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#1 Post by Windchimes »

Last edited by Windchimes on Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:52 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Red String of Fate [GxB][Otome|Fantasy|Slice of Life|Com

#2 Post by Zelan »

Hey hey hey here it is!!! :D Congratulations on the release, you guys!

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Re: Red String of Fate [GxB][Otome|Fantasy|Slice of Life|Com

#3 Post by Electric Daisy »

looks awesome!!! downloading it right away XD

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#4 Post by Windchimes »

Last edited by Windchimes on Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Red String of Fate [GxB][Otome|Fantasy|Slice of Life|Com

#5 Post by NiKaWo »

Oh my gosh, I love this, I mean I just love everything about this. The writing, the characters, the humor, the art, the plot, the EVERYTHING. This is probably one of my favorite otome games ever. I'd go so far as to say that it ties with (P)lanets, which was one of my first otome games and visual novels. It's just that good.

I've only finished Aaron's (happy?) route
the ending where he proposes after tying some red string to your finger. I thought it was super sweet and I also really like knowing that Luke was still friends with both of them, for some reason that made me super happy
but already I'm going to give this a 10/10.

I'll probably gush more in a new comment once I finish the other route too :)

But seriously, thanks so much for this game. Such a great way to start my weekend!

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Re: Red String of Fate [GxB][Otome|Fantasy|Slice of Life|Com

#6 Post by txqina »

1. Did you enjoy the game? Any thoughts/comments?
Yes I did. I liked the fact that for each route I could see that Valerie's attitude to soulmates needed to change if she wanted to prevent friend-zoning or ignoring these guys. (But I still finished up doing that in the first attempt on each route.) Although it wasn't immediately obvious how and where to make different choices in my second attempts, the correct choices seemed to make sense in hindsight, especially reinforced with feedback from slight changes to dialogue or monologue.
(I think what I was trying, rather clumsily, to say above is that this VN does not have the main character as a blank slate for the player to choose the direction for. Rather, there is a clear personality presented that the player can nudge in a different direction without violating that personality.)

2. Who is your favorite character after playing the game?
I preferred Luke to Aaron, but that's just personal preference about looks and personality I think. Both routes offered something.

3. Any other comments or questions?
It was a little startling at first to realise that the first choice (go to a party with Aaron or study with Luke) basically drove the rest of the story.
I decided Valerie should go to the party only out of politeness, and within 5 minutes I was becoming convinced that I was locked into Aaron's route (which I was) instead of my intended route: Luke.

>> Thank you for reading!
Well, thanks to you all for writing, designing, drawing and programming!

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Re: Red String of Fate [GxB][Otome|Fantasy|Slice of Life|Com

#7 Post by ilyilaice »

1. Did you enjoy the game? Any thoughts/comments?

Just finished all the endings and I've got nothing but mad respect for the team and this game. <3 <3 <3 I first became interested in this project since I knew Windchimes as the writer of "Lads in Distress" (which I'm also anxiously anticipating), and boy am I happy I downloaded this. Good vibes, good vibes.

The setup isn't usually my type since it does seem a little, uh, cheesy on the surface, but I do love the thoughtful approach to fatalism and humanism. I also appreciated how Val's ability presented real, complicated problems for her and helped shape her personality.

To make the long story short, I did enjoy this game. It could have easily become some schmaltzy rom-com/drama, but instead it was genuinely thought-provoking.
One last thing -- I hoped for some big twist in the end, but there wasn't any. I was a little disappointed ... but that's probably just due to my preference for the psychological thriller/horror genre. But I did hope that there would be a little more explanation on the mechanics of Val's ability. And an answer for why she and Luke have no red strings.
2. Who is your favorite character after playing the game?

I first played Aaron's route because I guessed I'd like Luke's more, and I wanted to save the best for last, but I ended up preferring Aaron after all. While I disliked the immature and pushy aspects of his personality, I felt like his moments with Val were ultimately more impactful. His last CG (for the good ending) and its parallel to an earlier CG had me going awww.

Also, Valerie is really cute. She's my favorite character in terms of looks. XD

3. Any other comments or questions?

I really love the music for the main menu!!! I'm listening to it now as I type.
Completed Games: Flights of Fancy (NaNoRenO 2019), Limbokin (NaNoRenO 2020), Loveless on Lockdown (NaNoRenO 2021), Aria at the Funeraria (Otome Jam 2021), Pusoy Dos (Spooktober 2021), Jester Under Pressure (NaNoRenO 2022), Dabbling in Drama (Otome Jam 2022), Iridescent Descent (Spooktober 2022), Spirits of Limbo (NaNoRenO 2023), Serial Killers Anonymous (Spooktober 2023), Ferris Feels (NaNoRenO 2024). See them all here.

