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Steelethon [mystery][escape game]

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 9:01 am
by letherIO
I have been actually thinking about this ideas for a long time now, lol. i just joined the forum to ask opinion about whether this is kinda good or not.
I am trying to make an escape game using renpy since renpy is not difficult in term of dialogues building.

The MC is encountered a mysterious man who asked the MC about a password to open a lock. After a wrong response, he will then give the MC the correct answer and bid him farewell which lead to the game ending. In a case that MC knows the answer, everything fades and MC then lose consciousness and then brought to a room where he is now locked inside. So now he need to find the way out and know the reason of why he is being abducted.

the title itself is an anagram of Hotel Tense, tense as in tenses verb: past, present, future because there will be route branches and more of the premises will be clear by doing multiple branches (still WIP, not implemented yet, just one stage of escape room game for now)

the development:
script in renpy, all object are screenshotted into images and rearranged into display
Some 3d object models are created using blender by myself, or free asset from sweethome3d, build and arranged in sweethome3d before screenshotted
music and sound effect taken from free site Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
character drawn in....koikatsu...LOL (not yet appeared but will appear in stage 2-1 and 2-0) <<<<i'm not sure about this but i cant draw, is this okay in the first place? lol

link to the game (it's unlisted in search and browse as of now because still only one stage of it can be played)