Thaius' project.

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Re: Thaius' project.

#16 Post by JQuartz »

Thaius wrote:the MP regeneration should probably be a bit slower.
Okay, got it but how much slower? Currently it's 1MP regenerated per second.
Thaius wrote:Also, I healed with a potion and my health went above the max: I assume that's a problem with the HP cap.
Oop, forgot to put in a HP cap. I do it immediately.

If you have anything else you want to change, don't hesitate to tell me. Good luck on your side.
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Re: Thaius' project.

#17 Post by Thaius »

One thing I just realized: how will this system be integrated into the game itself? I'm not yet sure how the rest of the game will be organized, but however that is, what would the code be for integrating it into the rest of the game? Well... don't tell me, lol: I wouldn't understand. Can you code that as well?
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Re: Thaius' project.

#18 Post by JQuartz »

Thaius wrote:but however that is, what would the code be for integrating it into the rest of the game?
I haven't tried it yet but it should be set the enemy's stats then call battleLoop.
Thaius wrote:Can you code that as well?
What do you mean? If you mean when you finished your part and pass it to me, I integrate battle system into the game, then okay.
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Re: Thaius' project.

#19 Post by Thaius »

Sorry it's been so long: I've been waiting for my friend to help me out with the battle system, but it's becoming clear that it's not going to happen. I'll work on it tonight and have it to you soon.

In terms of integrating it, that could work. Either that or you would write the code and I could just insert it where needed. Whatever would work best for you.

Again, sorry it took so long. Oh, and I should have the art soon as well.
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Re: Thaius' project.

#20 Post by Thaius »

Okay, I do want your input on one basic aspect of the magic system.

The magic system of this fantasy world comes from the fact that humans only use about 10 percent of their brains. People often question as to what would happen if we could use the rest of it as well. Based on this fantasy world, the other ninety percent grants the ability to affect things outside of one’s own body.

This makes it kind of hard to justify certain kinds of magic. For instance, the mind’s basic abilities would be restricted to brain waves. Perhaps the magic could involve the transformation of brain waves into other kinds of waves, such as radio waves or heat waves. In fact, it would have to, to an extent, or else telepathy would be all that is possible.

But what about telekinesis? Control over elements? Considering this system is based on a scientific truth, there is a bit of realism that we must keep, so is some stuff going too far? We could simply say that the brain can affect certain things, and we could get away with it by saying that it’s the magic part, and does not have to be fully understood and cannot be scientifically explained, but that might not be good. But it would be rather hard to work with a magic system without many basic spells, though if done right it could be very interesting. Any thoughts? Beyond the credibility of the game world, what would be possible/impossible in terms of coding?
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J. Datie
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Re: Thaius' project.

#21 Post by J. Datie »

Thaius wrote:humans only use about 10 percent of their brains
But, not really... Of course, nothing's stopping you from saying people in that world only use 10%, but it's not quite scientific truth.

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Re: Thaius' project.

#22 Post by JQuartz »

Thaius wrote:Beyond the credibility of the game world, what would be possible/impossible in terms of coding?
Eh, I don't understand what you wanted but I think it should be doable.

Anyway, here's the battle system code with an example of how to use the battle system added:

Code: Select all

    $ m = Character('Me', color="#c8c8ff")
    $ battle_on=None
    $ level=1
    $ experience=0
    $ provided_experience=5
    $ level_up_experience=5
    $ enemy_name='Hostile Donut'
    $ enemyMAXHP=100
    $ enemyHP = 100
    $ playerMAXHP=100
    $ playerHP = 100
    $ enemyATK = 20
    $ enemyDEF = 5
    $ playerATK = 20
    $ playerDEF = 7
    $ playerMAXMP=50
    $ playerMP = 50
    $ enemyMP = 50
    $ playerMAG = 30
    $ enemyMAG = 30
    $ playerMAGDEF = 5
    $ enemyMAGDEF = 5
    $ fire = 5
    $ potion = 10
    $ grenade = 3
        def percentChance(chance):
            if renpy.random.randint(1,100) >= chance:
                return True
            return False
        def regenerate_mp():
            ui.timer(1.0, ui.callsinnewcontext("mp_regeneration"))
        def hp_and_mp():
            if battle_on:
                ui.frame(xpos=1.0, xanchor=1.0)
      ,playerHP, xmaximum=150)
                ui.text("HP:   "+str(playerHP)+"/" +str(playerMAXHP))
       (playerMAXMP, playerMP,xmaximum=150)
                ui.text("MP:   " + str(playerMP) +"/"+ str(playerMAXMP))
        def enemy_hp():
            if battle_on:
                ui.frame(xpos=.5, xanchor=.5,ypos=.3)
      ,enemyHP, xmaximum=150)
                ui.text("HP:   "+str(enemyHP)+"/" +str(enemyMAXHP))
label mp_regeneration:
    if playerMP>=playerMAXMP:
    $ playerMP += 1
    $ renpy.restart_interaction()
label start:
    "I travelled the plains of Renperia and stumbled upon a Hostile Donut!"
    "Let the battle begin!"
    $ provided_experience=5
    $ enemy_name='Hostile Donut'
    $ enemyMAXHP=100
    $ enemyHP = 100
    $ enemyATK = 20
    $ enemyDEF = 5
    $ enemyMP = 50
    $ enemyMAG = 30
    $ enemyMAGDEF = 5
    call battleSetup
    "Since I vanquished the monster, I ate the Donut. Delicious..."
    "Addicted to the taste of Hostile Donut, I search for another one to battle."
    "Alright, found one!"
    "Let the battle begin!"
    call battle_hostile_donut
    call battleSetup
    "I ate another donut. Maybe I should start a donut shop and name the shop, Monster Donuts..."
label battle_hostile_donut:
    $ provided_experience=5
    $ enemy_name='Hostile Donut'
    $ enemyMAXHP=100
    $ enemyHP = 100
    $ enemyATK = 20
    $ enemyDEF = 5
    $ enemyMP = 50
    $ enemyMAG = 30
    $ enemyMAGDEF = 5

label battleSetup:
    $ battle_on=True

label battleLoop:
        ui.vbox(xpos=.7, ypos=.5)
        ui.textbutton('Attack', clicked=ui.jumps('attack'))
        ui.textbutton('Magic', clicked=ui.jumps('magic'))
        ui.textbutton('Use Item', clicked=ui.jumps('item'))

label attack:
    "You attack"
    $ tempNumber = playerATK - enemyDEF
    if percentChance(75):
        "Critical Hit!"
        $ tempNumber= playerATK-(enemyDEF/2)
    $ enemyHP -= tempNumber
    if enemyHP<=0:
        $ enemyHP=0
    "You do %(tempNumber)s damage!"
    if enemyHP < 1:
        "You win!"
        jump endBattle
    jump enemyturn
label magic:
        ui.vbox(xpos=.7, ypos=.5)
        ui.textbutton('Fire    5MP', clicked=ui.jumps('fire'))
        ui.textbutton('Thunder    5MP', clicked=ui.jumps('thunder'))
        ui.textbutton('Poison    5MP', clicked=ui.jumps('poison'))
        ui.textbutton('Return', clicked=ui.jumps('battleLoop'))
label fire:
    if playerMP <=4:
        "You don't have enough MP."
        jump magic
    $ fireATK = playerMAG - enemyMAGDEF
    $ playerMP -= 5
    $ enemyHP -= fireATK
    if enemyHP<=0:
        $ enemyHP=0
    "You attack with fire for %(fireATK)s damage!"
    if enemyHP <=0:
        "You win!"
        jump endBattle
    jump enemyturn
label thunder:
    if playerMP <=4:
        "You don't have enough MP."
        jump magic
    $ playerMP -= 5
    $ thunderATK = playerMAG - enemyMAGDEF
    $ enemyHP -= thunderATK
    if enemyHP<=0:
        $ enemyHP=0
    "You attack with thunder for %(thunderATK)s damage!"
    if enemyHP <=0:
        "You win!"
        jump endBattle
    jump enemyturn

label poison:
    if playerMP <=4:
        "You don't have enough MP."
        jump magic
    $ playerMP -= 5
    if percentChance(60):
        "Success! Enemy has been poisoned."
        $ enemystatus = "Poison"
        "Enemy has not been poisoned."
    if enemyHP<=0:
        $ enemyHP=0
    if enemyHP <=0:
        "You win!"
        jump endBattle
    jump enemyturn
label item:
        ui.vbox(xpos=.7, ypos=.5)
        ui.textbutton('Potion    %(potion)s' % globals(), clicked=ui.jumps('potion'))
        ui.textbutton('Grenade    %(grenade)s' % globals(), clicked=ui.jumps('grenade'))
        ui.textbutton('Return', clicked=ui.jumps('battleLoop'))

label potion:
    $ playerHP += 50
    if playerHP>=playerMAXHP:
        $ playerHP=playerMAXHP
    $ potion -= 1
    "You heal 50 hp!"
    if enemyHP<=0:
        $ enemyHP=0
    if enemyHP <=0:
        "You win!"
        jump endBattle
    jump enemyturn
label grenade:
    if grenade<=0:
        "You don't have any grenade."
        jump item
    $ grenATK = playerATK - enemyDEF + 10
    $ enemyHP -= grenATK
    $ grenade -= 1
    if enemyHP<=0:
        $ enemyHP=0
    "You throw grenade for %(grenATK)s damage!"
    if enemyHP <=0:
        "You win!"
        jump endBattle
    jump enemyturn

label enemyturn:
    "You take damage!"
    $ tempNumber = enemyATK - playerDEF
    $ playerHP -= tempNumber
    "Hit for %(tempNumber)s damage!"

    if playerHP < 1:
        jump loseBattle
    jump battleLoop
label endBattle:
    "You rock!"
    $ experience+=provided_experience
    "You gained %(provided_experience)d experience points."
    if experience>=level_up_experience:
        $ level+=1
        $ level_up_experience=level_up_experience*2
        $ level_up_experience="%d" % level_up_experience
        $ level_up_experience=int(level_up_experience)
        "You gained a level!"
    $ placeholdervariable=level_up_experience-experience
    "You need another %(placeholdervariable)d experience points to reach the next level."
    $ battle_on=None


label loseBattle:
  "You're defeated!"
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Re: Thaius' project.

#23 Post by Thaius »

Interesting... I suppose I had never questioned the idea, considering how widely it's believed. Though it still seems interesting that the main arguments about the use of the brain are concerned with physical space rather than potential. There is a difference. Based on that, this may still be possible, if we leave out the exact percentage of brain potential used. And come to think of it, the people in the story would not fully understand the physical or spiritual forces at work in their use of magic anyways: the society is not one of science, but of magic. So it would still be doable, but thank you for pointing out the mythological origins of the whole 10% thing: it'll change the presentation, for sure.

Quartz, I guess my struggle is just that if the mechanics of the magic system don't allow for basic offensive attacks, like fire and such, how would magic factor in? It would kind of suck if status effects relating to the mind were the only spells available: is there a way to bend things a bit or should we just assume that the mind, at its full, unlocked potential, can control various things beyond other brain waves?

Oh, and i realized I didn't answer the question about MP regeneration. Maybe try 1 MP every two seconds. This will probably be something that will be adjusted once the rest of it is in place, considering how much it will affect the rest of the system.
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Re: Thaius' project.

#24 Post by JQuartz »

Thaius wrote:Quartz, I guess my struggle is just that if the mechanics of the magic system don't allow for basic offensive attacks, like fire and such, how would magic factor in? It would kind of suck if status effects relating to the mind were the only spells available: is there a way to bend things a bit or should we just assume that the mind, at its full, unlocked potential, can control various things beyond other brain waves?
Eh, I still don't understand... Can you give a gameplay example?
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Re: Thaius' project.

#25 Post by Thaius »

Okay... basically, if powers of the mind were limited to things that could be controlled by brain waves, then essentially all you could do is affect your enemy's mind. So for instance, under this assumption, there would be no fire spells or anything, because brain waves cannot create fire. It's the same with thunder, poison, ice, etc. However, status effects like confuse (making your enemy attack his own allies), or maybe blind (lowering their accuracy) would be possible. Operating like this, attacks that did straight damage (like fire) would be impossible, as the mind could only affect another mind: thus, the only available magical attacks would be spells that directly affect the mind in some way. So, to use a basic example, there would be no fire spells, but there could be a confuse spell. Which just seems like it could be a problem. Is that a bit better?

Oh, and by the way, monster donuts: awesome! :P I did notice, however, that when I successfully used poison, it didn't seem to have an effect. What is poison set to do?
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Re: Thaius' project.

#26 Post by JQuartz »

Thaius wrote:Okay... basically, if powers of the mind were limited to things that could be controlled by brain waves, then essentially all you could do is affect your enemy's mind. So for instance, under this assumption, there would be no fire spells or anything, because brain waves cannot create fire. It's the same with thunder, poison, ice, etc. However, status effects like confuse (making your enemy attack his own allies), or maybe blind (lowering their accuracy) would be possible. Operating like this, attacks that did straight damage (like fire) would be impossible, as the mind could only affect another mind: thus, the only available magical attacks would be spells that directly affect the mind in some way. So, to use a basic example, there would be no fire spells, but there could be a confuse spell. Which just seems like it could be a problem. Is that a bit better?
So you mean there's no elemental magic just status inducing magic? If you want it, it can be made but you got to tell me the effect of each status first.
Thaius wrote:however, that when I successfully used poison, it didn't seem to have an effect. What is poison set to do?
It does nothing. I just copy and pasted your code for poison. If you still want that magic then just tell me it's effect and I'll modify it to let it do so.
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Re: Thaius' project.

#27 Post by Thaius »

Okay, I replied to this the other day: no idea why it apparently didn't post. Grr.

The idea would be that there is only status inducing magic, unless we could find some way to justify offensive magic, but I kind of want your opinion on whether or not that could make a good battle system. It seems like it would be quite bland without any direct magical attacks. Any thoughts?

Okay, yeah, I started putting the poison in before giving the code over to you: it wasn't finished. I'll figure out the equation for that.
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Re: Thaius' project.

#28 Post by JQuartz »

Thaius wrote:but I kind of want your opinion on whether or not that could make a good battle system.
I don't think I could give any advice since I haven't played any games with only status inducing magic before. Maybe it'll work, maybe it'll not. I just don't know.
Thaius wrote:I'll figure out the equation for that.
I can figure out the equation, you just need to tell me what it should do since I can't do that.
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Re: Thaius' project.

#29 Post by Thaius »

Ah, okay. I hadn't realized you didn't play games like that. Aw, now I'm all sad... no Final Fantasy VII or Chrono Trigger... :(

Anywho, the poison will affect the victim by taking away a certain amount of HP per turn. I just ned to figure out how much I want: I figure the equation would involve the caster's magic level, the victim's magic defense level, and some percentage of the victim's max HP. I just need to figure out how. I guess I want the damage per turn to depend on magical power and magical defense, but it should also be based on the victim's max HP or something, so it doesn't become overpowered. So maybe caster's magic level minus the victim's magic defense... I don't know exactly where it would go from there.
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Re: Thaius' project.

#30 Post by Asceai »

Thaius wrote:Ah, okay. I hadn't realized you didn't play games like that. Aw, now I'm all sad... no Final Fantasy VII or Chrono Trigger... :(

Neither of those games contain only status-inducing magic. (which is what JQuartz was getting at, right?)

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