Semester 1.1.1

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Semester 1.1.1

#1 Post by Daggio »

Hi everyone, this is my first Ren'py game that I publish here. It might not be very good but I braced myself into publishing it to you guys.

well, here's the windows version
and this is the linux version
and this one is the macintosh version

the game's story is about a transferal student, moved to another school. His name will be decided b the player. And um... what other information should I give eh? ^^;

Well, the music might not be very good, I composed it myself just so it won't be a quiet game so don't be surprised if it's terrible ^^;

well I'll be waiting for your comment

I've uploaded version 1.1, with bug fixes

hope you enjoy it :D

I've released version 1.1.1 with another bug fix (bug seems to come again and again >_<)

enjoy :D

Man, I'm tired of editing
I'm giving you the source code, you can fix any bugs you found yourself :D

here's the newest DL link, I've tested it and there's no bug... as far as I can found :p, the source is still included though
somehow I can't upload the files here,so I'm using another DL link instead

edit (gosh, how many editing have I made here ^^;):
thanks for telling me the DL link is broken, fortunately I am able to upload the files now so there should be no problem anymore ^^
Mac version
(10.45 MiB) Downloaded 673 times
Linux version
(9.71 MiB) Downloaded 634 times
Windows version
(10.75 MiB) Downloaded 15150 times
Last edited by Daggio on Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Semester 1.0

#2 Post by chronoluminaire »

Congratulations on finishing your game!

I'm afraid I couldn't get to the end of it though... it seemed to get stuck in an infinite loop at the end-of-semester studying ^^;;

The graphics are nice. I'm impressed with the character artwork - Maya is very cute, and when you're nice to Marina, her smiling sprite is lovely. All the characters are very well drawn. The backgrounds are a little odd having some of them as photos and some as drawn CGs, but it doesn't much bother me. The sound is simple, as you said, but it's fine - subtle and unobtrusive.

The major problem is the bugs, though. During the studying before mid-semester exams, it repeats Wednesday over and over. I repeated the same choice perhaps 5 Wednesdays in a row ^^;;;; It did eventually break free of that, with a nice little scene with Maya. But then the same thing happened at the end of semester, and this time it didn't stop. I've played at least 30 Wednesdays in a row, sitting with Maya lots, and then with Anita lots, but it still didn't do anything different. In a second game, sitting with Marina every time, the same thing happened.

There are also places where a character doesn't disappear - notably in the infinite afterschool studying, Anita is always stuck on screen, with Maya on top of her. And for some reason, when Marina comes out to catch you in the corridor, her sprite displays off the top of the screen.

Also, I'd suggest that before releasing a game, you let someone proofread it, just to pick up the typos and spelling and grammar mistakes.

With a little polish on the English, and fixing these bugs, this could be an excellent addition to the archive fan-made ren'ai games!
I released 3 VNs, many moons ago: Elven Relations (IntRenAiMo 2007), When I Rule The World (NaNoRenO 2005), and Cloud Fairy (the Cute Light & Fluffy Project, 2009).
More recently I designed the board game Steam Works (published in 2015), available from a local gaming store near you!

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Re: Semester 1.0

#3 Post by Daggio »

chronoluminaire wrote:Congratulations on finishing your game!
thanks! ^^
chronoluminaire wrote: The major problem is the bugs, though. During the studying before mid-semester exams, it repeats Wednesday over and over. I repeated the same choice perhaps 5 Wednesdays in a row ^^;;;; It did eventually break free of that, with a nice little scene with Maya. But then the same thing happened at the end of semester, and this time it didn't stop. I've played at least 30 Wednesdays in a row, sitting with Maya lots, and then with Anita lots, but it still didn't do anything different. In a second game, sitting with Marina every time, the same thing happened.
I've fixed this bug, thanks for telling me about this one ^^

I want to upload the fixed version but before that I want to ask you something, which tense should I use when creating visual novel? Jovia said it have to be past tense because we're writing a narrative story but I think it should be present (maybe even present continuous) tense because we're playing it as if it's happening now (as we play)

so what do you guys think? ^^;

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Re: Semester 1.0

#4 Post by monele »

If the protagonist is in 1st person view and tells the story as it happens, it probably should be present tense. "What should I do now? Ok, let's go to the classroom. Hey, C. is about to go in too."

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Re: Semester 1.0

#5 Post by victorita9 »

i like the game to! Except that i cannot finish it :cry: (so sad). But I still like it. Those are really good drawings!


