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[CLOSED][UNPAID][18+]Looking for beta readers

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 4:56 pm
by Axle_FC
My name is Alex, or Axle, and I am currently working on an Adult Visual Novel called Out Of The Dark (name is subject to change.) I plan on asking for 2-3 beta readers to play through the game and give feedback. In the short term, this will be speculative work: I plan on launching Out of the Dark through Steam and Itch, and I am going to start a Patreon for the project. If you stay with us until the demo drops, I plan on paying you 13% of any of the proceeds.

Our team's current goal is to release the demo in December, so there won't be any revenue sharing until then at the earliest. Also, as this is our team's first novel, we should keep expectations realistic when considering future revenues; it's entirely possible this won't pay out anything, depending on reception of the project. You should keep this in mind when offering to read and provide feedback.

No experience is needed. You'll be looking for spelling and grammar mistakes, as well as comprehensibility and visual appeal. To give you an example of the kind of problems you should be on the lookout for, a problem I just ran into is discerning at a glance whether the main character is speaking or thinking. Initially, we placed thoughts in italics, but upon further review we considered this too subtle to quickly and clearly communicate the speaker (or thinker.) We fixed this issue by adding quotation marks to the speaking text and parentheses to the thoughts. In essence, you'll be on the hunt for anything that makes the novel difficult or unpleasant to read.

You'll be working under my editor, but I'll make a channel in our discord specifically for the beta readers. That way I'll be able to see your input even if he is busy.

Anyone interested can contact me at these places.
-Here, as a reply to this thread.
At Axle.FC on Discord

Thank you for taking the time to consider this opportunity. We think Out of the Dark will be a compelling project, and we look forward to working with anyone who wants to help make it that way.