Capsy wrote:Title screen, playtesting, and tons and tons of help and moral support along the way - BoMuffin
....This is me.
HEY GUYS!! I know I haven't really introduced myself, the reason for that is...
I've been lazy >.>;;
I'm introducing myself know is because the mentioning of the title screen now and again has given me moral support especial because of seeing the let's play made me want to write something.
(Capsy Is OCD. So I was surprised when Cap asked me to do the title screen. O.O But it's understandable because of the limited time Cap had...Lol, I'm gonna be killed for mentioning this AHA. But so you guys know, the art isn't different to deceive you, and its partly my fault for not making the title page similar to the sprites, even though i thought I did *sigh* I've been getting lots of criticism about that, sorry guys.)
I just thought I owe it to you guys to introduce myself to you, even though I have no idea what to say,
*cries in corner*
I do have a DeviantArt account you're free to follow me ( ), but just so you know I haven't posted my artwork online before, I don't think I'm good enough, sorry for the disappointment. BUT! >:3 *Suspense* I'll hopefully be making a VN soon :'D AND would hopefully post some concept art up on dA :Q_____ I'm looking forward to that.
Also, thank you all for the wonderful comments to Capsy, I find the support very cool and awesome >:'D