The Christmas, my rival and I - made in 24 hours.

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The Christmas, my rival and I - made in 24 hours.

#1 Post by risingdreams »

I actually requested this post to be deleted, as I decided polishing the story and making some changes.

But recently I noticed there's a link for this page at the archive. So I decided posting it again, just in case someone got interested.

I made some spell checking, and intend making a new version.
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Last edited by risingdreams on Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Christmas, my rival and I - made in 24 hours.

#2 Post by PyTom »

Hm... I didn't notice this thread, for whatever reason, when it came out. But I just noticed it here, and played the game, and thought it could use a little bit of comment.

The good:

The thing I liked about it was the characters. Although this is purely subjective, I genuinely liked these characters, so that made the game appeal to me.

The music and art worked for me.

Overall, it was a nice sweet little game.

The neutral:

It's weird to see Christmas-in-the-summer, but that's more based on the setting. Actually, it's weird to have a Christmas theme at all, given the contents of the game.

The critique:

It could use some proofreading. There were some errors that could have been caught with a spell-checker, which is less justifiable.

The ending was kind of abrupt, especially the actual ending, where the game just dumps you back to the main menu.

Overall, I did enjoy it. While I understand the 24-hour game challenge, I think that giving this another editing and polishing pass could make it a quite nice, if still short, game.
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Re: The Christmas, my rival and I - made in 24 hours.

#3 Post by risingdreams »

I'm sorry for taking so long to answer, I've been having a busy time with work.

Thanks so much for the review, I'll edit it (and look for an editor) and elaborate more, give more background.

And sorry for the grammar mistakes. Also, I'm happy you liked my characters, I was insecure about them.

As for the setting... Maybe I should take away the Christmas part? Hum...
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Re: The Christmas, my rival and I - made in 24 hours.

#4 Post by risingdreams »

Holy crap, this was download 175 times? I'm very of embarrassed as the grammar isn't the best. I intend remaking it soon, possibly with new graphics. Thanks so much for downloading.
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Re: The Christmas, my rival and I - made in 24 hours.

#5 Post by risingdreams »

I noticed it's in the archive, so I posted it again.
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