Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

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Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#1 Post by ppppantsu »


Fetish: Wanted is Fetish's spin-off game and can be played without having seen the previous games.

Set in a high school alternate universe, Hexia received a letter from Vier's high school principal, requesting her to interview some students for a reason unstated.
Bored as she always is, she accepted the request without hesitation and her poor butler, Cain, got dragged along.

*Note: I have followed the Japanese education system for this spin-off. Vier, Hexia's younger brother, is a high school sophomore and is at age 17.

Mediafire | Dropbox | MEGA
More info and walkthrough are also there.

I had lots of free time while waiting for new assignments from my work and for my beta-testers (Incolore) to be done
so I did this game for letting pass time, so it's expected the game has errors and is relatively short (11K words).

Anyway, I did this to help me think of ideas / concepts / scenarios / new characters for Fetish Otome.

Don't expect too much from this mini game though, I didn't put that much effort and thinking anyway. //rolls

Image Image

After you've finished the game...
1. Which bachelor did you find appealing the most and would want to be included in the otome?
2. Which bachelor do you think suited Hexia (heroine) the most?
3. Other stuff you want to say?

I'm sorry I can't think of anything else.

I don't know when will I start with the otome, but earliest would be mid-Dec 2014 to Jan 2015.
Last edited by ppppantsu on Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:53 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#2 Post by pocoscon »

Cool =). Going to try this out. Looks really sweet
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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#3 Post by try10 »

The game was so cute! :D I never expected you to continue this series and I'm very glad you did! I really liked Vier and Luca and I really, really hope you are going to add some supernatural into it. A vampire? Werewolf? Death God? Ghost? Fetish OTOME IS GOING TO ROCK!!! Good luck! XD

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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#4 Post by ppppantsu »

pocoscon wrote:Cool =). Going to try this out. Looks really sweet
Awww thank you! :oops: And I'll reply to your PM in a bit. >A< )!!!
try10 wrote:The game was so cute! :D I never expected you to continue this series and I'm very glad you did! I really liked Vier and Luca and I really, really hope you are going to add some supernatural into it. A vampire? Werewolf? Death God? Ghost? Fetish OTOME IS GOING TO ROCK!!! Good luck! XD
This one's not really a continuation, but just a mini, fun game. |"D The real sort-of sequel will be the otome. I've been busy with life and shizzles so my pace in making new games kinda slowed down. But no worries, this plan will push through and thank you for the suggestion! :lol:

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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#5 Post by Starshine »

Looks like a cute little game, if you wonder how i was linked here... after logging into blogger your post popped right into my face, which got my attention, plus i have free time atm. There's something unique about your game art style for this game... reminds me of... Adventure Time ;) I'll try this out right now, via Mediafire as that's the one and only best. I'll play your game and tell you what i think about it. :)
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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#6 Post by ppppantsu »

Starshine wrote:Looks like a cute little game, if you wonder how i was linked here... after logging into blogger your post popped right into my face, which got my attention, plus i have free time atm. There's something unique about your game art style for this game... reminds me of... Adventure Time ;) I'll try this out right now, via Mediafire as that's the one and only best. I'll play your game and tell you what i think about it. :)
Yes, I did adapt Adventure Time's style because I can't do more complex characters designs atm, and I wanted the final designs to be a surprise when the otome would be in the works. |"D

And thank you so much!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#7 Post by Googaboga »

This looks like another lovely game from you ^^. I'll give a try and let you know what I thought :].
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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#8 Post by ciel_morgan »

Alright. I'm just done playing the whole thing and got all 5 endings. And I just gotta admit that I'm still faithful to Vier. :lol:

Even though the other guys seem hot as well, I just don't feel that attracted to them, maybe not yet? But if it's minus Vier, then I guess I'd enjoy Luca the most, then Finlay. Alois is a bit too creepy for me...

