I loved it!
One of my very favourite VN out there!

(sorry: no critic here - just enjoyed it

… Congrats!
Excuse me, I feel bad just to write '
one of my very favourite Visual Novels' – and not to say why! ;D
OK. I try:
First of all – I think that you have a great story. The characters are unique and I find it easy to identify myself with the main character.
You actually give a lot of hints for the turning in the story. So it is nice to go through your story more than once – and discover them!
Actually I had the feeling to 'watch a movie' while playing… One reason is probably that you made a kinetic novel with an uninterrupted storyline that just flows… without stopping and asking the user to take over. But you also did well in choosing different views and 'camera positions'. Which leads to to the visuals: Congrats on them! I find them just convincing! While they do not using manga-style at all I think that your approach is well executed. Both: Background images and characters fit and are pleasing.
Also the sound is very well done… (I believe generated sound, right?) and the GUI also. Just: very nice!
I also liked the background story in most parts! Well executed imho: the dramatic scene
where the wife begs for not going on her knees.
That you have been able to do this in just 19 days is wonderful!
I think I have may have a slight favour for good scifi-stories ^^ – But all in all you did a remarkable Visual Novel in my eyes.
The only thing that I wonder about is, that the title is a bit trivial for the whole scifi-story. I think it fits… but you actually made a much more interesting story than just 'about someone who loves'. I connect your story with films like 2001: A Space Odyssey or Solaris…
I wish you good luck for your further projects!