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Re: Red String of Fate [GxB][Otome|Fantasy|Slice of Life|Com

#8 Post by Zelan »

ilyilaice wrote:I first played Aaron's route because I guessed I'd like Luke's more, and I wanted to save the best for last, but I ended up preferring Aaron after all. While I disliked the immature and pushy aspects of his personality, I felt like his moments with Val were ultimately more impactful. His last CG (for the good ending) and its parallel to an earlier CG had me going awww.
This is pretty much exactly what happened to me. ^_^ Aaron's a real sweetheart.

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Re: Red String of Fate [GxB][Otome|Fantasy|Slice of Life|Com

#9 Post by neuropsy »

1. Did you enjoy the game? Any thoughts/comments?
Yep, I enjoyed it.

The premise of the red strings of fate was what drew me to the game. I did wish I could learn more about the red strings, though leaving them there without explanation was admittedly great for thematic execution. I wanted to know what the red strings meant compared to Val's conceptualization of them. For example, did they really lead to a soul mate? If so, what is a soul mate? If soul mates existed, what implications would it have for romance? So far I've only completed Aaron's route, but I enjoyed the characters' philosophies in approaching the topic of red strings. It's a case of ambiguity creating meaning.

The game as a whole had a relaxed atmosphere to it, and while sometimes slow, felt natural. I especially loved Aaron's ending. It didn't seem contrived at all despite how adorably corny it was; it really felt as if Aaron concocted the whole plan by his own volition. This leads me to compliment another one of the games greatest strengths: the characters. They were likable, interesting, grounded, and exhibited great consistency to their traits, which is pretty difficult to pull off, in my opinion.

2. Who is your favorite character after playing the game?
I enjoyed all the characters pretty equally. As I mentioned in my previous answer, the characters were executed very well. :)

3. Any other comments or questions?
...I want more information on the red strings because I am genuinely fascinated by this game's concept of them.
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#10 Post by Windchimes »

Last edited by Windchimes on Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Red String of Fate [GxB][Otome|Fantasy|Slice of Life|Com

#11 Post by CaptainSecretFire »

Thank you for making this game ^^ It was really enjoyable, sweet and well done! The themes that it touched upon were great, the main character was a definite highlight. Just. So. Heartwarming! I loved it! Luke was my favourite character.
(A first edition copy of Pride and Prejudice is the true way to my heart)
All three of the main characters have great personalities though, I loved them all. I found that both of Luke's endings were really satisfying, whereas with Aaron I felt his alternate ending was a little bit... extreme. But I still enjoyed his route immensely!! They were both really great. Seriously thank you for making this wonderful game and putting it out for free!

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#12 Post by Windchimes »

Last edited by Windchimes on Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Red String of Fate [GxB][Otome|Fantasy|Slice of Life|Com

#13 Post by Zelan »

Awww, YES! ^_^ I hope you guys are celebrating, you definitely deserve it.

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Re: Red String of Fate [GxB][Otome|Fantasy|Slice of Life|Com

#14 Post by kirakana »

First, congrats on your release! I have been quietly stalking you ever since the demo :D

1. Did you enjoy the game? Any thoughts/comments?
YES! I especially liked the relationship between characters - from the easy friendship to the sweetness of a young budding love <3 Makes me wish to have friends like that. Thank you for not making this into a love triangle AND for keeping both of the boys in the story regardless of the route! Also, I liked how the alternative endings weren't "bad", just different.

2. Who is your favorite character after playing the game?
Uh, I liked all three of them, probably because I could relate to them. If I had to choose ... I would go with Aaron, because of his sweet determination. He was simply adorable, trying to woo the heroine. And his blushing face *-* In all honesty, Valerie and Luke were awesome too. Thumbs up :D

3. Any other comments or questions?
I was kinda expecting to uncover the reason for Valerie's and Luke's special power ... Maybe in another installment? *wink, wink*

I look forward to seeing more work from you!

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Re: Red String of Fate [GxB][Otome|Fantasy|Slice of Life|Com

#15 Post by NiKaWo »

Told you I'd come back after finishing Luke's route, but life got busy and I forgot... Sorry, but hey, better late than never!

So I finished Luke's route and I really liked it!! His grandmother was a great character, and I liked how there was a bit more expanding on the lore there. I have to admit that I, like ilyilaice and Zelan, played Aaron's route first because I thought I'd like Luke's more, however I've decided that Aaron's my favorite after all. Not that I didn't like Luke, I loved him, but there's just something about Aaron that really drew me in!

Excited to see what other games you make! I'm downloading Airis right now! (hopefully it can help fill the void left in my heart by Nicholl from LiD until the full one comes out haha)

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