issues of Dragon Age (where manga like Chrno Crusade was first published) and Animage etc.
I have some anime on VHS (unfortunately) back when DVD wasn't really around but I can't be bothered to count them...... But for DVDs I have the entire series of:
Card Captor Sakura (including the movies)
Oh My Goddess OVA and Movie
Martian Successor Nadesico
Someday's Dreamers
Kino's Journey
Alien Nine

I also have bits and pieces like anime figures, posters, pencilboards, postcards etc. But less than I would like to have... because stuff like that isn't sold around here... Figures I can sometiems get but no posters, pencilboards etc. I usually get those from the imported magazines I mentioned earlier.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:14 pm
by Blue Lemma
PyTom wrote:It's about 77% of my anime-dedicated RAID 5 array. It currently consists of 4 disks set up such that any one of them can fail without losing any data. (There is a total of 640 GB of raw space in the array right now.)

The funny thing is that the computer that runs the raid array (shipon) is a K6/2 266 that I had lying around.
:shock: :shock: :shock:
*bows to PyTom's technical superiority*