Entering the character's name on Renpy

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Entering the character's name on Renpy

#1 Post by Andredron »


Code: Select all

define g = Character("[name]")

label start:
        name = renpy.input(_("What's your name?"))
    name = name.strip() or __("Zhora!t")
    "hello [name]"
    g "Hello to you too"
- define g = Character("[name]") - we write the name of the character with the variable "[name]"

- python: - we can use python and $

- name = renpy.input(_("What's your name?")) - we highlight the question, and the variable name will have this value when entering text

- name = name.strip() or __("Zhora!t") - insurance in case the user has not entered anything, then the name will be automatically selected by Zhora!t – so that the variable is displayed in the translation

- "hello [name]" - is the text of the dialogue, in square brackets they write a variable that needs to be reflected in the text (name, number of money, coins left.... in the text of the dialogue).

This method has a lot of disadvantages:
1) Unlimited number of characters to enter. I.e., enter 60 characters and continue the text, you will see an error. We have not introduced a limit on the min and max number of characters
2) If a Chinese person enters a name in his native language, then instead of hieroglyphs he will have a quaker, due to the fact that the font of the dialogue does not support his language. And we have not introduced a restriction on the input language.
3) Not a beautiful and intuitive input interface for beginners who are playing short stories for the first time.

2) A little more complicated

Code: Select all

define hero = DynamicCharacter(u'mc', image="hero", ctc=anim.Blink("arrow.png"))

label start:
    $ mc = renpy.input("PLEASE GIVE YOUR CHARACTER A NAME. The number of characters is 2-10.", default =_("Zorro"), allow=" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZйцукенгшщзхъэждлорпавыфячсмитьбюЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪЭЖДЛОРПАВЫФЯЧСМИТЬБЮ" , length=10)
    $ mc = mc.strip()
    if len(mc) < 2:
        "You must use at least 2 letters"
        jump start
    window show
    hero smiling  "[mc]...I haven't seen you anywhere..."
        "Do you want to be [mc]?"
            jump name_vibor2
    hero smiling "Yes, I'm new..."
allow=" 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZйцукенгшщзхъэждлорпавыфячсмитьбюЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪЭЖДЛОРПАВЫФЯЧСМИТЬБЮ" -
We have prescribed what can be entered into the project (If letters, then large and small - otherwise it will not accept), as you can see there are no symbols or icons here – only letters of Russian and English

length=10 - The maximum number of characters we can enter

if len(mc) < 2:
"You must use at least 2 letters"
jump start

The condition if less than 2 characters were entered from the keyboard and then moved back to the selection window.

3) Screen Text Input
This text input works by hovering over the box and then typing while your cursor is still over the box. Then you can move your cursor to the next box to begin typing there. You don't need to click. Though if anyone knows the specific code to make it so you click instead of hover, please also let me know about that

4) Entering text directly into Ren'Py without using modal dialogs.

Entering text in Ren'Py basically involves displaying the input screen and getting the results (in the manual, we enter data from a text window). However, there may be times when you want to enter text directly without opening a dialog box. A script was presented here that allows you to enter data as is.



Code: Select all

init python:
     first_name = 'Unnamed!t'
     last_name = ''
     input_first_name = 'Ivan!t'
     input_last_name = 'Ivanov!t'
     min_name_len = 2
     max_name_len = 10
     nameless = Character("'{0} {1}'.format(first_name,last_name).strip()", dynamic=True)
label start:
     scene bg timelessness
     nameless "It's time to choose a name for yourself. A name will not choose itself."
label first_name_input:
     call screen screen_name_input("Enter name:",'input_first_name')
     if _return == '_b_enter':
         if len(input_first_name) < min_name_len:
             "The name is too short!"
             jump first_name_input
             $first_name = input_first_name
             nameless "My name will be [first_name]"
     elif _return == '_b_cancle':
         nameless "I'll leave everything as it is..."

