Episode One (The Orange Duck Tape Experience): Anton Rogers, Supreme Commander of the Katajion Directorship and hero of the universe, has had enough. After saving humanity from a destructive war that ravaged the universe for decades, there's nothing he wants more than to just take a few days away from the death and destruction. With his two beautiful bodyguards and assistant in tow, the young commander prepares for the blissful paradise. Yet, the most dangerous mission of all awaits him. A splinter cell with a weapon that could spell the death of millions threatens the lives of not only his comrades, but the entire planet of Uterik with countless innocents. Can Anton prevent the disaster that has been foretold and save the day or is he doomed to devastating fate?
The game contains 2,201 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 23,685 words,
for an average of 10.8 words per screen.
The game contains *** menus.
Downloadable version of the walkthrough w/notes: AV EP:1 Walkthrough
As always, feel free to leave comments, hate mail, critiques, or anything else you feel I should know, no matter how harsh. I really enjoy it. Masochistic, even.
Download links... (Roughly 80-85 MB)
Current Version: v1.$#-5.Triangle
Windows: http://www.mediafire.com/?k0gaigsa567y054
Macs: http://www.mediafire.com/?3y2q80tctnoai8j
Linux: http://www.mediafire.com/?6zh6w3zc3xs9doe
All: http://www.mediafire.com/?gvjls5gvr49h1cl
Episode Two is also out as well.
Note: The version that was originally uploaded, the one that was up for about three minutes, is not the correct version. It was missing the credits. It has since been changed, but one person managed to download it in that time, hence the need for this disclaimer. Oh, and I just noticed that I included the info for the beta and the credits show beta information in addition to the correct. That has been corrected.