Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][AA]

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Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][AA]

#1 Post by Crocosquirrel »

"Houston, we've had a problem."

A young man working on his first-ever comm unit has a problem too.

He can't seem to get it to do anything at all.

Just as he loses all hope, he picks up those five words, and a lot of excitement back and forth between something called 'Houston', and a starship called Odyssey. Join his adventure as he digs for the truth behind these words, and maybe few other things as well.


Spencer Cavanaugh: The young man that builds a comm unit with the intent of impressing the girl of his dreams-- who gets far more than he could possibly imagined.
Lorin Selmar: The woman of Spencer's dreams, tomboy and all around gearhead.
Karin Selmar: Astronomer and head of Research at the Planetary Observatory. Karin is Lorin's mother, and a great supporter of learning and imagination.
Yamamizu Misaki: Lorin and Spencer's teacher, she has little time for the frivolities of youth, and no patience for what she considers 'Flights of Fancy'. Will she turn our intrepid pair in?
Agent Zero: A Hegemony-level 'Operative' engaged in keeping this 'issue' quiet. What is his real goal?
Irene and Markov Cavanaugh: Spencer's parents, highborn and well-moneyed, they disapprove of Lorin, and Spencer's little side-project. Will they get in the way?
James A Lovell, Jr: Astronaut, Mission Commander, and father, his final flight in Space ending in near-disaster. Follow along to his own words during that mission. (voice only.)

John 'Jack' Lousma: Capcom for that leg of the mission (voice only)

Fred Haise: Astronaut. Lunar module Pilot during the ill-fated flight. (voice only)

John 'Jack' L Swigert: Astronaut, Apollo 13 Command Module Pilot. (voice only)

My humblest thanks to the fine folks at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for making not only a transcript available of the moments in question, but also the original audio taken from the air to ground loop during the flight itself.

It was a gripping moment in American history, now offered to a new generation, and all the generations to come.

Script: DarkSpartan
Character Art: Tag-
BG Art- Leon et al
Music: SvenTheViking and Kevin MacLeod
Programming: DarkSpartan and SvenTheViking
Now for the fun part! We have distros in all three major flavors, and I'll be uploading an -all version to my website in a little while.

http://www.renaigames.com/files/nanos/o ... -win32.zip

http://www.renaigames.com/files/nanos/o ... ss-mac.zip

http://www.renaigames.com/files/nanos/o ... 86.tar.bz2

Enjoy folks, and please do comment, good or bad. It gives us a chance to improve our skills.
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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#2 Post by clua »

Ohh Im very happy that you guys are already done with your projects XD
It motivates me a lot when Im arround people who produce hehe
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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#3 Post by DragoonHP »

Congratulation on the release DarkSpartan...

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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#4 Post by Crocosquirrel »

Hang on, folks. Had a small glitch, which we're fixing now. You can all redownload here shortly.

For those who have already downloaded and don't wish to do it again for any reason, I'll be posting a 'low bandwidth' version here soon. (read Script Only download).

Okay, re-uploading now. Expecting to be done soon-ish.
I'm going to get off my soap-box now, and let you get back to your day.

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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#5 Post by redeyesblackpanda »

Awesome! I've downloaded it, and intend to play it when I have the time! Congrats on finishing it in time! ^^
(All projects currently on a hiatus of sorts. I blame life.)
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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#6 Post by CheeryMoya »

Whoa, that menu image looks pretty imposing already O: I swear that this will be the first NaNo game I play once I get around to them on Thursday ;-; (On the bright side, that's when my spring break starts).

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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#7 Post by redeyesblackpanda »

The recordings were awesome! I liked the sprites too. :wink:
Turnips... XD
Good job, guys!
(All projects currently on a hiatus of sorts. I blame life.)
Tsundere VN
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Also, I've been hit and run posting, which means I don't see many replies. If you want to respond to something I've said, also feel free to PM me.

NOTE: if you've got questions about vnovel or things like that, it's Leon that you should be contacting. Leon's been pretty much handling everything, but due to various reasons, I've had to withdraw entirely.

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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#8 Post by leon »

Congrats on the release!
CheeryMoya wrote:I swear that this will be the first NaNo game I play once I get around to them
Same here. :) Now that Nano is over, I think we need a VN playing month event. :lol:

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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#9 Post by Patty »

Congrats on the release! :)

The sprites are very nice (except I found Karin Selmar's pose a bit weird... ^^;; And Lorin's sprite looks a bit smaller compared to the others...). The backgrounds are also lovely, crisp and neat. (My particular favorite is the garage background)

The music choices are also good.
Agent Zero's awesome theme music ftw!
As for the story, I was a bit confused at first. I don't know about American History...so I guess I wasn't able to get it immediately. Playing through the different choices made me get the story, and by the true ending I was ready to go.
And I think it was a bit because of the start. Lots of recordings and transmissions... I was a bit confused at the start. ._.

For the endings...
The good one is my favorite. It's a nice ending for the characters, and standing up to Spencer's mother was just satisfying. The dad's development was also awesome.