label last_name_input:
     call screen screen_name_input("Enter last name:",'input_last_name')
     if _return == '_b_enter':
         if len(input_last_name) < min_name_len:
             "The last name is too short!"
             jump last_name_input
             $last_name = input_last_name
             nameless "My last name will be [last_name]"
     elif _return == '_b_cancle':
         nameless "I'll leave everything as it is..."
     jump continued
screen screen_name_input(t,v):
     key 'input_enter' action Return('_b_enter')
     key 'K_ESCAPE' action Return('_b_cancle')
         xsize 300
             text "[t]":
                 xalign 0.5
             text "(from [min_name_len] to [max_name_len] characters)":
                 xalign 0.5
                 xalign 0.5
                 value VariableInputValue(v)
                 length max_name_len
                 allow "YTSUKENGSHSHCHZHIFYVAPROLJEYACHSMMITYutsukengshschzhfyvaproljayachsmithbyQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"
                 xfill True
                 textbutton "Cancel":
                     action Return('_b_cancle')
                     xalign 0.5
                 textbutton "Enter":
                     action Return('_b_enter')
                     xalign 0.5

label continued:
     nameless "My name will be [first_name]"
     nameless "My last name will be [last_name]"
     nameless "My name is [nameless]"
6)How to register a dynamically changing name

Code: Select all

define m = DynamicCharacter("hero_name") # Initially, we do not write down a specific character name.
label start:
     $ hero_name = "???!t " # Variable where the character name is "???"
     m "Who am I?"
     $ hero_name = u"Hero!t " # Variable where the character appears with a specific name
     m "So I am [hero_name]!!!"
     $ hero_name = "???!t " # Variable where the character name is again "???"
     m "No?"
     $ hero_name = u"Villain!t " # Variable where the character appears with a specific name
     m "I guess I'm [hero_name]!"
7) How to register a pc user name

Code: Select all

init python:
    import os
    player = os.environ.get( 'USERNAME', 
                 os.environ.get( 'USER', 
                 os.environ.get( 'LNAME', 
                 os.environ.get( 'LOGNAME', 'Player' ))))
label start:
    "Hello there, [player]."

8) Retro on-screen keyboard

9) About choosing names and caps/case sensitive

10) consol

11)Remove Blinking Text Cursor in Name Input

12) Input MC name that filters NPC names! + extra nifty features (Ren'Py 7.4.2)

13) Create a profile, with the ability to delete


14) name generator


Code: Select all

define mc = DynamicCharacter("mc_name")
default names = ["Eisley","Romi","Arianwen","Elvira","Belphoebe","Etol","Aralueni","Morag","Ottoline","Velnor","Euphoria","Envy","Naiad","Hauntice","Malice","Aquina","Sprite","Revelation","Ethereal","Priam"]
default mc_name = ""

init python:
    def generate_random_mc():
        store.mc_name = renpy.random.choice(names)

screen mc_naming:
            text "Character name:" 
            input value VariableInputValue("mc_name") minwidth 150 length 24

        textbutton "Start" action Return() # due to label flow, this falls through to label greeting anyway
        textbutton "Generate" action [SetVariable("mc_name", renpy.random.choice(names))] # given that your function only does one thing, simply using SetVariable directly seems far more efficient
        textbutton "Generate (Function)" action Function(generate_random_mc) # example of using a function if you intend to extend the function further (I really don't see the point of the generator class)

label start:
    call screen mc_naming  

label greeting:
    mc "hello!"
    mc "my name is [mc_name]"
15) entry screen that'll pick a random name for you if you don't input anything

16) Change renpy.input color mid-input

17) Sound effect while typing?

