Just went through it and I have mixed feelings. Most of them I sadly can't explain in details because I have a hard time analyzing what exactly went well and wrong but I'll at least point out what I know.
First, I'll leave out the interface as it is something I rarely pay attention to unless it does something particularly fancy. I'm talking about buttons and such. At least the color them is not an eye-killer. If you wanted to improve it, though, you'll have to go at it from the graphics side. The title screen is not an eyesore but it's also nothing special. I looked at the title font because it seemed like a font I had never seen before and also I appreciated that it was *readable*. So many people forget contours or use high contrast colors when they put titles on pictures... you did not, and that's good ^^.
Also appreciated is that you made the effort to put a different background in the config screen.
When it comes to graphics during the story, I'll go with lightdancer and say that it's not great. But I want to elaborate : it did support the story and illustrate it. You had multiple expressions for each character which helped show their feelings. I think I remember *some* of them looking slightly out of place at times (one of the things I pay extra attention to ^^;...) but expressions changed often enough that it was not proeminent in the long run.
Now, it all depends on wether you plan to keep drawing and want to improve or if you just did this so you could tell your story and will rely on a seasoned artist from now on. As it is, I'll honestly say this is the kind of art level I wouldn't appreciate outside of a VN, as a standalone work. It might even have scared me off if I was not intent on playing through your game (which I'm glad I still did, see later). So if you plan to improve, I don't have much else to say but "practice". Look at your favorite artists and try to redraw what you see. Then try without the model and see what you missed in-between. Get references, try to learn the body structure. Your girls were a bit too square-shouldered for example. Also, it seems you have potential with expressions, so you might want to make it your strength : keep studying faces and expressions. Oh and eyes. I can't pinpoint it but they have the "manga beginner" look which I think all artists go through

. For this :
http://mayshing.deviantart.com/art/Anim ... -1-1475717
Check out this and the other related pages. Pick your favorite(s) and try reusing them ^_^. Oh and the crying : if you follow manga schemes, you want it to go down to the bottom of the face. And if you want it more realistic than comical, just a few pearly tears on the side of each eye with a build up under them usually works well.
And if you're not looking to improve, well... uh...... disregard this ^^;...
Onto the story : (I'll spoiler tag the whole thing so I can refer to specific parts easily)
Keep in mind that it's only my opinion, biased by my own preferences for how stories should go and such.
Basically, the story for me went from dull to okay/good. The main issue at the beginning is that you start in-vitae and introduce the angel concept right away but... we're left in the dark about basic details for... well... for the whole game actually. Who are these angels? Why are they on Earth? Why are there only a few remaining? And also, maybe, what can they do? These were the questions I was asking myself during a good part of the beginning... and only a few were answered, and not in great details.
I don't suggest dumping the whole exposition right away though! It's usually quite indigest when one does that ^^;. But you might sprinkle it throughout the story. Sometimes, just a simple reference can serve as an explanation. I don't know your background story so I can't give an example :/. I usually fancy exposition through dialogues or narration. Mentioning past events, people, situations. You don't have to give all the details, just enough to let the reader imagine the rest and have a solid enough base to focus on the current story and not on wondering about all this. AND you don't have to explain all the points, but a few of them would be nice. Oh, also, who the hell is Josh?

He's incredibly blank as a character, mostly acting as our camera.
I suppose all this could also be solved by making the story longer, but I'm not sure it's entirely necessary. Again, you don't have to spend half-an-hour explaining in detail how Josh and Death came to know each other. A few sentences could be enough.
Same thing with Qrinz who seems like an otherwise well known acquaintance/friend, but we don't know her. Is there something to say about catgirls in themselves, too? Oh well, basically, what I'm saying is that it's clear there is a background to this KN, but we're left totally in the dark about it. I'll guess it's mostly because you know it well and your partners do too, and you ended up skipping explanations. To avoid this and let the unknowing populace enjoy your work, just explain what needs to be explained ^^. Keep it short and to the point since it's not the point of this KN but do include it

Okay, enough negatives for today

. There is one point where I stopped going "clickclickclick" and really started paying attention, it's when the fight started out. Just before that, I also payed more attention to the Winy painting scene. But during the fight, what changed is that I actually pictured the pierced shoulder scene quite well. I just had the scene as a CG event in my head, all in cool perspective with action lines

. It's silly, but I just got into the fight and started picturing things more clearly (eh, I guess I love fights ^^;...). The rolling down the ... underpass/slope? and... well that's pretty much it. The rest was not as "visual".
Aside from the easily visualized fight scenes, I also enjoyed the way the story wrapped up. If there's one thing I was curious about, it's what Death was going to choose. Of course I hope for something not bloody and I'm glad that's what it was ^^. But it was also nice to see Winy convinving him that there were... other ways to fly. Plus he found someone just like him, so yay

. The last "visual" scene would be the throwing of the sword. Basically, these scenes I thought were worthy of a full on CG : painting scene, shoulder pierced, sword throwing. They were the most emotionally charged after all.
To sum up : slow and confusing beginning, good dynamic scene in the middle and finally nice wrapping up.
Global summary : some fixing up to do with the exposition, maybe even some clean up on the best scenes to make them stand out even more, a better set of graphics and you'll have a pretty cool KN in your hands
Aaaand finally, since we're all about reviews and stuff in that other thread, I'd appreciate... a review of my review, if you will

Were parts of it too harsh? too soft? Were parts unhelpful? Did a part really help you? Oh, uh... was it too long? (40 minutes in writing it... I suppose it was ^^;;;...).