[OPEN] [PAID] Programmer Needed for Renpy Visual Novel, Social RPG

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[OPEN] [PAID] Programmer Needed for Renpy Visual Novel, Social RPG

#1 Post by CinnamonSundae »

I desperately need code for this game. Please help! Please... I'm begging... ;w;

Elevator Pitch????
You are a basement dwelling, social recluse, a Demon strictly created to serve a purpose; To become the Ultimate Overlord of Hell!

You're preparing to go to College, you need to pass your Final Level Exam, is the weight of your Families' ambitions too much? What about that life you saved? Not very Demonic of you to save someone! Feeling anxious of the variables, you head to College. Who will you meet on your Social Slaughter?

Lie, disregard, slander, bully, demean, date, stalk and even kill, as you fight your way to the Top! Nobody can stand in your way, you were made for this. This is YOUR Story and you're going to tell it through Demonic Cunning!

You Destiny is clear; Beat the Exam, destroy the 7 Sins Council. They're just a bunch of Old Traditionalist Demons!

Buuuut... You have no idea who they are! Where do you start?! You're at a disadvantage, because THEY know who YOU are, and are seeking to DESTROY you! What Sinister methods will they deploy against our unwitting Protagonist?!

Prepare to let everyone know just how intelligent you are, using your cunning, cut throat words to rule over all of Hell! Those Heroes of the Surface need a Sword, all you need, is your Tongue! Unlock new conversations from Keywords, Gossip and Events you forced, overheard, saw or simply fabricated in your own mind!

Date your College Professors, backstab helpless Old Demons, argue with the Janitors and bully your College Class Mates in this Social RPG, climaxing at a Danganronpa styled Non-Stop Debate!

Here's where you come in, Programmer! ;w;

Mechanical Stuff; Sorry I suck at this. :(

How do I collect items?

Dates - Scripted dialogues with choices, player clicks hyperlinks to collect keywords, different choices increase/decrease npc affection.

Investigation - Interact with NPCs; Figure out their Routine, Listen in, strike up a conversation to earn an order of Items that unlock a new conversation, choose an option, receive an item. [Keyword]

Example: You notice NPC Woman is always stood in one place. Interact with her, scripted dialogue gives receive an item [Stalker].

Now, you talk to NPC Janitor, use the word [Stalker], he tells you NPC Woman's Routine and her dark secret item [Crush].

Talk to NPC Woman tomorrow, use [Crush] and she will run away, leaving [Love Letter.]

Talk to NPC Man with [Love Letter], choose an option; Humiliate, Lie You Wrote It, Confess Who Wrote It

Lessons - Use Keywords learned during scripted Dialogues from Lessons, apply to them to answers. Failure to have an answer results in decreasing NPC Affection with [Professor]

Example: What happens when you mix these ingredients? Answer: Poison. Item obtained [Poison]
What happens when someone drinks this mixture? Answer: Deep Sleep. Item obtained [Slumber]

Zone-By-Zone exploration - Check out Social Hotspots, Take an early Summer Vacation, Interact with your scene - Receive an item [Keyword] via scripted dialogue, and by touching the interactable objects.

Intrusive Thoughts System - This is a major aspect of the Finale, the Debate - Text is flying everywhere, and certain phrases are highlighted different colours.
However, it also plays a role in the main story prior; Intrusive Thoughts. Text flies about, instead of inner monologue.

Click & Shoot - Player needs to fire Evidence at Statements during the Debate, to form their defence, argument or lies.

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Re: [OPEN] [PAID] Programmer Needed for Renpy Visual Novel, Social RPG

#2 Post by SmallBunny »

Hi, I may be able to help. I sent you an email as well.

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Re: [OPEN] [PAID] Programmer Needed for Renpy Visual Novel, Social RPG

#3 Post by gayfrogprincess »

Hello! I'd love to work on this! My discord is gayfrogprincess#2926 if you want to reach out!

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Re: [OPEN] [PAID] Programmer Needed for Renpy Visual Novel, Social RPG

#4 Post by Legumm »

Hello! I believe that I am a developer that could help you out. I also sent an email your way.

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Re: [OPEN] [PAID] Programmer Needed for Renpy Visual Novel, Social RPG

#5 Post by Saltome »

... what's your budget for this project?
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Re: [OPEN] [PAID] Programmer Needed for Renpy Visual Novel, Social RPG

#6 Post by mold.FF »

I've sent an email.

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Re: [OPEN] [PAID] Programmer Needed for Renpy Visual Novel, Social RPG

#7 Post by nsa901 »

Hi! I'd like to join the project. my discord id is SAN#0799

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