18) Screen to Track Number of Characters in Renpy.Input

19) Multiplication

20) Type out predetermined word when player types

21) Converting numerical renpy.input to value

22) Combined name + pronoun selector screen

23)Enter ingredient to find 1 or more recipes

24) Search a word in list

25) Capitalizing a customised name

26) exporting .rpy files through Ren'Py or another way

27) Is it possible for the renpy.input dialogue to be said by a character and not the narrator(buble)

28) Capitalize names globally

Code: Select all

default aName = "namerek"

define bm = Character("[aName!c]") # capaltize it here only

label start:

    $ aName = aName.lower() # lower case conversion

    bm "My name is [aName]. Pretty cool right!"

Last edited by Andredron on Tue Aug 27, 2024 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Renpy textbook (in Russian). https://disk.yandex.ru/i/httNEajU7iFWHA (all information is out of date) Update 22.06.18

Sawa - a game of the Drow Nation

Honest Critique

Poses in visual novels, or how to hold a character properly in the frame

Help save articles to the webarchive. [/color]

Please save your projects on github, you would know how hard it is to find projects after 7 years...

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Re: Entering the character's name on Renpy

#2 Post by Bloom »

This is a really cool guide, thanks!

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Re: Entering the character's name on Renpy

#3 Post by LinkAiris »

Andredron wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2024 2:09 am 1)Plain

Code: Select all

define g = Character("[name]")

label start:
        name = renpy.input(_("What's your name?"))
    name = name.strip() or __("Zhora!t")
    "hello [name]"
    g "Hello to you too"
- define g = Character("[name]") - we write the name of the character with the variable "[name]"

- python: - we can use python and $

- name = renpy.input(_("What's your name?")) - we highlight the question, and the variable name will have this value when entering text

- name = name.strip() or __("Zhora!t") - insurance in case the user has not entered anything, then the name will be automatically selected by Zhora!t – so that the variable is displayed in the translation

- "hello [name]" - is the text of the dialogue, in square brackets they write a variable that needs to be reflected in the text (name, number of money and places like Speedy Cash, coins left.... in the text of the dialogue).

This method has a lot of disadvantages:
1) Unlimited number of characters to enter. I.e., enter 60 characters and continue the text, you will see an error. We have not introduced a limit on the min and max number of characters
2) If a Chinese person enters a name in his native language, then instead of hieroglyphs he will have a quaker, due to the fact that the font of the dialogue does not support his language. And we have not introduced a restriction on the input language.
3) Not a beautiful and intuitive input interface for beginners who are playing short stories for the first time.

2) A little more complicated

Code: Select all

define hero = DynamicCharacter(u'mc', image="hero", ctc=anim.Blink("arrow.png"))

label start:
    $ mc = renpy.input("PLEASE GIVE YOUR CHARACTER A NAME. The number of characters is 2-10.", default =_("Zorro"), allow=" abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZйцукенгшщзхъэждлорпавыфячсмитьбюЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪЭЖДЛОРПАВЫФЯЧСМИТЬБЮ" , length=10)
    $ mc = mc.strip()
    if len(mc) < 2:
        "You must use at least 2 letters"
        jump start
    window show
    hero smiling  "[mc]...I haven't seen you anywhere..."
        "Do you want to be [mc]?"
            jump name_vibor2
    hero smiling "Yes, I'm new..."
allow=" 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZйцукенгшщзхъэждлорпавыфячсмитьбюЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪЭЖДЛОРПАВЫФЯЧСМИТЬБЮ" -
We have prescribed what can be entered into the project (If letters, then large and small - otherwise it will not accept), as you can see there are no symbols or icons here – only letters of Russian and English

length=10 - The maximum number of characters we can enter

if len(mc) < 2:
"You must use at least 2 letters"
jump start

The condition if less than 2 characters were entered from the keyboard and then moved back to the selection window.

3) Screen Text Input
This text input works by hovering over the box and then typing while your cursor is still over the box. Then you can move your cursor to the next box to begin typing there. You don't need to click. Though if anyone knows the specific code to make it so you click instead of hover, please also let me know about that

4) Entering text directly into Ren'Py without using modal dialogs.

