Fur 'n Feathers [Fantasy/History, Romance?,Drama]

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Fur 'n Feathers [Fantasy/History, Romance?,Drama]

#1 Post by MoonByte »

This is mostly a setting idea, not really a story (or rather, the story that came to my mind first was dripping with so many clichés that I'd be embarassed to even say them...) based on a dream I had yesterday, so nothing really thought out, nothing specific.
But hey, stuff in the Ideas thread is to drive inspiration, so maybe I, maybe someone else gains something from this? xD

It is what they would later call the Victorian Age. Industrialisation started it's unstoppable rise, the age of citizens was dawning while the aristocracy slowly lost against the rich merchants in both wealth and estate. While most is still done by hand, most vehicles still pulled by horses, the steam machines are pushing their way into everyday life, automaticion becomes more than just a concept. While servants still exist, they have stopped being poorly paid minorities and instead became properly trained people to cook, clean, garden, etc.
In our world, that is.

What I talk about is a world quite similar, yet different in a very vital aspect.
Servants aren't people that got trained. They are animals that had been bred.
The guards are Dogs and Ravens who protect the territory given to them and are fiercly loyal to their owner - if treated well.
The educators of the Apes and Foxes who excell in both learning and intelligence.
The gardens are tended by Birds and Rabbits who are familiar with plants.
And if you need some intelligence work, then the Cat and the Racoon shall help you out as well.
But, it's obviously not all that easy. Long had animals accepted their role in society, being nothing but pets that were owned, given one single purpose and that might even get disposed of if they did bad because of age or injury. But slowly, resistances began to rise. Slowly, they started to demand, to think, to question.
It helps that aristocracy - who usually owned them - was slowly fading away and the bourgeoisie was on the rise, proving that being born to a certain class didn't mean to limit oneself.
The story unravels in one of the still well-doing aristocrat houses, with animals still...mostly being loyal.


Don't know, maybe I spent too many evenings at my mum's house, she loves that Downton Abbey show...
I just found it interesting to tackle obvious and real historical issues such as slavery, ownership, servantism and raceism while giving it at least some kind of different...look?
Then again, I am hardly the first to substitute slavery with other creatures (loads of alien movies alone do exactly that) xD

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