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[CLOSED] Looking for a Ren'Py programmer (sci-fi "desktop simulator")

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:25 am
by NCS

I'm looking for a Ren'Py programmer to code:

- custom menu (in 1920x1080)
- game interface

The game would simulate (in a simplified way) a sci-fi police "desktop" where the player would "log in" upon starting the game. It would display the main screen with several tabs/icons (up to 5), like emails, crime scenes, new evidence, etc. Clicking on them would open the corresponding window (some sort of iframe, I suppose) with text/images. There would need to be a way for the content to be gradually added/becoming visible as the game progresses (variables?)

- it would be good if there was a way to create "restricted" files/folders as well, where upon clicking, it would ask for access code. Typing the correct code would open the window with the file content, incorrect would display "Access Denied" type of message.

If you're interested, drop me PM or (better) connect via Discord: venuslabs


Re: Looking for a Ren'Py programmer (sci-fi "desktop simulator")

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:40 am
by SofyTrancy
I have send you a friend request on Discord!