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[FR/(Eng)]Le Cercle de l'Amour VN BxB Fangame (Undertale: AU Dreamtale)

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2021 7:01 am
by Black Aki
(I use Google Translate so sorry in advance but I can't get help on the forums fr)

I am in the process of creating a fairly simple but complete video game!
(I'm trying)

I have a game in progress but I post it in "Ideas" because I have not yet drawn the characters / expressions / etc ...

I prefer to focus only on the story and the general functioning of the game.

(It would take too long to explain everything so I will only talk about the basics)

The game:

- Name: The Circle of Love
- Type: BxB
- Themes: Love / Fantasy (?)
- The goal: To be loved by the person you prefer between: BAD SANS: Nightmare or Error / STAR SANS: Ink or Dream
- It's a Fangame on the AUs: Dreamtale (STAR ​​SANS and BAD SANS) from Undertale
- It is possible to "die" but you "resuscitate" from the last save

- Français
- Anglais (Je l'espère)

Game systems:

- Increase your love points (no L.O.V.E ^. ^) ') Of the person you prefer
(Dust, Cross, Horror and Bluberry can't love you as a lover)
- For the RUN Nightmare, you will earn love points by becoming stronger thanks to friendly fights that will make you level up

The story:
- (It's a fangame (VN))
Killer, a skeleton of ~ 15 years old to 18 years old (in human age), goes one day, using a box of paper that "He" had given him, in an Alternative Univers called Dreamtale where he will have to spend a test to get hired as the Right Hand of the Boss of the BAD SANS, a group of bad enemies of the STAR SANS and master of the Dark Castle.

Depending on the RUN you want to take, you will have to pay attention to the slightest choices and know how to adapt to the different Sans who will not have the same preferences.

Above all, if you have reached a certain number of "love points" at Dream for example, the RUN Nightmare will no longer be possible and you might even run the risk of alienating it!

Also, watch out for Cross who could very well be your friend as well as your enemy ...
(This could lead to an unfriendly fight in your own "party")!

I will be using simple variables for the love point counts and it seems obvious to me that if, for example, the player has 20 love points (on the RUN Nightmare) and he goes to talk to Dream, it will create problems with Nightmare (if in the story he does find out) or Dream will have a harder time trusting you at first.

As the story will be very long with lots of branches, I am doing the story in the form of "days".

My folders:

- day_1 (I had not yet started to tidy up)
- day_2> choice_day2
- death> (there are two labels in it: death and death2 (which corresponds to the second time or + that he dies)).
- The game will not have a menu as advanced as DDLC (I would like to put an animated wallpaper too!) But everything will play on the designs and colors you choose (everything is also a little bigger because I prefer)

The design and the music:

- It will be done on Krita and I think I can do a big part on my own but I might ask for help
- The musics will be, I think, made by another person because I am just starting out and I only managed to make 2 sounds of 2 to 3 minutes (the first is not terrible) and I am a bit bad ...
- The sound effects will come from the Internet (royalty free)
- I would like to do some dubbing to have a better atmosphere but I will only think about it when it is finished
- For now, (so as not to get bored too much during my tests without drawings, I put music like Wistfully (Dreamtale by CharaX) in the background music and I have some music (intrumental versions) of several rock music and other)
I have already done 1 day (I have not yet created the love point system and I would like to have for fights, in addition to the normal choices, having after the Dodge choice (for example), need to type on several keys of the keyboard in rhythm like ... the rhythm games with the arrows but nobody explains me how) ...
I'll have someone translate my game into English if it ever comes out. (I would like too much and it is not impossible)!

This is not my first game but the other one had a bug that I never managed to figure out so I gave it up but I prefer this one.

Also, it could very well come out in 1 year or 2 years because I am doing a Webtoon and I intend to become a charadesigneuse so I draw a lot!

This game is rather there to teach me things in python in addition to the simplified form that Ren'py offers and also, because I like BxB love fanfictions especially on UNDERTALE and its AUs!

If this game comes out, it will be completely free because it is only a fanfiction after all and the basic universes and characters apart from two, do not belong to me but are themselves works of fans on the Universe of Undertale!

So I will not be paid at all and I will not steal music or drawings to make this fangame either.

(The creators of the bases will of course be credited as Toby Fox, citing although this is only the work of a fan who only wants to release a game about things that she likes).[/img]