If it's possible, could you make a ménage à trois route? That'd be fun, I think. :twisted:

Well then, it's all the feedback I have. This mini version sneak peek was very enjoyable. Thank you! :D

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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#9 Post by ppppantsu »

Googaboga wrote:This looks like another lovely game from you ^^. I'll give a try and let you know what I thought :].
Thank you for taking an interest! >W< );;
ciel_morgan wrote:Alright. I'm just done playing the whole thing and got all 5 endings. And I just gotta admit that I'm still faithful to Vier. :lol:
Thank for your feedback! Maybe if you'll see their full design you'll feel more attracted to them //winks
omg and your suggestion tho- OMFG :oops: :oops: :oops:

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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#10 Post by ciel_morgan »

ppppantsu wrote: Thank for your feedback! Maybe if you'll see their full design you'll feel more attracted to them //winks
omg and your suggestion tho- OMFG :oops: :oops: :oops:
Ah haha! Sorry to have made you blush. But yeah, I'm looking forward to their full design. Don't work too hard, though. We can wait. So take care of yourself! :D

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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#11 Post by Starshine »

I liked Luca, the bad boy type always win in my books.

I would say Alois because he's sophisticated, but that's my opinion, in reality i would have said Luca.

When i saw Hexia and her brother i just knew they was related... although i thought they were twins. I love the music at the start of the game... that plays when you play through the game it reminds me of the SEGA MEGADRIVE.

One of Hexia's quotes really made me laugh, it's a good quote, i've never heard it before. Unique, just like Bart Simpson saying "Don't Have a Cow Man" or Fred Flinstone saying Yabba Dabba Doo, or something in the same genre.
Good QUOTE XOX.PNG (16.16 KiB) Viewed 14314 times
I'm not resting until I find
What would make your eyes
Glisten like mine
With loves divine!

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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#12 Post by Googaboga »

Okay so I played the game and here are the answers to the questions;
1. Which bachelor did you find appealing the most and would want to be included in the otome?

Cain :B. Though out of the three new guys,I think Luca, maybe? It's hard to tell since there is still so much I don't know about these new guys.

2. Which bachelor do you think suited Hexia (heroine) the most?

Well in this game I'd say Finlay but Hexia seemed sort of different in this game than she did in the previous one. I wouldn't have imagined fetishes like these would have weirded someone like her out or that she'd be worried/scared over these guys considering all the stuff she's done in the past. Maybe it was just because this game was so lighthearted and had a chibi-ish art, but it seemed like Hexia could have easily handled any of those guys :lol:.

3. Other stuff you want to say?

I liked the twist ending where it was really Hexia who was being tricked. I thought the whole situation was pretty suspicious. Also for some reason I can't seem to get the 'single' ending. I tried using the walkthrough and choosing none of the red choices but each time I still ended up with one of the guys v.v. Maybe you could list some exact choices I could make in order not to gain points with anyone :'D?

But anyways I thought this was fun and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the full otome version ^^. I imagine it'll have a lot of entertaining situations X3.
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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#13 Post by ppppantsu »

Starshine wrote:
Bad boys have really this irresistible charm huh? And thank you very much for playing! I was lucky enough to find that type of music. uvu I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Googaboga wrote: But anyways I thought this was fun and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the full otome version ^^. I imagine it'll have a lot of entertaining situations X3.
Uwaa, I'm sorry about that. @A@;;;
It would have been fine if you picked all choices without a point, and when the scene with Vier during lunch break with choices Then and But, choose But and for the last question (Luca's), pick the one without a point.

Other method is balanced the accumulated points (3-3-3-3) and do the first one that I sad. @A@

I'm sorry if it's pretty confusing.
And I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you very much! :lol:

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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#14 Post by Googaboga »

Okay thank you. I'll give that a try ^^.
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Re: Fetish: Wanted [GxB][Mystery][Slight-Romance]

#15 Post by xKairi »

This looks super cute! Going to try this and let you know what I think :)

By the way, I just have to ask (I hope you don't mind lol)... where did you get your backgrounds? They look amazing!

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