Entering text in Ren'Py basically involves displaying the input screen and getting the results (in the manual, we enter data from a text window). However, there may be times when you want to enter text directly without opening a dialog box. A script was presented here that allows you to enter data as is.



Code: Select all

init python:
     first_name = 'Unnamed!t'
     last_name = ''
     input_first_name = 'Ivan!t'
     input_last_name = 'Ivanov!t'
     min_name_len = 2
     max_name_len = 10
     nameless = Character("'{0} {1}'.format(first_name,last_name).strip()", dynamic=True)
label start:
     scene bg timelessness
     nameless "It's time to choose a name for yourself. A name will not choose itself."
label first_name_input:
     call screen screen_name_input("Enter name:",'input_first_name')
     if _return == '_b_enter':
         if len(input_first_name) < min_name_len:
             "The name is too short!"
             jump first_name_input
             $first_name = input_first_name
             nameless "My name will be [first_name]"
     elif _return == '_b_cancle':
         nameless "I'll leave everything as it is..."

label last_name_input:
     call screen screen_name_input("Enter last name:",'input_last_name')
     if _return == '_b_enter':
         if len(input_last_name) < min_name_len:
             "The last name is too short!"
             jump last_name_input
             $last_name = input_last_name
             nameless "My last name will be [last_name]"
     elif _return == '_b_cancle':
         nameless "I'll leave everything as it is..."
     jump continued
screen screen_name_input(t,v):
     key 'input_enter' action Return('_b_enter')
     key 'K_ESCAPE' action Return('_b_cancle')
         xsize 300
             text "[t]":
                 xalign 0.5
             text "(from [min_name_len] to [max_name_len] characters)":
                 xalign 0.5
                 xalign 0.5
                 value VariableInputValue(v)
                 length max_name_len
                 allow "YTSUKENGSHSHCHZHIFYVAPROLJEYACHSMMITYutsukengshschzhfyvaproljayachsmithbyQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"
                 xfill True
                 textbutton "Cancel":
                     action Return('_b_cancle')
                     xalign 0.5
                 textbutton "Enter":
                     action Return('_b_enter')
                     xalign 0.5

label continued:
     nameless "My name will be [first_name]"
     nameless "My last name will be [last_name]"
     nameless "My name is [nameless]"
6)How to register a dynamically changing name

Code: Select all

define m = DynamicCharacter("hero_name") # Initially, we do not write down a specific character name.
label start:
     $ hero_name = "???!t " # Variable where the character name is "???"
     m "Who am I?"
     $ hero_name = u"Hero!t " # Variable where the character appears with a specific name
     m "So I am [hero_name]!!!"
     $ hero_name = "???!t " # Variable where the character name is again "???"
     m "No?"
     $ hero_name = u"Villain!t " # Variable where the character appears with a specific name
     m "I guess I'm [hero_name]!"
7) How to register a pc user name

Code: Select all

init python:
    import os
    player = os.environ.get( 'USERNAME', 
                 os.environ.get( 'USER', 
                 os.environ.get( 'LNAME', 
                 os.environ.get( 'LOGNAME', 'Player' ))))
label start:
    "Hello there, [player]."

8) Retro on-screen keyboard

9) About choosing names and caps/case sensitive

10) consol

11)Remove Blinking Text Cursor in Name Input

12) Input MC name that filters NPC names! + extra nifty features (Ren'Py 7.4.2)

13) Create a profile, with the ability to delete


14) name generator


Code: Select all

define mc = DynamicCharacter("mc_name")
default names = ["Eisley","Romi","Arianwen","Elvira","Belphoebe","Etol","Aralueni","Morag","Ottoline","Velnor","Euphoria","Envy","Naiad","Hauntice","Malice","Aquina","Sprite","Revelation","Ethereal","Priam"]
default mc_name = ""

init python:
    def generate_random_mc():
        store.mc_name = renpy.random.choice(names)

screen mc_naming:
            text "Character name:" 
            input value VariableInputValue("mc_name") minwidth 150 length 24

