Shrinkled (GxB)

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Shrinkled (GxB)

#1 Post by choklitchan »

EDIT: I have edited this post due to its previously very confusing, rambling nature, and have boiled it down to the essentials.

You, Mandy, are an ordinary girl. However, one day, something happens that changes your life.
What is it, you ask?

Did you win the lottery?

Are you secretly a princess?

Do you fall into a vat of radioactive waste and suddenly gain abilities that make superman weep?
You wish.

Unfortunately, none of these things happen.
What does happen is that you accidentally get caught in a science project's misfiring range, and get shrunk down to a quarter inch in height! The student body president, Jake, is caught in the crossfire with you. Working together, you must find a way to reach normal height by the end of four days; else you remain shrinkified forever! With the help of bugs, crumbs, and possibly a grumpy old mouse, you just might find a way out in time...

EDIT: I found a few mistakes; the most major being that sometimes it says "three days" of vacation, when it should be four. Sorry guys; I'll update this when I find all the bugs.

You will want at least a very rudimentary understanding of renpy and and a cursory knowledge of lemmasoft forums to play.
It's pretty basic, so as long as you know, for example, who PyTom is, and what the Fantasia VN series is, you're probably good to go. If not, if you really want to play, you can probably make out on process of elimination.

Almost all the answers can be found on this forum; I've checked them myself.

As fleet helpfully pointed out, some people might not know much about this, and might be a waste of time to play. A very large part of the game is trivia, which is mostly about this community, VNs, and renpy. Knowing certain facts will help you, but they are not necessary to understand the story.
If enough people want it, I may put up a second version with more universal questions.

EDIT: Version 2 now up.

Rated G
The game contains 722 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 5,018 words,
for an average of 7.0 words per screen.
The game contains 20 menus.
Technically 5 endings,
but really, 3 with one shared extra scene in the last two if you play it right...

6 endings...

Sneak peeks!

What's under the sheet?

Giant desks. Giant insects. Giant piles of paper. Yikes.

Do you really want to know?

Have fun; I hope you enjoy this game!

Here's the updated, non-lemma version of the game.
Shrinkled (Updated Non-Lemma Version)
(56.33 MiB) Downloaded 5084 times
Shrinkled (Updated Non-Lemma Version)-linux-x86.tar.bz2
(43.79 MiB) Downloaded 675 times
Shrinkled (Updated Non-Lemma Version)
(48.39 MiB) Downloaded 1125 times
Shrinkled (Updated Non-Lemma Version)
(45.34 MiB) Downloaded 8695 times

I would also appreciate any feedback; it's my first time putting out my own game here. If you see grammar, spelling, or logic mistakes, please don't hesitate to call me out on it; I'll fix it as soon as I can, and hopefully come out with a more polished version.
I did this within 30 hours as a sort of dare to myself that I could do it...
(42.01 MiB) Downloaded 543 times
(46.47 MiB) Downloaded 680 times
(43.45 MiB) Downloaded 4443 times
All (Windows/Mac/Linux)
(54.42 MiB) Downloaded 1225 times
Last edited by choklitchan on Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#2 Post by Cute.Sakura.Princess »

Finally new otome game. And interesting too. Good job on this one i downloaded it now i'm going to play love the drawings by the way. Way to go! :D

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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#3 Post by choklitchan »

Cute.Sakura.Princess wrote:Finally new otome game. And interesting too. Good job on this one i downloaded it now i'm going to play love the drawings by the way. Way to go! :D
Yes; there is a severe lack of otome games, for free at any rate. T___T
Thank you very much! I hope you enjoy it. ^_^
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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#4 Post by fleet »

I like the drawings of the characters, and was considering downloading the game until I read "You will need at least a rudimentary understanding of Renpy and Lemmasoft to answer the trivia questions correctly."

For me, this is a showstopper. :(
Thank you for posting the information, I would have been very frustrated trying to play the game.
very respectfully,
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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#5 Post by choklitchan »

fleet wrote:I like the drawings of the characters, and was considering downloading the game until I read "You will need at least a rudimentary understanding of Renpy and Lemmasoft to answer the trivia questions correctly."

For me, this is a showstopper. :(
Thank you for posting the information, I would have been very frustrated trying to play the game.
very respectfully,
I'm sorry it turned out that way. It wasn't intended to be frustrating; it's more like... an easter egg hunt. All the answers can be found on the forum.

The kinds of things that you are asked are like
- who the creator of the Fantasia series is
- Who eileen is (think renpy)
- who is the sprite artist for Flower Shop (VN)
Hoever, even if you don't know these, most answers can be found simply by process of elimination.
If you're not completely new here, you probably know everything you need.

But at any rate, thank you for at least considering the game. ^_^
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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#6 Post by fleet »

Your comment on "The kinds of things that you are asked are like ..."

I have no clue about the answers to any of the three sample questions you've given, since I am fairly new here (joined in January), never heard of the series you mentioned, am unfamiliar with the character you mentioned, and don't use the renpy engine for building VNs. :oops:
My lack of knowledge/experience is not your fault.
In addition to liking the character design, I also like the premise of the main characters shrinking.

I hope lots of people enjoy your game, that you get positive feedback, and that any criticism is constructive. :)

Very respectfully,
Some of my visual novels are at They are NSFW
Poorly done hand-drawn art is still poorly done art. Be a Poser (or better yet, use DAZ Studio 3D) - dare to be different.

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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#7 Post by choklitchan »

Thank you, fleet; I have edited the post in hopes of giving other people a heads up.
I'm pretty new here too, though I've been a lurker for a while.
I may put up another version of the game with more accessible questions. I hope people won't get turned away like you did just because they can't answer my questions; thanks for pointing that out.
I hope you find other games that will suit you better than mine did. :)
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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#8 Post by Arithra »

I liked it :lol: XD
It was really cute - the idea was sweet and the quizzes were nice.
The questions weren't too hard I think, that is if ou are in the forum once in a while!
I think i got all the endings.
a broom of doom
The pictures were cute and the music was fitting - for a game made in such a short time it was really nice and enjoyable! :D
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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#9 Post by Snowflower »

Downloading <3
Choklitchan, you are overworking! I see WIP about you everywhere! and now you have another game under your belt.

30 hours? wow. I wish I was as diligent as you.
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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#10 Post by Suikama »

Snowflower wrote:Downloading <3
Choklitchan, you are overworking! I see WIP about you everywhere! and now you have another game under your belt.

30 hours? wow. I wish I was as diligent as you.
I think he meant 'in the span of 30 hours' so in other words about two days

well more like one day and a bit

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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#11 Post by choklitchan »

Edit:@ Arithra: Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^_^

Well, officially, I have two things in WIP. ^_^
Don't worry; I'm on spring break; so I have the time right now...
Hope you like it! :)

@Suikama: In man-hours I put in, it's probably around twenty; I had a goal to finish a game within 24 hours, as in from April 17 to april 18, but I had to eat, sleep, and do chores, so I ended up finishing at about 3:30 this morning... I had the script, art, music, all ready within my 24-hour goal, but programming it all takes more time for me. T___T
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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#12 Post by Arithra »

in your signature there is only one!
What is the other one? :-)
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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#13 Post by choklitchan »

A project for Polymorphic. ^_^
I don't think I can say much more than that, though...

There's one more I'm considering making into a WIP, but for now it's still just an idea. I'm waiting to see if it sticks with me.
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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#14 Post by Arithra »

I see, well checking if it sticks is always a good idea, otherwise there would be even more dropped WIPs.
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and Final Banquet now with demo!

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Re: Shrinkled (GxB)

#15 Post by Snowflower »

I got the successful ending. :)
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