Re: Semester 1.0

#6 Post by Ren »

Meh, I didn't read the post abvout the bug so I ended up in a infinity loop with Anita...I don't know how it will continue after you fix the bugs but I can already say I was constantly wishing for some descriptions of the places or some random event to make me enter the story more.
I don't know if I can explain this well, I tend to simpathyze with the characters when they have some quirks, maybe something they often say or do.I would have liked to know something about Anita's novel instead of seeing dismissed with a "I liked it but A could have said that to B".

Also, I might be influenced by my weird experience in the time paradox you created, but I felt there were too many choices.Even before the day that keeps repeating itself actually.
I can live perfectly with 3 choices or no choices at all when the story and the writing style somehow drags me in.On the other hand nothing happens during classes, it took me maybe 3 times or more in the library before Anita spoke to me and I had to do the very same thing all the time(Choose library, take the book, read the book, notice her, go home.Choose library, take the book...).
On the other hand the characters' style is pretty interesting, they look very healthy too.Many congratulations to the artist :3

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Re: Semester 1.0

#7 Post by PyTom »

IMO, you can make VNs in either present or past tense. The key is to be consistent, and never to switch tenses without a good reason. In Moonlight Walks, I think the story benefited from being told in past tense, but then switching to the present for the endings,
which take place decades after the start.
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Re: Semester 1.0

#8 Post by Daggio »

I've uploaded the bug-fixed version

now you can play it until the ending :D


Re: Semester 1.0

#9 Post by Yayguests! »

I got 1.1 and have a couple of things to mention:

The characters were drawn nicely, and the backgrounds have at no point bothered me or even distracted me.

The actions/activities you carry out do seem a little repetitive when narrated over and over again, but I suppose that'd help get players to try mixing it up a bit instead of just bearing down on one character :p Still, maybe there's a better way to encourage that, if that was the intent?

I agree with the above post about the proofreading. Your game would benefit greatly from it, and not because it has lots of horrible errors or anything like that. Rather, it's because most of the time the text is pretty readable to me, so that when the errors do come up, it's a little more distracting than it might be if, say, there were problems all the way through. Yes, I know that's a slightly insane thing to say, but I said it, so nyah :p

Now onto more spoilery things.
I tried it with my "here and there and almost everywhere until oh look I'm studying with only Anita" style, and got the bad ending--which is fair enough.

Then I tried focusing entirely on a single character at a time. I've gotten The Bad Ending for each of the girls with this approach. I don't know if that's intentional, but in light of the earlier bug comments, I thought I'd mention it just in case it wasn't.

When I focus on Roy (and chose Maya, for that one choice that didn't involve him), the game crashes altogether, when he reminds me that there's basketball practice. This is after one of the study sessions for the final exam, presumably on a Saturday. This is after I tell Roy about having to move again.
The traceback:

NameError: name 'true' is not defined

While running game code:
- script at line 1077 of D:\Titipan\renpy-6.3.3-full\renpy-6.3.3\Semester/game/script.rpy

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

File "C:\more\freewish\rn\th\unplayed\Semester-1.1\renpy\", line 209, in bootstrap
File "C:\more\freewish\rn\th\unplayed\Semester-1.1\renpy\", line 293, in main
File "C:\more\freewish\rn\th\unplayed\Semester-1.1\renpy\", line 88, in run
File "C:\more\freewish\rn\th\unplayed\Semester-1.1\renpy\", line 194, in run
File "C:\more\freewish\rn\th\unplayed\Semester-1.1\renpy\", line 1117, in execute
File "C:\more\freewish\rn\th\unplayed\Semester-1.1\renpy\", line 889, in py_eval
File "<none>", line 1, in <expression>
NameError: name 'true' is not defined

While running game code:

Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py 6.3.3a

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Re: Semester 1.1.1

#10 Post by Daggio »

I've fixed the bug, thanks for notifying me yayguests ^^

this experience should reminds me to do proofreading and bug testing in the future if I am about to release my game again ^^;

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Re: Semester 1.1.1

#11 Post by gekiganwing »

Overall, "Semester" was a pretty nice Christmas present. I admit that I have a weakness for all-ages school love stories, even if the genre might be one big cliche.

Yayguests mentioned something which I also found frustrating:
the game seemed to be rewarding the protagonist for focusing his attention on only one character... but in the end, nothing but a bad ending. Let me explain.

After my protagonist went to the library several times in a row, he got to learn much more about Anita, the library girl. When he studied with Anita, he got closer to her. I thought that could lead to a good ending. But then the protagonist had to move away, and there was a bad ending. That baffled me.

