Happy Backwards

A kinetic novel reimagining of the classic fairytale Rapunzel.
See through the eyes of the girl in the tower, the prince who finds her and the witch who had stolen her away as the story unfolds, very close to the original versions, but unique unto itself.
Rapunzel is Happy Backward's (The visual novel group that is bringing you RockRobin) first finished game. We spent every moment we could almost up to the last minute trying to perfect this kinetic novel in art, GUI, writing and sound/music/expression directing. We hope you enjoy our NaNoRenO offering, and we're very glad to have participated (especially me as it is the first major project I headed in Happy Backwards as Snow White & Rose Red is under Rock Robin in my personal priority)
Gameplay Time: ~40 minutes

Downloads(All Platforms):
Click Here
The game should now work fine on macs and other computers alike, thank you all for being patient, and thank you Aleema for having my back <3