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NSE: A Generic Ghost Story [Mystery][Comedy][Short]

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 4:43 am
by fukairi

Three friends decide to hold a halloween party in an abandoned mansion that no one seems to have heard of. What could go wrong?

Join Nem, Marcus & Erica on a short journey of sass and sarcasm in order to figure out the mystery of the haunted mansion.

  • Multiple endings (Four in total)
  • Massive amount of cutscenes
  • Dialogue-driven story

Author rambling:

This was my first ren'py project AND complete game project (I had done some 3D walking simulators to showcase original assets before). I thought it would be interesting to try to create a visual novel that works solely on dialogue, and it was. It was also way too much work. So any future projects would most likely be a mix of the standard format & what I tried to do here.

What I'd like to know:
  • How does the story flow?
  • Would you be interested in a longer VN with this art style?