Randomness in renpy or Random number generators

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Randomness in renpy or Random number generators

#1 Post by Andredron »

if you've rollbacked this code and click it through once again then you should get the same result. That's how renpy.random works.

If you need different values after rollback, try to use random.randint(1, 5) instead.

Code: Select all

# return a random float between 0 and 1
$ randfloat = renpy.random.random()

# return a random integer between 1 and 20
$ d20roll = renpy.random.randint(1, 20)

"Roulette spining"
        import random
        rlt_drop = random.randint(0, 37)
    "It's a [rlt_drop]"

# return a random element from a list
$ randfruit = renpy.random.choice(['apple', 'orange', 'plum'])

1) Let's look at the simplest example - the game of rock, paper and scissors

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# The game starts here
label start:
    $ rps_beats = [("rock", "scissors"), ("scissors", "paper"), ("paper", "rock")] ### win conditions
    "rock scissors and paper"
            $ rps_player = "rock" ###what the user's variable will be
            $ rps_player = "paper." ###what the user's variable will be
            $ rps_player = "scissors." ###what the user's variable will be
    $ rps_npc = renpy.random.choice(["rock", "paper", "scissors"]) ###Generate what the enemy will drop off.
    e "I chose %(rps_npc)s!"
    if (rps_player, rps_npc) in rps_beats: ###win player
        e "You won! Let's play some more."
        jump rps
    elif (rps_npc, rps_player) in rps_beats: ###win nps
        e "I won! Let's play again!"
        jump rps
    else: ###there is no winner
        e "Tie!  Let's play again."
        jump rps
label rps:
    "It's like you knew I'd have [rps_player]!!!" ###player [rps_player]
    "And You kinda knew I'd have [rps_npc]!!!" ###nps [rps_npc]
2) randomization of 2 different variables

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label start:
    $ r1 = 1
    $ r2 = 2
    $ r3 = 0
    "What I'm going to do today...."
    $ r4 = renpy.random.choice([r1, r2,r3])
label selection:
    if r4 == 1:
         jump sleep_home
    if r4 == 2:
        "Play games".
         jump game_psp
         jump work_a
3) How to display an image randomly

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$ rand = renpy.random.choice(["bg test1","bg test2"])
scene expression rand


screen test_screen:
    add "rand"   ###image screen in " "
4) Random number generator in text

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init python:
  # Use in format:
  # {txt_f=func}arg{/txt_f}
  # Where:
  # func - The function we need.
  # arg - Arguments of the function.
  # Example:
  # Normal format:
  # renpy.random.choice(('a', 'b', 'c')))
    # in text format:
    # {txt_f=renpy.random.choice}('a', 'b', 'c'){/txt_f}
    config.custom_text_tags["txt_f"] = lambda tag, argument, contents:tuple((kind, unicode(eval("{}({})".format(argument, text)))) for kind, text in contents))
label start:
    "At {txt_f=renpy.random.randint}5, 116{/txt_f} years old, Angelica crossed her grandmother across the street "
    jump start
5) Numerical values

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# The game starts here
label start:
$ money = 7
$ r1 =0
    "I have [money] coins."
    $ r1 = renpy.random.randint(1, 101)
    $ money2 = money + r1
    "When I went home I found [r1] coins."
    "My total is [money2] coins."
Or confuse the user even more

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label start:
    $ money = renpy.random.randint(1, 101)
    $ r1 = renpy.random.randint(1, 101)
    $ money2 = money + r1
    "I have [money] coins."
    "When I went home I found [r1] coins."
    "My total of coins is [money2]."
6) How to prescribe jumps randomized by tags

Code: Select all

$ choice = renpy.random.choice(("triv18", "triv28", "triv38", "triv48"))
jump expression choice

# Or even:
jump expression renpy.random.choice(("triv18", "triv28", "triv38", "triv48"))

Code: Select all

label loc:
 #zero value at the beginning of the action.
    $ gtm = 0
    "Here is the character's cue. "
#Generate a random integer between 1 and 100.
    $ gtm = renpy.random.randint(1, 100)
    ###with the highest value put on the 1st place and by decreasing value
    if gtm >= 90: #90 and up
       jump loc1
    elif gtm >= 70:  #up 70 to 89
       jump loc2
    else: #to 70
       jump loc3

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init python:
	def getRandomLabel():
		labels = (
			"l1", "l2"
		) # your labels...
		return renpy.random.choice(labels)
label start:
	"get ready... the next click will take you randomly to some label..."
	jump expression getRandomLabel() # use `jump expression` to jump to make the jump dynamic according to the expression given...

# other.rpy
label  l1:
	"label 1"
label l2:
	"label 2"
7) Generate a number from 0 to 1 (example 0.35)

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screen main_menu:
    # This replaces the other menus.
    tag menu
    # The background of the main menu.
        style "mm_root"
    # Main menu buttons.
        style_group "mm"
        xalign renpy.random.random()
        yalign renpy.random.random()
        has vbox
        textbutton _("Start Game") action Start()
        textbutton _("Load Game") action ShowMenu("load")
        textbutton _("Settings") action ShowMenu("preferences")
        textbutton _("Help") action Help()
        textbutton _("Quit") action Quit(confirm=False)
8) Randomized order

Code: Select all

$ playlist = ["song1.mp3", "song2.mp3", "song3.mp3", "song4.mp3", "song5.mp3"] 

$ renpy.random.shuffle(playlist)

play music playlist fadeout 1.0 fadein 1.0

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$ items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] # at the beginning

$ random.shuffle(items) # command

$ items = [7, 3, 2, 5, 6, 4, 1] # we can get
9) take a few values at random

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label start:
    $ money = 7
    $ r1 =0
    "I have [money] coins"
    $ r1 = renpy.random.sample([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3)
"When I went home I found 3 coins of [r1]rubles."
10) A short way to make a random jump to a label

Code: Select all

$ first_encounter = renpy.random.choice(['rencontre_fairi', 'rencontre_nook', 'rencontre_paul'])

jump expression first_encounter
11) Generator random name

12) Imitation Baldur's Gate dice animation effect

13) d20-friendly Visual Novel prototype

14) blink animation modif

15) Picking random idle poses

16) print out random numbers in random text(Additional Questions)

17) Screen with random words

18) Limited number of questions

19) Random-bag
https://patreon.renpy.org/python-tricks ... random-bag

20) Dixylsea(text shuffling' effect)

21) Timed Choice Menus with timeout random choice

22) Three Creator Defined Statements
https://patreon.renpy.org/three-creator ... tml#random

Code: Select all

    e "This occurs one quarter of the time."
    e "This also happens one quarter of the time."
    weight 2 e "This happens two quarters of the time - or half the time!"

e "Let's check the weather."

    scene bg hurricane
    scene bg hailstorm
    scene bg frograin

e "Yeah, looks like a good day to stay inside and add statements to Ren'Py."

23) randomizing transitions in game

24) randomize hover_sound

25) random sound

26) Random Rewards on Click

27) Random Pause Duration

28) Voting for someone based on a percentage

29) Random NPC generator

30) Capping a random variable

31) Setting possibilities/chance

32) picking the 3 highest from the list and than set to random choice

33) How to make the first line of a menu dynamic

34) Random Music Generator

35) Reading randomized dialogue from file

36) This code selects two random elements from a list

Code: Select all

mylist = ["Eileen", "Lucy", "Lemma", "Monika"]
friends = renpy.random.sample(mylist, 2)

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