Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G] Released!

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Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G] Released!

#1 Post by Googaboga »

You can download the full game for free from and Steam!
Anyone can be saved, but not everyone can be.
Lake of Voices is a free-to-play Visual Novel being developed by GB Patch Games. It’s a story that forces you to accept that there’s no perfect way to handle dire times and asks you to decide what, and who, is going to be sacrificed.

• 85,000 words
• Decide who you will protect and who will be left behind in the dark
• Timed choices. Make split second actions or determine that simply standing by is for the best
• The option to develop a closer relationship with anyone in your traveling party
• Full voice acting
• August 28th, 2018 release
• Windows, Mac, Linux, Steam, and Android builds

Cast List-
Kikka: Elissa Park

Bemelle: Michael Potok

Margret: Elsie Lovelock

The Guide: Brendan Blaber

Lu: Phil Avalos

Kikka the Steadfast is a sensitive and empathetic woman who uses a mask of stoicism to protect herself from the harsh world she lives in. Much of everything she’s done has been an attempt to find some semblance of security, including the career path she chose to pursue. Kikka works as an official guard for one of the many tiny villages in the region. Her most recent assignment is to travel with fellow guard Bemelle to an allied town that’s been under siege by raiders.

With an ever-present sense of urgency, the two find themselves on the shore of Sinnlos, a cursed lake of black water that is home to the Nixi. They are twisted creatures who take joy in drowning humans. The two need the assistance of the nameless guide to even attempt to cross the maze of bridges spanning the dark waters. But they are not the only ones seeking passage that night. The guide agrees to lead them all, whilst also giving a warning that a group this large has no chance of making it across whole. Someone will be lost along the way. None of them volunteer to stay behind, regardless. And so the ill-fated journey over the lake of voices begins.
Kikka is the main character of Lake of Voices. Her name isn't changeable. She has spent her life searching for a sense of safety. However, being seen as weak has become less acceptable than backing down from something actually dangerous. She hopes that if she acts as though she does not care strongly enough that one day it will eventually become true. Kikka would rather feel nothing than risk being sad or afraid. Kikka's goal on the journey across Sinnlos is to protect everyone. If the time comes where she must choose between one person's well-being and another's, Kikka isn't sure how she'd respond.

Bemelle is the other guard being sent on the mission with Kikka. He truly has nothing he wants to keep to himself. His openness can be refreshing, though sometimes it makes things more difficult than they needed to be. Bemelle is also brash and willing to use force a bit quicker than is probably necessary. He appreciates having someone as level-headed as Kikka around. He often leaves the major decisions up to her. Even though he's dealt with the unfairness of life in the past, he wants to believe there’s a way to make everything work out. Bemelle is willing to risk himself for that end.

Margret meets the two guards on the shore of Sinnlos. Initially Margret seems uninterested in getting involved with Kikka and Bemelle. That doesn't last, however. Margret enjoys chances to show off what she knows and it can make her come across as snobby. She doesn’t mind that. She’d rather be known as intelligent rather than simply as ‘nice’. Margret starts the trip with a great deal of confidence. She had hoped to look out only for herself, though quickly finds it difficult to turn a blind eye to others. She can bit a bit contrary overall.

The Guide-
A stoic and pragmatic man whose job is to lead people across the bridges of Sinnlos. He has no family, no interests, and no ambition. Crossing back and forth between the two shores is all The Guide knows. He has every intention to continue the process until the day inevitably comes when he dies in the black waters of Sinnlos. The Guide has seen countless people drown over the years thanks to his position. It seems to have no effect on him now. Not much of anything does. Take care of yourself alone and hope everyone around has enough sense to do the same is his approach.

Lu is quite a curious young man. He's the last to join the traveling party. He isn't prepared physically with supplies or really with mental fortitude for the nightmarish journey, but he's here. Lu comes across as exceedingly indecisive. He'll waffle between options until there's only one possible outcome left. It tends not to be a good conclusion. Lu has a sardonic and self-depreciating sense of humor. As usual, he doesn’t fully commit to the concept and it can make him seem a little pitiful. How much concern he has for those around him is unclear.


• What are you expecting from the story?
• Who sticks out to you in a good way so far?
• Who are you most okay with dying so far?

Thanks for checking the game out!
Last edited by Googaboga on Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:52 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]

#2 Post by YossarianIII »

• What are you expecting from the story?
Looks interesting! The premise and the art style remind me a little bit of Pyre. The timed choices aspect is also interesting. It sounds like maybe the way choices are set up also takes some inspiration from the Telltale style? It sounds like there'll be some difficult decisions, which I think always makes for an interesting VN.

• Who sticks out to you in a good way so far?
Probably Margret. I like sometimes when a character is reluctant to join a journey and then to see their arc.

• Who are you most okay with dying so far?
Maybe The Guide? It's just personal preference (and not a hard-and-fast rule), but in survival stories I'm usually least interested in competent characters -- I'd rather see how the regular/incompetent ones try to survive!