Is there a way to avoid a bad ending? Is there something I missed? Is the goal to get to know *several* people? I'd assumed the game was about getting to know one individual...


Re: Semester 1.1.1

#12 Post by Yayguests! »

I picked up 1.1.1 and came across the same bug as before (or at least it displayed the exact same traceback).

The order I did things this time:
I started by just cycling through the choices in the order they appeared, so I ended up doing things like this:


I just kept on going through them in that order until Roy asked me to join his club (I did).

When the study sessions started, I kept cycling through the above order of people: Roy, Anita, Marina, Maya.

When Roy said "Hey where are you going? you're not intending to go home so soon now do you?" and I respond with "Of course not, this is saturday and it's out basketball day" etc, the game crashes when I click or press space/enter.

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Re: Semester 1.1.1

#13 Post by ojisan »


I keep getting the same crash that others above have written about. As for the game itself, it is interesting, and the I like the way the characters change expression.

My major suggestion for this game is for you to add some Indonesian flavor. Right now, too many visual novels seem like they could be set anywhere, or are clones of Japanese manga, and I really wish more people would create visual novels that reflect the culture of the makers.

You might want to consider adding in something to to reflect the fact that this game was made in Indonesia. I'd like to learn more about your wonderful country and its customs, people, food, and way of thinking. :D

For example, you could throw in some Indonesian words or slang (or even Surabyan words), and make some of the characters of different background (I read that there are many different ethnic groups in Indonesia). Show us Indonesian schools and how they operate. What kind of jobs are available for students when they graduate? What do students do in their spare time?

These are just suggestions, and I look forward to being able to play your game. Thanks for making it.


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Re: Semester 1.1.1

#14 Post by Daggio »

Yayguests! wrote:I picked up 1.1.1 and came across the same bug as before (or at least it displayed the exact same traceback).

The order I did things this time:
I started by just cycling through the choices in the order they appeared, so I ended up doing things like this:


I just kept on going through them in that order until Roy asked me to join his club (I did).

When the study sessions started, I kept cycling through the above order of people: Roy, Anita, Marina, Maya.

When Roy said "Hey where are you going? you're not intending to go home so soon now do you?" and I respond with "Of course not, this is saturday and it's out basketball day" etc, the game crashes when I click or press space/enter.
strange, I've tested my game again and I found no errors in this part you should be able to go through this (after this, Marina will say something.)

I guess the problem at line 1077 is just because of a typo (I wrote 'true' instead of 'True') and I've fixed this so it should be okay
could you copy-paste the traceback? I'll check my game tomorrow just in case if there's another error or something related to your error (now it's 23.30 near midnight here so can't check if now :D)
ojisan wrote:You might want to consider adding in something to to reflect the fact that this game was made in Indonesia. I'd like to learn more about your wonderful country and its customs, people, food, and way of thinking. :D

For example, you could throw in some Indonesian words or slang (or even Surabyan words), and make some of the characters of different background (I read that there are many different ethnic groups in Indonesia). Show us Indonesian schools and how they operate. What kind of jobs are available for students when they graduate? What do students do in their spare time?
thanks, I'm happy to hear you're interested in Indonesia :D
Surabaya words? well I have to think about that 'cos people from outside Surabaya won't understand it (even those from my country ^^)
in fact, if I include a language specific to one ethnic group (in Surabaya, our ethnic are dominantly Javanese) others from other ethnic won't understand it, that's the reason why we have Bahasa Indonesia ^^

but I think I can include our cuisine though, that's a good suggestion ^^

but just in case you guys didn't notice, the chars names are all Indonesian
Maya and Marina were both my junior high school friends (Maya used to be the head of the class too, and Marina was also a student council member and they both in real worlds were good friends.)
Roy is taken from Roy Marten, one of many actors here in Indonesia
Anita is well....I never met someone with that name but that sounds Indonesian to me ^^

maybe I can include a more detailed features of Indonesia on my next game, once again thanks for the suggestion ^^

(Oh my, it's almost 12 o'clock...well, gotta go)

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Re: Semester 1.1.1

#15 Post by Showsni »

It must depend where you live... Maya sounds Spanish to me, Roy and Anita sound like normal English and Marina sounds like a mute fish-girl. But then, I like Stingray, so that explains it...

Marina, Aqua Marina,
What are these strange enchantments that start whenever you're near?
Marina, Aqua Marina,
Why can't you whisper the words that my heart is longing to hear?
You're magic to me, a beautiful mystery,
I'm certain to fall I know, because you enthrall me so.
Marina, Aqua Marina,
Why don't you say, that you'll always stay, close to my heart.

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