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I don't know who needs to hear this, but...

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 11:17 pm
by 773942
If you don't know how to make up a story, tell your own.

Whatever situation in your life you want to write about; loss, heartbreak, love, anger, shame, whatever.
You can take that story, and tell it as it is, exaggerate it, or maybe even instead of it being you in the story, make it happen to a character.
Tell it however you want,
but your story is a story you can tell. You know it better than anyone. Whatever you're going through, have gone through, write about it.
Give purpose to your life, make it into something beautiful, something that makes you proud.
Do something with your memories, your feelings. Put it to use.
Everything you need is inside of you.

I hope this helps. Peace, and love.