A Midsummer Night's Dream

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A Midsummer Night's Dream

#1 Post by vlint »

I've decided to post what I have for this now, as it's not going anywhere else any time soon, otherwise.

Anyway, if you play it and decide there's something you wish to improve upon, let me know (it sure needs it: especially music). I do intend to leave the script as it originally was (for the most part), though—if any changes are made.

The main drawbacks, probably, are that there isn't any sound, and the pictures don't match as well as they should (one in particular); they're just what I could find, randomly. Nevertheless, you might still find it enjoyable (or at least easier to read than a txt E-book). It's a kinetic novel—there aren't any choices (Shakespeare didn't program any in). There are a couple footnotes, though (via hyperlinks).

I didn't do many effects, visual novel wise, but this is largely since it wasn't my own creation.

You'll notice that the character art appears at the top of the screen in the middle. That might seem odd, and it is, but it made life easier. It's up there because it covers the text if it's lower, and the text is often too long for it to look very good having the picture on the side. Every time a character talks, the appropriate picture appears. I could have solved this by just showing the right picture every time—and maybe I'll do that some time (but that's a lot of show statements! especially since I didn't write the script—if I had, it would be easier, for some reason: the whole knowing what the characters are thinking thing and all, sort of)

I've decided not to upload this here yet, seeing as I might need to do a repost soon. I plan to post it here when I'm sure no one else wants to improve upon it (probably in about a month if no one responds). This is also partly due to me not knowing how easy it is to update the files here (i.e. replace the old ones with new ones, rather than adding the new while keeping the old). How does that work, here? I just don't want to waste space by having the old copies around, if there end up being any. Feel free to do what you like with it. I can provide the source, if you want.

Anyway, you can follow this link to download it and try it out:
http://www.nabble.com/A-Midsummer-Night ... 14604.html

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Re: A Midsummer Night's Dream

#2 Post by mikey »

A question for the Ren'Ai Archive: Can we get your permission to mirror this game at http://www.renai.us?
Thanks for considering!

If you give us permission, then let us know when you consider the game as done (along with the latest link) - looks okay to me, but it is ultimately your decision.

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Re: A Midsummer Night's Dream

#3 Post by vlint »

You (and everyone else in and out of the world) are hereby granted permission to treat anything I might have a copyright on in this work as if it were public domain. Sorry I didn't see this sooner. Thanks! I believe all the stuff I didn't do is already public domain, though (except for maybe Ren'Py, which isn't far off from it).

In other words, yes, you can mirror it, and more.

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Re: A Midsummer Night's Dream

#4 Post by vlint »

I've posted the script for download on that Nabble forum post above. Feel free to do whatever you want with it (including mirroring it, if desired).

I might recommend taking out the pictures and treating it like an eBook, if you find them distracting.

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