Simple Wordle Clone for Renpy

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Simple Wordle Clone for Renpy

#1 Post by ArianeB »

I am working on a game that includes puzzles, and considering how popular Wordle is, I decided I really need to add a Wordle style puzzle to the game. Here is the script.rpy code I came up with. You will also need two text files, allowed.txt and wordlist.txt from the python source I used to help write the code from

Edit: I have updated this for Renpy 8.0 with the lines I edited marked by #former comments for education purposes. I understand the need to add "encode" to open file statements. Had to change align to anchor because align sets both pos and anchor, so using both align and pos is not correct, one will overwrite the other.

The resulting code below works in both Renpy 8.0 and Renpy 7.5

Code: Select all

# The script of the game goes in this file.

# Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the
# name of the character.

define guesscount = 0
define guess = ""
define answer = ""
define guessmatrix = ["     ","     ","     ","     ","     ","     "]
define Werd = ""
define Letr = ""
define Keyboard = ["QWERTYUIOP","ASDFGHJKL","ZXCVBNM"]
define greenlist = []
define yellowlist = []
define displaystring = ""
define displaykeyboard = ""

init python:
    def get_word():
        # former Words = renpy.file('wordlist.txt')
        Words = renpy.open_file('wordlist.txt', encoding='utf-8')
        wordlist =
        return renpy.random.choice(wordlist).upper()

    def check_word(word):
        # former guess_file = renpy.file('allowed.txt')
        guess_file = renpy.open_file('allowed.txt', encoding='utf-8')
        guesslist =
        # former Words = renpy.file('wordlist.txt')
        Words = renpy.open_file('wordlist.txt', encoding='utf-8')
        wordlist =
        if word.lower() in guesslist or word.lower() in wordlist:
            return True
            return False

    def color_word(word):
        Temp = ""
        Colz = 0
        while Colz < len(word):
            Letr = word[Colz].upper()
            if Letr in answer:
                if answer.find(Letr) == Colz or answer.rfind(Letr) == Colz: #for double letters
                    Temp = Temp + "{color=#0c0}"+Letr+" {/color}"
                    Temp = Temp + "{color=#aa0}"+Letr+" {/color}"
                Temp = Temp + "{color=#888}"+Letr+" {/color}"
            Colz += 1
        return Temp

    def color_keyboard(word):
        Temp = ""
        Guesses = guessmatrix[0]+guessmatrix[1]+guessmatrix[2]+guessmatrix[3]+guessmatrix[4]+guessmatrix[5]
        Colz = 0
        while Colz < len(word):
            Letr = word[Colz].upper()
            if Letr in Guesses:
                if Letr in greenlist:
                    Temp = Temp + "{color=#3F3}"+Letr+"{/color}"
                elif Letr in yellowlist:
                    Temp = Temp + "{color=#FF0}"+Letr+"{/color}"
                    Temp = Temp + "{color=#888}"+Letr+"{/color}"
                Temp = Temp + "{color=#fff}"+Letr+"{/color}"
            Colz += 1
        return Temp

screen GameMatrix():
    # former text "[displaystring]" size 80 outlines [(1, "#000")] pos (960,300) align (0.5,0.5)
    text "[displaystring]" size 80 outlines [(1, "#000")] pos (960,300) anchor (0.5,0.5)
    # former text "[displaykeyboard]" size 30 outlines [(1, "#000")] pos (960,700) align (0.5,0.5)
    text "[displaykeyboard]" size 30 outlines [(1, "#000")] pos (960,700) anchor (0.5,0.5)
# The game starts here.

label start:
    $ guesscount = 0
    $ guess = ""
    $ answer = ""
    $ guessmatrix = ["     ","     ","     ","     ","     ","     "]
    $ Werd = ""
    $ Letr = ""
    $ greenlist = []
    $ yellowlist = []
    $ displaystring = ""
    $ displaykeyboard = ""

    scene black
    $ answer = get_word() #generate random 5 digit word
    $ guesscount = 0
label GuessLoop:
    $ guess = renpy.input("Guess?", allow="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", length=5)
    $ guess = guess.upper()

    if len(guess) < 5:
        "Not long enough, try again"
        jump GuessLoop

    if check_word(guess): #checks if it is a valid word
        $ guessmatrix[guesscount] = guess
        # Text based display guesses
        $ Werd = color_word(guessmatrix[0])
        $ displaystring = Werd+"\n"
        $ Werd = color_word(guessmatrix[1])
        $ displaystring = displaystring+Werd+"\n"
        $ Werd = color_word(guessmatrix[2])
        $ displaystring = displaystring+Werd+"\n"
        $ Werd = color_word(guessmatrix[3])
        $ displaystring = displaystring+Werd+"\n"
        $ Werd = color_word(guessmatrix[4])
        $ displaystring = displaystring+Werd+"\n"
        $ Werd = color_word(guessmatrix[5])
        $ displaystring = displaystring+Werd
        # Test based display used letters
        $ Werd = color_keyboard(Keyboard[0])
        $ displaykeyboard = Werd+"\n"
        $ Werd = color_keyboard(Keyboard[1])
        $ displaykeyboard = displaykeyboard+Werd+"\n"
        $ Werd = color_keyboard(Keyboard[2])
        $ displaykeyboard = displaykeyboard+Werd

        show screen GameMatrix()

        if guess == answer:
            "You Win!"
            $ guesscount += 1
            if guesscount >= 6:
                "You Lose, the answer was [answer]"
                jump GuessLoop
        "That word is not allowed"
        jump GuessLoop

    # This ends the game.


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