Exile Gear Raynar

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J. Datie
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Exile Gear Raynar

#1 Post by J. Datie »

Hey, hey~! It's the game I made for NaNoRenO, and now it's four and a half months late but still done!

Exile Gear Raynar is a mecha themed shoujo-ai kinetic novel. It stars Kuni, an unlucky young woman whose dream of becoming a robot pilot comes true when she's invited to the base home to the world's most powerful robot, Raynar.

The game itself is a throwback to Super Robot anime from the '70s, the protagonists are good and brightly coloured, the antagonists are evil and dark, and the heros yell out all the names of their robot's attack.

Windows version only so far, Mac version will come, I dunno? September-ish?

*Update 18-AUG-07 (less spelling and grammar mistakes, thanks chronoluminaire!)
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Download! Download and bask in the cheesy Super Robot goodness~!
Last edited by J. Datie on Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#2 Post by F.I.A »

:Turns as quick as Getter-2 to post this:

Hmm, it is kind of nice to see there is still Super Robot spirits among fans. And it is rather rare with an Onscripter submission.
It got some humor factors(Poor Raynar.. :) ). The movie titles make me chuckled as well. And ultimately, spelling attack names.

Aside from the spelling mistakes, I find that this kinetic game is rather short. That is understandable, given that it is a NaNoRenO works, but perhaps I find that more talks are necessary among Kuni and Kyung-Soon to kinder their relation.

Oh yea, if anything, the way too fast-forwarding credits kind of annoys me. :?
Thanks for a nice 20 minutes read.

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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#3 Post by DaFool »

Hey...I love surprises like this! It breaks my usual cynical mentality

Shoujo-ai, mecha, and made with Onscripter to boot! I give you 3 virtual cookies for innovation! :D

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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#4 Post by Ignosco »

Congratulations - I enjoyed this, it's got a great mix of cheese, humour and romance :). One small complaint though...
Why couldn't they have seen one of the other movies instead... :cry: :P

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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#5 Post by monele »

Wooh! Supaaa Robotooo~!
The robot part was nice albeit classic (but hey, it's clearly an hommage ^^) and the romantic part was cute :). The humor was really cheesy at times but still got a few laughs out of me :).

All in all, a nice experience ^^... It'd deserve more visual action in the robot scenes actually :)

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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#6 Post by chronoluminaire »

Yeah, this was really cool! Cheesy in places, but in a good way :D I loved the comedy moments (especially when Kuni misheard the "drooling" comment, bwahahaha! :lol: ) It was cute and dramatic and funky. One thing I was particularly impressed with was the music - it was excellent and atmospheric for each scene.

My game did crash, quite near the end- just after
Kuni casts the Earth Breaker

One minor niggle was the way the narration was in parentheses all the time... that's just so different to how other games work that it was a bit jarring. (Also, of course, it'd be great to get the game proofread for spelling errors - I've sent you a PM.)

But still - a fun and very cute game! Thanks!
I released 3 VNs, many moons ago: Elven Relations (IntRenAiMo 2007), When I Rule The World (NaNoRenO 2005), and Cloud Fairy (the Cute Light & Fluffy Project, 2009).
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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#7 Post by themocaw »

The titles of the movies made me lol. I want to watch Tales of Lemmings XD

J. Datie
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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#8 Post by J. Datie »

Thanks much for the comments everyone! And thank you chronoluminaire for fixing my terrible spelling. (I guess that's what I get for always writing between 12-4 in the morning. :oops: )

Did it only crash the one time, or does it keep happening?

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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#9 Post by mikey »

Congratulations on a finished project!
Can we mirror this at the Ren'Ai Archives? (http://www.renai.us)

Also, do you plan on releasing a fixed version (the spelling checked by chronoluminaire)? If so, we'll wait for a final updated version.
Thanks! :P

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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#10 Post by J. Datie »

mikey wrote:Congratulations on a finished project!
Can we mirror this at the Ren'Ai Archives? (http://www.renai.us)

Also, do you plan on releasing a fixed version (the spelling checked by chronoluminaire)? If so, we'll wait for a final updated version.
Thanks! :P
I'd be honoured to be part of the Archives~! :D I've added the updated link to the first post.

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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#11 Post by mugenjohncel »

Last edited by mugenjohncel on Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#12 Post by PyTom »

Or he could just attach it to the forum, and dispense entirely with the various "free" download places that are far more trouble then they're worth.
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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#13 Post by J. Datie »

Okie dokie, it's a forum attachment now.

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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#14 Post by Blue Lemma »

I'm not generally a mecha fan, but I was pleasantly surprised by this :mrgreen:
Kuni is a very likable protagonist and the humor worked well. Some choices throughout the game would have been nice, but the story was still very entertaining without them. I had some problems with crashing, too. I think it crashed on me twice before I was able to make it to the end >_>

Art notes:
* When I saw the side view pic of Kuni and Kyung-Soon, my first thought was "THE HAIR!" :lol:
* The cockpit view is pretty nifty
* Kyung-Soon is so cute when she's sleeping =:3
* She's also pretty stacked for a little munchkin :shock:

Nice job! 8) I expect to see more from you :wink:
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Re: Exile Gear Raynar

#15 Post by Navi-Starfire »

Ha, I was your 300th download!
Can't wait to play!

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