NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

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NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#1 Post by Crocosquirrel »

Wile E Coyote meets Visual Novel in this short game of Bath horror. Follow Nekochan as she tries to get her claws into the Mobile Food.

Told from Nekochan's perspective, this entertaining romp in The White should charm and entertain young and old alike.




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Last edited by Crocosquirrel on Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#2 Post by dott.Piergiorgio »

DL in process... and guess what release I have DL'd ;)

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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#3 Post by SusanTheCat »

Wooo! More games that make my cat look for the other kitty.

Good job! I enjoyed all the different strategies. :)

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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#4 Post by pkt »

I'll guess, Dott, that you did the linux build.
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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#5 Post by PyTom »

Hm... the problem I had with this game is that the most obvious way
the net
worked on the first try. I think half the fun is failing, so making it so easy to succeed kind of deflated the balloon a little. Once I went back and tried some other choices, the game's charm hit me a bit more.

Also, I'm getting a line about the staff, but no credits scroll or anything like that.
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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#6 Post by Crocosquirrel »

Tom: The net thing is actually a logic bug, somewhere between me and my Coder. it was only intended to work correctly under specific circumstances. At the end, leave it sit when the credits start, don't click anything. The credits roll on autopilot, and any input sends it back to the main titles. Not sure if it's intentionally that way, or some other sort of strangeness.
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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#7 Post by Elenakiara »

Haha... xD I actually didn't really get how the catalogue stuff worked at first, so I got the fish on the second play-through. xD It was sweet seeing the different view from a cat's perspective! =D I certainly enjoyed it!
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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#8 Post by pkt »

Glad you enjoyed it, consumer-san.
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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#9 Post by Crocosquirrel »

Now updated to version 1.0.1!

Patch notes:

1. Credits have been improved so that users can click through them at their own pace.
2. After feedback from the Blizzard development team, the Nekochan class has been nerfed... to the ground baby. As a result, the "best" ending should now be more difficult to obtain.
3. Splash effects are now 33% splashier.

If you're just downloading, the patched version is already up, and no need to patch.

For early adopters, here's the patch :)

Just unzip and paste right into your game directory. Overwrite if asked.
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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#10 Post by SilverxBlue »

The 4th NanoReno game to try..!

This is the second NaNoRenO game that has an animal protagonist, it makes an animal lover like me happy.

Finished with it and I could only describe this in six words:
Cute, funny and soooo freaking difficult.
At first I thought I should scuba dive first then use the net but it went wrong.
It took me eight tries just to get the best ending, EIGHT! Am I really that stupid half-witted?

Anyway, it's a good game even if it frustrated me for a few minutes, this game is short but a real challenge.--> (For me it is, but I dunno for the others who got the best ending on their first or second try.)
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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#11 Post by LordShiranai »

Some comments on difficulty:

Don't feel disheartened if it takes a few different attempts to "win." Aside from the miscommunication between myself and DarkSpartan, which resulted in the "best" ending being too easy (now corrected), the game is designed around using trial and error methods.

It can be difficult to properly gauge the difficulty of a game like this when you know all the outcomes. I was worried that even with the correction to obtaining the "best" ending, it would be too easy. Obviously I was wrong because it seems people are needing to play through a few times.

At some point when DarkSpartan proposed this idea, I questioned if or not it should even be possible to "win," citing that Wile E. Coyote and Sylvester never quite seemed to be successful in their endeavors no matter what methods they employed. However, this idea was shot down because it would ultimately prove frustrating to players.
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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#12 Post by SilverxBlue »

Uhmmm, was about my idiotic rant on my previous post? If so, I am really sorry! :oops:
I completely understand what you mean Lord Shirinai and thank you for pointing that out, but to make things clear; my post wasn't meant to bash the game at all, as a matter of fact, I loved the game, it was so cute! I just got a tad bit frustrated. :oops:
The game just made me realize how will E. Coyote and Sylvester feels right now. (I think I should add Tom from tom and Jerry as well.)
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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#13 Post by LordShiranai »

SilverxBlue wrote:Uhmmm, was about my idiotic rant on my previous post?
I didn't find it idiotic, I just wanted to emphasize that players shouldn't feel like they are doing something wrong if it requires multiple tries to get the best ending. There are no hints as to what works the best, so it's all trial and error. :D

I didn't interpret what you said as "bashing the game," but I did want to assure you that you weren't doing things wrong. We're very glad you enjoyed playing it.

I've personally always been sympathetic of Wile E. Coyote. He is very determined, and is willing to work hard to achieve his goal. He has never given up on it, even though he's been after that bird for decades. (Though one may question his decision to remain a customer of the ACME corporation, since their products aren't producing results.)
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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#14 Post by pkt »

I found it easy but I did know a bit about the net before hand so that's what I tried first though I haven't played 1.01 yet.
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Re: NaNoRenO 2011: Mobile Food Madness

#15 Post by SilverxBlue »

Oh wew, For a second there, I thought I made a person mad. :)
I totally agree with you, I've been wondering how much he already spent on all of those things that seem "defective". (They're so defective that almost all of them backfires on him, poor fellow.)

Oh, almost forgot to add, that line you quoted was meant to be "Was that about". (Just had to correct that. No one might hire me if I show very poor grammar on my posts-_-.)
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