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[PAID][OPEN] Need a Director and experienced Developer for the Symbol of Sacrifice Visual Novel

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 3:33 pm
by khanondrum
Hi! I'm known as Khanondrum and am creating a Visual Novel RPG known as Symbol of Sacrifice ( under the Umbrella Labs banner. I've made a bunch of progress and am about 80% of the way to my demo, but I've hit a few walls where I'd like to expand my team to balance my skillset.

What's the game about?
Symbol of Sacrifice (SoS) is a High-Fantasy/Sci-Fi VNRPG that blends eastern JRPG tropes with the narrative depth of Western (dark) Fantasy greats like Tolkein and RR Martin. The game is driven by player-choice allowing a unique experience for each player that can lead to up to three alternative endings!

SoS explores themes surrounding how life can change dramatically at any point, and everything we know can be lost. And a lot of that loss can be tied back to decisions that were ours to make. The challenges we face can be insurmountable, but how we behave in the face of this adversity and the strength of the bonds we forge while confronting it is what makes life worth living and gives it purpose.


Scene Director This is what I need most! Someone that can go through my game's demo and control (or comment) camera angles, character positioning, need for visual fx/sounds, and any other changes that would help the dynamic appeal of the project. Open to negotiation on pay, more is allocated for a director who can implement the changes, less for a director who can only comment.

Mid/Senior Level Developer who can help update the Renpy script, improve sprite interactions, add dialogue flavor, improve the battle engine, and implement some persistent variables. Open to negotation on pay for this position too, albeit since this is a passion project and out of pocket, my budget is not that of a full studio.


Progress so far:
While art is being worked on I'm bolstering the script and improving the interactions. I'm also working with a dev for the TurnBased RPG Battle System. I attached some screenshots because I feel like visuals speak louder than words.

The Team So Far:
It's been 90% me, plus a few Fiverr artists, and some volunteers. I also just hired my first assistant writer today!

Status of Marketing/Community
I am working on the demo before I put any major effort into marketing through socials/steam/itch. I start a new job next month so really want to get the demo out before I'm swamped with that. But it has a few committed testers looking to play it when it's ready! We also started our discord channel with people in it if you'd like to say hi

Contact me!
If you're interested in one of the roles above, want more info, or just want to learn more about the game you can contact me through Discord! My username is: khanondrum