For some body wants give free image for character in game

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For some body wants give free image for character in game

#1 Post by JierSun »

first please look in this
# You can place the script of your game in this file.

# Declare images below this line, using the image statement.
# eg. image eileen happy = "eileen_happy.png"

# Declare characters used by this game.
define e = Character('Eileen', color="#c8ffc8")
define K = Character('Kim Yong', color="#ddcc33")
define S = Character('Sin Young', color="#EE3345")
define Y = Character('Yoko', color="#DE1234")
define M = Character('Mom', color="#F234F3")
define M = Character('Myriam', color="#EA234E")
define B = Character('Brother in Law', color="#deab23")
define G = Character('Guest', color="#AD4545")
define A = Character('People', color="#345DEA")
define C = Character('General Park Joung', color="#45DDAA")
define D = Character(' Jung Mong', color="#EE33A3")
define I = Character('Inn Keeper', color="#FA2345")
define c = Character(' Wei Ming', color="#DD111D")
define s = Character('Soung Hee', color="#DD33DD")

# The game starts here.
label start:
" This is only fiction story made by me"
S " My name is Sin Young "
S " now my age is 44 years old "
S " I am worked as Detective "
S " but since 3 years ago , i not have any clients "
S " my lifestyle paided by my Sister "
S " this is morning , i gets two guest "
G "Mr. Sin , i heard about you from my friend "
S " Hahaha , not bad news "
G " Not , My Friends tell to me , when you need good detective , you must use Sin Young "
S " Who is ?"
G " He is good friend with you in past time "
S "Past Time , can you tell me who is he ? "
G " Not , I cann't tell to you , but if you are interesting with this is work why not you follow me to Border Officer "
S " Hahaha , not away , i can do that "
G " Why "
S " cause "
"Tell the truth ":
jump pasttime
"Says something":
jump anything
" silent about that":
jump notbelieveguest

