Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

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Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#1 Post by SilverxBlue »

Waaaah, after like almost two months of making you guys wait (If someone was actually waiting.), the childhood prologue of caught in Between is finally released.
It took my cousin forty minutes to finish this one. (But she is a bit of a slowpoke when it comes to reading so maybe you guys could finish it faster.)
Sorry if it took so long when this game is a bit too short, we sort of had a few issues. -_-
I used this game as practice for my almost non-existent writing and Ren'py-programming skills. So I would like to apologize if you think that it looks noobish, don't worry though, the really cute art makes up for it. :)

Anyway, this VN is Shione's flashback, the flashback is all about how she was when she was a child and how she met her first set of real friends. (Masaru and Kenji)
It's some sort of friendship VN so there is no romance in it yet. (For God's sake they are 8-9 years old and you're expecting romance? :shock: )
But there are some really sweet scenes with really cute CGs. :)

There are three endings, the usual bad, neutral and true ending. :)
If you guys want to see the actual project here it is. (It's currently put on hold until the artist comes back :))



The game contains 1,040 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 8,387 words,
for an average of 8.1 words per screen.
The game contains 12 menus

Feel free to give feedback and constructive criticisms, you can be harsh if you'd like, I'll try my best not to cry about it. :wink:

Ack! I almost forgot this...
Sprite Artist: Elze
CG artists: Juryia and silversporksama
Composer: Konaa
Proofreader: vedicardi

Thanks for taking the time to look at this. :)

Sorry for this. Imma kill my 2 cousins and neighbor for not reporting a certain bug to me. But, a friend of mine told me that the dream transition didn't work on her first try but for her second try (when she used the skip option.) the game didn't crash anymore.
So, if it crashes on you guys just run it again and just use skip... Or if you really don't want it crashing, just remove the dream transition on the script or change it to dissolve.
Caught in between a childood
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Caught in between a childood
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Caught in between a childood prologue-linux-x86.tar.bz2
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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#2 Post by sayaka-chan95 »

congratulation for you silver :D
finally your game released, (i'll play it after i get back home :))
good luck for you next project *and 'our' project*

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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#3 Post by Snow Blossom »

I downloaded the file for mac but an exception occurred when I was playing :( :

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

IOError: Couldn't find file 'id_dream.png'.

While running game code:
- script at line 115 of C:\Documents and Settings\angela\My Documents\Caught in between a childood prologue/game/script.rpy

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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#4 Post by teacup »

I played! I got the bad ending and neutral ending. Now I just need the true ending!! *A*
Anyway, it's a really cute game! I love Kenji! XD It reminds me of when I was a kid... gives a feeling of nostalgia.
Here's just a few things bothering me, if you're interested.
-As you said, the game crashed with the same error that Snow Blossom got. But it worked when I reloaded it and skipped.
-The gray text in the NVL scenes is hard to read >_< It would be much easier to read if its white.
-Masaru said he's older than Shione but he's turning eight in the May. I think you meant to say he's turning ten in May?
-Kenji: "Because I always see Dad carrying mom when she is making fun of her."
I think you meant HE is making fun of her. Or she is making fun of HIM.
-Why was the background for the classroom and hallway so pixel? XD I have those same backgrounds but they're not pixelly, if you need them.
Despite all that. You did a good job!! I liked it a lot and I can't wait to play more!!! Congrats! :D

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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#5 Post by SilverxBlue »

@sayaka-chan - Thank you! :)

Ah yeah about that silly error, it was working at first, I don't really know what happened. T_T *bonks herself* Thanks for finding them, :) *sigh* I should have gotten two more testers from here... The backgrounds were like that when I resized it. I thought it just reduced the quality but maybe it was too much. o_O
Here is an updated script the one that fixes the crash thingy and the mistakes teacup pointed out, just replace the script file on the game folder... :D

I didn't fix the font though cause my cousin told me that white looked ugly... *orz*
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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#6 Post by OtomeWeekend »

I <3 your game....