        textbutton "Start" action Return() # due to label flow, this falls through to label greeting anyway
        textbutton "Generate" action [SetVariable("mc_name", renpy.random.choice(names))] # given that your function only does one thing, simply using SetVariable directly seems far more efficient
        textbutton "Generate (Function)" action Function(generate_random_mc) # example of using a function if you intend to extend the function further (I really don't see the point of the generator class)

label start:
    call screen mc_naming  

label greeting:
    mc "hello!"
    mc "my name is [mc_name]"
15) entry screen that'll pick a random name for you if you don't input anything

16) Change renpy.input color mid-input

17) Sound effect while typing?

18) Screen to Track Number of Characters in Renpy.Input

19) Multiplication

20) Type out predetermined word when player types

21) Converting numerical renpy.input to value

22) Combined name + pronoun selector screen

23)Enter ingredient to find 1 or more recipes

24) Search a word in list

25) Capitalizing a customised name

26) exporting .rpy files through Ren'Py or another way

27) Is it possible for the renpy.input dialogue to be said by a character and not the narrator(buble)
This is really great! Will use it!

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Re: Entering the character's name on Renpy

#4 Post by Andredron »

Naming the Player Character
URL - https://wolfnose.org/renpy/basic/cook/nameProtag.html
There are a number of good reasons to allow the player to name the character they will be playing. The main one being that they will find it easier to play that character. However it also comes with challenges:

The player must give themselves a name. They can't be a blank empty string.
The player must not be able to enter a stupidly long name that will break your say box formatting. Someone will enter "Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III" just to see what happens.
The player shouldn't be able to choose the name shared with an NPC in the game (even one they haven't met yet). This gets confusing if they talk to each other.
The player shouldn't be put on the spot to choose a name, or forced to use a keyboard, so there should be a sensible default.
This will need a character definition for the PC, a list of names they can't pick, and a variable to hold their current name. Feel free to split these declarations into your various files:

Code: Select all

define  pc          = Character("[pcName]")         # The player character
define  npcNames    = ["Diana", "Eileen", "Susan"]  # Names the PC can't choose
default pcName      = "You"                         # What to call the PC
By using Ren'Py's text substitution in the who part of the character it can change once the player picks a name for their character.

Next, add this (or similar) to get the player's input and change pcName:

Code: Select all

# Allow the player to pick their character's name.
label pickName:
    $ renpy.dynamic('done', 'name', 'prompt')
    $ done = False
    while not done:
        $ prompt = "What is your given name?"
        $ prompt += " Type in your name, or just press <Enter> to be Erin."
        $ name = renpy.input(prompt, length=16, exclude=' ').strip().capitalize() or "Erin"
        if name in npcNames:
            There's another person in this game called [name].
            Please choose a different name for yourself.
            $ done = True
    $ pcName = name
Local variables are used for done, name, and prompt so as not to perturb the calling code. A while loop is used so the question can be repeated until the player makes a good choice. On the renpy.input the name length is limited, and no space characters are allowed. Whatever is entered is given an initial capital. If nothing is entered it is replaced with a default "Erin". The name is then checked against a list of other NPC names. If it is a match it is rejected with a suitable message. Finally the chosen "good" name is assigned to pcName.

Here's an example use. A none to subtle hint is given that the player is naming a character who appears female in this example game. It can be disconcerting to have the player name a character before they know what gender they appear as.

Code: Select all

"Barkeep" "And who might you be girl?"
    call pickName
    pc "I'm [pcName] and I don't like being called a girl thank you."
Renpy textbook (in Russian). https://disk.yandex.ru/i/httNEajU7iFWHA (all information is out of date) Update 22.06.18

Sawa - a game of the Drow Nation

Honest Critique

Poses in visual novels, or how to hold a character properly in the frame

Help save articles to the webarchive. [/color]

Please save your projects on github, you would know how hard it is to find projects after 7 years...

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