OP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OZPgghLUA0
You play as Kevin, whose life changes one day with a chance meeting with a demon hunting for a glass orb. Running for his life he ends up in a nearby town, where he encounters a strange group of people also on the lookout for this strange glass orb.
Soon he is dragged along unwillingly, and may even have to choose what side in this hunt he wishes to take.
A young and energetic girl that is a part of the orb-hunting group that Kevin meets in town. Tia is very determined at reaching her goal and won't let anything stand in her way.
Another member of Tia's group. Yoko is a foreign warrior who usually keeps to herself. She acts very cold towards Kevin and obviously dislikes his entry into the group.
A mysterious woman with black wings who appears around Tia's group. It is unclear what her motives are.

Aaand misc notes about the release:
My first visual novel is finally released! I hope you'll enjoy it

Linux and Mac releases are still only for testing purposes - I have not been able to test them, so I can't guarantee that they work. If anyone tries them, please tell me if they work or not.
And about the OP video... being the complete video noob that I am, I was not able to make a video of decent quality without making it take up too much space. In the end I was close to ditching the video completely ;_;
It's still in there though, but the quality is... mediocre. If enough people complain then I might finally take it out and just leave it as a trailer on youtube or something.
Downloads in this thread are attachments. I also have a direct download on my website, but I'm not sure how much download traffic my site can take yet... if you want me to link to the website instead of taking up attachment space here on the forum, feel free to tell me and I'll change it.
And now I'll stop talking for now - hope you'll try my little game and tell me what you think here afterwards

31.05.2009 - ver. 1.1 uploaded. No more bugs!
Windows: Linux: Mac: