[patch] Vertical size_group?

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[patch] Vertical size_group?

#1 Post by drKlauz »

Is there any proper way for frames to have same height?
I can can get them same width using size_group, but it doesn't work for height.

I looked where it used and made simple patch to force both width and height to be same, it works for my games and other test cases, i believe.
Obviously it would be much better if there was official solution to this, even better if it will allow to specify separate size_group for width and height, allowing some useful layouts.

Original renpy/display/layout.rpy:

Code: Select all

class SizeGroup(renpy.object.Object):

    def __init__(self):

        super(SizeGroup, self).__init__()

        self.members = [ ]
        self._width = None
        self.computing_width = False

    def width(self, width, height, st, at):
        if self._width is not None:
            return self._width

        if self.computing_width:
            return 0

        self.computing_width = True

        maxwidth = 0

        for i in self.members:
            rend = renpy.display.render.render_for_size(i, width, height, st, at)
            maxwidth = max(rend.width, maxwidth)

        self._width = maxwidth
        self.computing_width = False

        return maxwidth

size_groups = dict()

class Window(Container):
    A window that has padding and margins, and can place a background
    behind its child. `child` is the child added to this
    displayable. All other properties are as for the :ref:`Window`
    screen language statement.

    def __init__(self, child=None, style='window', **properties):
        super(Window, self).__init__(style=style, **properties)
        if child is not None:

    def visit(self):
        rv = [ ]
        return rv + self.children

    def get_child(self):
        return self.style.child or self.child

    def per_interact(self):
        size_group = self.style.size_group

        if size_group:
            group = size_groups.get(size_group, None)
            if group is None:
                group = size_groups[size_group] = SizeGroup()


    def render(self, width, height, st, at):

        # save some typing.
        style = self.style

        xminimum = scale(style.xminimum, width)
        yminimum = scale(style.yminimum, height)

        xmaximum = scale(style.xmaximum, width)
        ymaximum = scale(style.ymaximum, height)

        size_group = self.style.size_group
        if size_group and size_group in size_groups:
            xminimum = max(xminimum, size_groups[size_group].width(width, height, st, at))

Code: Select all

class SizeGroup(renpy.object.Object):

    def __init__(self):

        super(SizeGroup, self).__init__()

        self.members = [ ]
        self._width = None
        self._height = None
        self.computing_width = False

    def width(self, width, height, st, at):
        if self._width is not None:
            return self._width

        if self.computing_width:
            return 0

        self.computing_width = True

        maxwidth = 0
        maxheight = 0

        for i in self.members:
            rend = renpy.display.render.render_for_size(i, width, height, st, at)
            maxwidth = max(rend.width, maxwidth)
            maxheight = max(rend.height, maxheight)

        self._width = maxwidth
        self._height = maxheight
        self.computing_width = False

        return maxwidth
    def height(self,width,height,st,at):
        return 0 if self.computing_width else self._height

size_groups = dict()

class Window(Container):
    A window that has padding and margins, and can place a background
    behind its child. `child` is the child added to this
    displayable. All other properties are as for the :ref:`Window`
    screen language statement.

    def __init__(self, child=None, style='window', **properties):
        super(Window, self).__init__(style=style, **properties)
        if child is not None:

    def visit(self):
        rv = [ ]
        return rv + self.children

    def get_child(self):
        return self.style.child or self.child

    def per_interact(self):
        size_group = self.style.size_group

        if size_group:
            group = size_groups.get(size_group, None)
            if group is None:
                group = size_groups[size_group] = SizeGroup()


    def render(self, width, height, st, at):

        # save some typing.
        style = self.style

        xminimum = scale(style.xminimum, width)
        yminimum = scale(style.yminimum, height)

        xmaximum = scale(style.xmaximum, width)
        ymaximum = scale(style.ymaximum, height)

        size_group = self.style.size_group
        if size_group and size_group in size_groups:
            xminimum = max(xminimum, size_groups[size_group].width(width, height, st, at))
            yminimum = max(yminimum, size_groups[size_group].height(width, height, st, at))
I may be available for hire, check my thread: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=51350

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