The true ending...is a bit tricky. It reveals a lot of stuff, but the end is not 100% satisfying for me... :/ The whole getting married, and losing consciousness again... I want a continuation! >O<
Still, it was interesting to learn about the Apollo 13. :) The characters in OotD are lovable (
Except for Irene Cavanugh. Although you did a good job of making her unlikable, that was intentional. :))
), and presentation is good. Solid writing, with good grammar and progression, since the story really got going after the start. :D

A tiny bit of critique... The text looks a bit cramped in the textbox sometimes when there's a lot of text (example is your ss4.png)... and the textbox is a bit low on the screen, there's not much free space at the bottom.

Massive congrats to you and your team! You guys delivered a nice vn in one month :>
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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#10 Post by leon »

It's an awesome piece of work.

It has a great story and the recordings fit in very nicely. The paths choices are very interesting, especially the true path.

The characters are lovely (this goes without saying, when you see Tag- in the credits). :)

Just a small glitch: in the scene at the observatory Karen asks Lorin to leave, but Lorin's sprite is still there.
Patty wrote:The sprites are very nice (except I found Karin Selmar's pose a bit weird... ^^;; And Lorin's sprite looks a bit smaller compared to the others...). The backgrounds are also lovely, crisp and neat. (My particular favorite is the garage background)
Thanks Patty, I'm glad you liked it (I made the garage and observatory BGs for this).

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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#11 Post by CheeryMoya »

Finally got time to play this, and I have to say it's an interesting start to something bigger. You've set yourself up for more action in a sequel, so I expect you to make one C:<

Writing: Excellent as usual, and I was hooked in the entire time. Spencer and Lorin make a fine team together :D
Though to be honest, it felt like you threw us into a completely unfamiliar world under the assumption that we knew where we were already. You've told me a few things about it but not everyone knows it as well as you do. In future works, taking the time to explain the history of how this place came to be wouldn't hurt. You could provide an option for readers who have read stuff in this universe to skip it if they want, but it's important to make the information available.

The StarNet ending left a lot of questions out in the open: Who's the Enemy? What did humanity do this time to screw up this badly? Why am I asking these questions? Again, I'll be expecting a sequel to answer these for me. As for the other endings, Spencer and Lorin getting married! It's sweet that Spencer grew a back bone, but in other endings he's such weaksauce :V No wonder he couldn't impress Lorin til now XD

Most of the dialogue felt natural, but the only exception to this is was Lorin at some parts. In the ending where they get married, you made her sound really eager to start a family with Spencer. "Forget the fact that I'm a teenager, I want to hurry up and make babies!" Sure hormones will lead you to that eventually, but usually starting a family isn't the first thing you do when you're in a young romance. I mean, what happened to the honeymoons and sweet nothings? I expected Lorin to be the type to want to enjoy some time with her beau before they get some company...
Art: Mhm, love Tag-'s work C:Only gripe is that Spencer didn't have a side image and Lorin's sprite seemed distant compared to the others. All the other sprites were knee-up, while her's showed a full body of her. This might be something you'll want to fix if there's another update.

Music and Other Stuff: Soundtrack was good, except the song playing in the Cavanaugh mansion hurt my ears some D: The textbox was also a bit awkward sometimes because the name would be derping some place. You get what I'm saying? Maybe adjusting the padding wouldn't hurt :/ Also, try splitting up parts of dialogue that would make the textbox stretch; it's a lot to read, and it seems like common sense to me. The centered text was sometimes hard to read too, but it wasn't too bad.

All in all, a job well done! I want moar will be on the look out for more adventures here :D

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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#12 Post by SusanTheCat »

Great story, great sprites, great bgs, great music. A whole lotta great!

I personally felt that the romance was a touch overboard. They were going from friends to babies in one afternoon. :)
I loved the comments like "it would be counter productive". I totally LOLed at that point.
The story does feel like it is part of a bigger story. I would like to see Spencer and Lorin some more.

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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#13 Post by Crocosquirrel »

SusanTheCat wrote:Great story, great sprites, great bgs, great music. A whole lotta great!

I personally felt that the romance was a touch overboard. They were going from friends to babies in one afternoon. :)
I loved the comments like "it would be counter productive". I totally LOLed at that point.
The story does feel like it is part of a bigger story. I would like to see Spencer and Lorin some more.

There is more to that story, particularly the backstory. Lorin was holding back, and Spencer was trying to catch. If you find the Bad End, you'll see what she was afraid of. So in this case, the romance has been circulating in the undercurrent, being held in abeyance until she saw that he was capable of defying his mother. The True End has a bit more background as well.

The babies remark is more to throw it in Irene's face. She'd consider the kids mongrels.
I'm going to get off my soap-box now, and let you get back to your day.

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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#14 Post by psyduck »

love the opening scene. the static sound, man voice, and the dialogue really add it up.

and for the explaination, it will be better if you put it in the texbox instead of put it centered in the background. it's kinda hard to read it.

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Re: Out of the Darkness [NaNoRenO][SciFi][Historical Event][

#15 Post by Crocosquirrel »

I should break it up a little, you are correct. We should be revisiting this sometime this summer :) The Audio clips weren't originally slated to go in, but someone here thought it would be a nifty idea. The voice acting we do have was taken from existing NASA audio from the flight.

Again, many thanks not only to all the people sitting through all that audio to get it into a digital format, but the Apollo program for keeping such excellent records, and finally, to everyone who downloaded and played this game.

Maybe when we do the revisit, we'll get a couple more clips in there somewhere.
I'm going to get off my soap-box now, and let you get back to your day.

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