Download All: http://www.mediafire.com/file/fm4rlu36m ... .0-all.zip
~4000 words
5 endings (although 2 are quite similar)
Random chibi “CGs” *
One “animated” quit screen because I wanted to test it
Very mild language
Credits:Ren'Py lint report, generated at: Sun Apr 01 12:36:49 2012
Statistics: The game contains 323 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 4,152 words,
for an average of 12.9 words per screen.
The game contains 3 menus.
Story, programming, GUI and CGs by GeneDNC
Original soundtrack by the fantastic Retribute
Backgrounds by the amazing Luminarious
Character art by Tokudaya
Proofreading by Uncreative Pseudonym
Additional images from DeviantArt by tsugitsugi, ~shuallyo, hawksmont, Princess-of-Shadows, MapleRose_stock and VectorLady.com
Sound effects from freesound.org by percy-duke, pagancow, someonesilly, partymix and geoffbarkman.
Ren'Py Engine by the magnificent PyTom
Screenshots: Click for larger

Due to time constraints and being ill in the last week, I didn’t get to finish everything I wanted to. Therefore I am working on version 2.0 (although with all the other NaNoRenO projects out, who knows where I’ll find the time).
For those interested, the proposed extra, mostly unlockable, content planned for 2.0:
Epilogue for one ending – I actually completed this already, but decided to withhold it so that there will be at least some story content in 2.0
Possible additional epilogues
Music Room
Other coding tweaks and animation
Please let me know of any typos/bugs you might find.
Specific feedback request: Would you like to see a bit more descriptions added? Like 1st person observations, for example of someone's expression, from James' point of view? Is there a specific style which you think would work best?
*Seriously, they don’t count as CGs, more like “random bad-art images when you’ve reached the end of the path.”