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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]

#3 Post by Scribbles »

This looks really interesting!

• What are you expecting from the story? ---- a dreary horror with lots of death
• Who sticks out to you in a good way so far? ---- the guide, not sure if I would say "good" but I want to see if his character stays that way throughout
• Who are you most okay with dying so far? ------ all of them? that will probably change when I spend time with them while playing though lol
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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]

#4 Post by Googaboga »

@YossarianIII and @Scribbles
Thanks so much for answering the questions! It's really neat to hear what people think of the project/characters. Hopefully it'll live up to exceptions :>.
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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]

#5 Post by Googaboga »


We’ve got the choice system/timer for Lake of Voices working! The first image is shown when you start a new game. Since different choices in LoV have an impact on different things and their full affects aren’t always obvious, we figured we should include an explanation ahead of time. For example, if you try be as friendly as possible and gain extra affection with everybody that could stop you from getting the one person you actually want.

The other image shows off the timer. I think the set up is pretty neat.
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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]

#6 Post by Googaboga »

In just a couple days we're going to start choosing voice actors/actresses for the five characters in LoV! We've gotten email submissions which are private, but you can check out the many auditions on casting call club if you're curious about the interpretations people have gone with for the cast- ... sual-novel

Or feel free to send in an audition yourself! There's still some time left before it closes.
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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]

#7 Post by renkka »

The premise of the story looks interesting, and I'm interested in seeing how you'll blend all of these themes together (especially since I'm a huge fan of horror and dark themes!). The art style is also unique and appealing.

• What are you expecting from the story?
A mysterious, tense atmosphere throughout the story, along with heightened feelings of suspense whenever a crucial decision shows up. I'm also expecting the interests of each character to collide at these moments, which could result in someone's death.

• Who sticks out to you in a good way so far?
Margret! Initially, it was only her character design that caught my eye, but her background seems really interesting as well. I'm curious to see how she'll interact with the other characters.

• Who are you most okay with dying so far?
Probably Lu. I think his mindset is going to make it difficult for him to adapt to dangerous situations, and it might complicate or end up killing other characters.

Will be following this thread for updates!
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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]

#8 Post by Neeka »

I don't have time to fully answer the questions but I wanted to say this game looks amazing and incredibly promising! ^^ To say I am excited is an understatement. Looking forward to the release!

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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]

#9 Post by Reinoka »

What are you expecting from the story?
The premise is very interesting, and horror and dark fantasy are some of my favorite genres, so I'm really looking forward to this. I would expect this story to carry a lingering sense of intrigue and suspense, leaving players anxious but also curious until the end.

Who sticks out to you in a good way so far?
I'd say that the Guide sticks out the most, simply because he is the most mysterious. While all the characters seem to have hidden depth, I find myself the most curious about him, and how/why he became the Guide.

Who are you most okay with dying so far?
I think I would be the least upset about Lu, since there's a pretty good chance that his actions will at some point directly or indirectly get someone else killed.

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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]

#10 Post by Googaboga »

Thank you guys so much for commenting! We love seeing what people think of the project so far and it's really encouraging.

In other news, we've closed the auditions for voice actors/actresses. We should be able to post a cast list relatively soon!
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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]

#11 Post by Googaboga »

We've got a trailer for LoV now!
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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]

#12 Post by Googaboga »

We've got a preview for the Kickstarter we're going to have for Lake of Voices! We’re not looking to fund the project itself, that’s already taken care of. We want our lake that’s full of voices to actually be fully voiced. If we reach our goal we’ll be able to implement that. You can look at our current set up here: ... n=ba7a397c

[The demo button doesn’t lead anywhere yet. The demo is almost ready, though~]

Because the game itself is going to be completely free, there isn’t an early bird option right now. But if there’s a certain tier you’d appreciate being able to get early at a lower price, do let us know!
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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]

#13 Post by Googaboga »

Here's the voice acting cast list for the game!

Cast List-
Kikka: Elissa Park

Bemelle: Michael Potok

Margret: Elsie Lovelock

The Guide: Brendan Blaber

Lu: Phil Avalos
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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]Early demo copies

#14 Post by Googaboga »

The Lake of Voices demo and Kickstarter will both be launching on January 22nd! We're giving away some early copies of the demo that can be used for review/let's play purposes. Details here- ... emo-copies
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Re: Lake of Voices [Horror, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy][GxB/G]Kickstarter/Demo!

#15 Post by Googaboga »

Lake of Voice is now live on Kickstarter! You can also download a demo from and Steam!

The demo has over 17,000 words and a small amount of voice acting. We’re hoping to have full voicing in the completed game. Which brings us to that Kickstarter we’re running. If it gets funded we’ll be to really bring the story to life by adding voices to all the conversations. It’d mean a lot to us if you gave our crowdfunding campaign a look.

Thank you ^^
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