I notice some mistakes on grammar but overall a good job :D
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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#7 Post by SilverxBlue »

OtomeWeekend wrote:I <3 your game....

I notice some mistakes on grammar but overall a good job :D
Thanks! Lol sorry for the grammar, I don't get why I make a lot of mistakes when I write, but I easily find some whenever I edit/proofread. XD
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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#8 Post by OtomeWeekend »

SilverxBlue wrote: Thanks! Lol sorry for the grammar, I don't get why I make a lot of mistakes when I write, but I easily find some whenever I edit/proofread. XD
Wow, I do agree.... XD I can see what's wrong on other people's work but completely ignore mine's. :D I guess that's how people are.... XDD
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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#9 Post by Wright1000 »

In the game, the nerd (forgot his name) said that there is no word-- stealer.

But there is. The word "stealer" exists. And stealer and thief mean the same thing.

I hope you correct that mistake.
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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#10 Post by papillon »

But there is. The word "stealer" exists.
"Stealer" by itself is not in common modern usage. For the most part it shows up only in specific circumstances as a compound: scene-stealer, pen-stealer, girlfriend-stealer.

It's not unrealistic for someone to say that it isn't a word, though, although they wouldn't be 100% accurate.

(Just being nerdy here, not having read the scene so I don't know the context.)

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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#11 Post by SilverxBlue »

No need to get worked up about it, Masaru was just being his usual annoyinggeeky self that Kenji really hates, and anyway, they are kids they wouldn't really know if it is a proper word or not. When I was in grade school, my teacher repeatedly told us that stealer was never appropriate and that we should be using thief or robber instead, I kinda based it on that I guess. XD
Last edited by SilverxBlue on Thu May 26, 2011 5:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#12 Post by OtomeWeekend »

@silver: like the case of handkerchiefs and handkerchieves.... :( We learned in grade 3 that handkerchiefs is the right word, but my substitute teacher in english at grade 4 insisted it was handkerchieves.... we really thought she should go back to school or change the subject she teach :(

sorry for oot
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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#13 Post by Wright1000 »

I understand. So, that kid thought that there was no word "stealer".

The story was very good. But one thing I did not like was the character arts were cut. If the player presses H to hide the text box, this can be seen clearly.

By the way, when will be the next part of the game released?
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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#14 Post by Snow Blossom »

I retried the game by skipping it and like Teacup said, it worked fine~ ^^
I found the game short and cute, and after multiple tries, the I got the true ending last... :oops:
Though the background was kind of funky, the character sprites were cute, as well as the story :)
I laughed when the mom was like, "I'm so glad the boys were asked to befriend her" It was so... human; I didn't expect that in a VN, so it came as a pleasant surprise XD

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Re: Caught in Between: A childhood prologue.

#15 Post by SilverxBlue »

OtomeWeekend wrote:@silver: like the case of handkerchiefs and handkerchieves.... :( We learned in grade 3 that handkerchiefs is the right word, but my substitute teacher in english at grade 4 insisted it was handkerchieves.... we really thought she should go back to school or change the subject she teach :(

sorry for oot
It's alright,:) and lol I guess some teachers are just like that. XD
Wright1000 wrote:I understand. So, that kid thought that there was no word "stealer".

The story was very good. But one thing I did not like was the character arts were cut. If the player presses H to hide the text box, this can be seen clearly.

By the way, when will be the next part of the game released?
Thank You! And sorry for that. XD As for your question, I am not sure yet, cause the artist, Elze would be super busy for one whole month so the project is currently put on hold.
Snow Blossom wrote:I retried the game by skipping it and like Teacup said, it worked fine~ ^^
I found the game short and cute, and after multiple tries, the I got the true ending last... :oops:
Though the background was kind of funky, the character sprites were cute, as well as the story :)
I laughed when the mom was like, "I'm so glad the boys were asked to befriend her" It was so... human; I didn't expect that in a VN, so it came as a pleasant surprise XD
:lol: I tried to keep things as realistic as possible I guess. XD It is after all, a slice of life story. Anyway, thanks for the feedback! :)
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