It took my cousin forty minutes to finish this one. (But she is a bit of a slowpoke when it comes to reading so maybe you guys could finish it faster.)
Sorry if it took so long when this game is a bit too short, we sort of had a few issues. -_-
I used this game as practice for my almost non-existent writing and Ren'py-programming skills. So I would like to apologize if you think that it looks noobish, don't worry though, the really cute art makes up for it.

Anyway, this VN is Shione's flashback, the flashback is all about how she was when she was a child and how she met her first set of real friends. (Masaru and Kenji)
It's some sort of friendship VN so there is no romance in it yet. (For God's sake they are 8-9 years old and you're expecting romance?

But there are some really sweet scenes with really cute CGs.

There are three endings, the usual bad, neutral and true ending.

If you guys want to see the actual project here it is. (It's currently put on hold until the artist comes back


The game contains 1,040 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 8,387 words,
for an average of 8.1 words per screen.
The game contains 12 menus
Feel free to give feedback and constructive criticisms, you can be harsh if you'd like, I'll try my best not to cry about it.

Ack! I almost forgot this...
Sprite Artist: Elze
CG artists: Juryia and silversporksama
Composer: Konaa
Proofreader: vedicardi
Thanks for taking the time to look at this.

Sorry for this. Imma kill my 2 cousins and neighbor for not reporting a certain bug to me. But, a friend of mine told me that the dream transition didn't work on her first try but for her second try (when she used the skip option.) the game didn't crash anymore.
So, if it crashes on you guys just run it again and just use skip... Or if you really don't want it crashing, just remove the dream transition on the script or change it to dissolve.