label pasttime:
S " i have bad exprience with Border Officer "
G " o , Something ? "
" Myriam , Sister of Sin Young appear with a cup and a glass "
" She puts its on table "
M " Mr, My brother really need work but if you need good detective please you search another detective will can help you with good results "
G " Well , why ? "
" Sin Young quickly wake up from his seat and quickly take out His sistre out from that room "
" after some times , Sin Young back with little smile "
S " Please don't take anything what her says , she is only not like my work as Detective "
G " Of Course , how can Good Wife have troubled Brother "
S " Sorry ?"
G " O , not , I will back tommorow so if you are agree , i will driven you to My Good Friend "
S " You not drink anything "
G " Sorry Madame , i must to my Place , and hope you not get any trouble from your brother "
G " Good Morning "
S " Strange guest , ... wait he says Good Wife ? "
" Sin Young get terrified dream last night "
jump HeisGeneral
label anything:
S " I have another schedule in another place "
G " Really ? "
M " Not , since 3 year ago , he not get any work and i must pay his needed thing "
" Myriam , Sister of Sin Young appear with a cup and a glass "
" She puts its on table "
M " Mr, My brother really need work but if you need good detective please you search another detective will can help you with good results "
G " Well , why ? "
" Sin Young quickly wake up from his seat and quickly take out His sistre out from that room "
" after some times , Sin Young back with little smile "
S " Please don't take anything what her says , she is only not like my work as Detective "
G " Of Course , how can Good Wife have troubled Brother "
S " Sorry ?"
G " O , not , I will back tommorow so if you are agree , i will driven you to My Good Friend "
S " You not drink anything "
G " Sorry Madame , i must to my Place , and hope you not get any trouble from your brother "
G " Good Morning "
S " Strange guest , ... wait he says Good Wife ? "
S " he not give any money to me "
M " He is good Clients have good manner like family of Kingdom and not like another your clients "
S " Try not dreamed my sister "
M " You try not use my money again , My husband really not like that "
" Sin Young get terrified dream last night "
jump HeisGeneral
label notbelieveguest:
G " so you can do that now "
M " Why you not take that , my brother ?"
M " He not work since 3 year ago "
" Myriam , Sister of Sin Young appear with a cup and a glass "
" She puts its on table "
M " Mr, My brother really need work but if you need good detective please you search another detective will can help you with good results "
G " Well , why ? "
" Sin Young quickly wake up from his seat and quickly take out His sistre out from that room "
" after some times , Sin Young back with little smile "
S " Please don't take anything what her says , she is only not like my work as Detective "
G " Of Course , how can Good Wife have troubled Brother "
S " Sorry ?"
G " O , not , I will back tommorow so if you are agree , i will driven you to My Good Friend "
S " You not drink anything "
G " Sorry Madame , i must to my Place , and hope you not get any trouble from your brother "
G " Good Morning "
S " Strange guest , ... wait he says Good Wife ? "
S " he not give any money to me "
M " He is good Clients have good manner like family of Kingdom and not like another your clients "
S " Try not dreamed my sister "
M " You try not use my money again , My husband really not like that "
S " Why i help his in his problem , before marry with you "
M " Only for find a Cat is missing "
S " Well , His mother give me many money for find that"
" Sin Young get terrified dream last night "
jump HeisGeneral
label HeisGeneral:
" Next time the same guest came back to his office "
G " so what you are agree ?"
M " sorry my brother not can agree before you give any hint about pay "
G " O , sorry , i forget this is not my office "
S " office "
G " how about ...?"
" The Guest made a sign for wait , He is out from here "
" Sin Young quickly to window and see the guest enter a car "
S " Wow , this is car very Luxury with another car which i saw in my life until time now "
M " I think you refuse this is job "
S " Why ?"
M " i have bad dream "
S "?"
M " Mom angry with you and tell to me , not coming to see mom "
S " What ??"
" The Guest come back again with serious face "
G " Tell to me , Mr. Sin Young , what you really can swimming ?"
S " What , of course , i can "
G " you can hide the secret not matter happen ?"
S " I am Detective "
G " Not i mean when you get captured by Enemy force "
S " What !"
M " O , My dream become truth "
S " Sister , that only dream and you dream about our Mom"
G " dream about what ? what bad omen ?"
S " Not not , this is about my mother angry about me coming to see She "
M " My Mom in heaven now "
G " this is bad , this is bad , i know form beginning this is not good for do that "
M " So my Brother , i believe you must stop this is trouble work now "
S " Not away , this is what i can do now "
C " If you failed maybe you will coming to see your mother"
S " ?? , Hahaha , what more danger when i get order for spying in war "
G " War ?? so General Park is Right ?"
S " Park ? "
M " Stupid Park Joung ? or clever Park Nima ?"
G " General Park not stupid , please not tell about he like that , or you will maybe in jail or more bad that "
M " Park is bad boy ?"
M " Sound is stupid , o i forget now he is general "
M " What the , what you blackmail he , my good brother ?"
S " Not away i can do that , Mom will kill me when i meet Mom in there "
M " Yes, but what now The Stupid Park order my brother to do suicide on role now ?"
G " yes , like that , but we can refuse that role "
S " what the role ?"
M " o now you wants do hero things again "
S " Please Sister , this is conversion between men "
M " i know that , and if you get any trouble from the Stupid Park , do not approach me when this is happen "
G " your sister angry , maybe we pass this is work "
S " Not yet , This is maybe my last work as detective "
G "Last ?"
S " Well , you know , i not get any work since 3 year so maybe this is last work will be my best work after that i will retired to my born place become
gardenerman "
G " o you have plans when you are retired , i am not "
S " Do not worry i very know about Stupid Park "
G " Please not call he like that , he will terminate my rangking "
S " Hahaha do not worry about that man , i will depend you in front of he "
" Sin Young follow with his guest to Border Office "
" in That Office , He meet with old friend from his child memories "
C " Good , you look o-right now "
S " Hahaha not much time pass over now , and now you look more fatty body now "
C " how dare you insult me in this is my space of duty "
S " cause i believe you not change not matter what news is spreads in outside here "
C " this is image came from enemy and i thinks this is good for my good name "
S " Good name ? rea..."
C " now you in here this is time what you are ready for not matter order give for you ,
you must not give any hints for any people include your sister , your lover , any animals "
S " What the ?"
C " Please do sacrifice your life for our Leader "
S " What the ? so this is order for national again ? "
C " Yes , but ..."
" General Park Joung brings Sin Young to his car "
S " What the ?"
"General Park Joung ask to Sin Young for do promise under his life "
S " I promise i not tell anything about my duty to any person i meet when i do my duty and not tell to any animal when i do my duty
and i promise i not tell anything about my duty to my family , person i known and any person i know after this is my duty is done excepts My Majectic
Leader break my Promise with His words "
S " What the ? what you not believe so you order me do that "
C " This is about protocol , if this is protocol really made by Law Duty Nation "
S " a Order not include in any Law exist in this Nation ?"
C " Yes"
" This is car enter Big Building , This is Building famous in people in there area "
" Leader House"
" After meet some guard , Sin Young meet His Leader "
K " Welcome "
S " Good Morning , Sir"
C " Good Morning , Sir "
C " This is my Friend , Sin Young "
K " So he accepts that ?"
C "Yes "
K " Thanks you very much "
" Kim Yong touch His shoulder , made Sin Young little shock "
" After that Kim Yong call someone "
D " Majetic , you call me ?"
" This is young office look strong have bold speech "
K " He will Companion with you to Island Moju "
S " Moju , SIR ?"
D " Moju , i ready "
K " Mr. Park please tell they when time is right !"
C " I ready , Sir"
" After meeting , General Park quickly bring they to a beach "
C " This is near with Island Moju , please go to that with swimming after boat came in specific place "
S " so this is mean swimming "
D " Swimming , I ready "
" Before leave General Park give some paper to Sin Young and ask him to not open before they arrive in Island Moju "
" That Boat stop after 20 miles from beach and they began swimming "
" after 30 minutes , they arrive in beach "
D " you are right , Mr. Commander "
S " Well ,I am right , but please do not call me Mr. Commander , cause people in here will suipicius about me "
D " I ready , Sir "
S " Please do not call me Sir , call me uncle okay "
S " Let's see what in Paper "
" After reading some Lines "
" This is made Jung Mong is confused "
S " HAHAHAHA , so this is mean ... HAHAHA "
D " Mr. Commander ..."
D " If Mr. Commander not wants die in here , i will closed my mouth , please give me that paper let's i alone solved that Duty "
S " NOT AWAY , you can solve that Duty , this is about a child "
D " Mr. Commader ?"
S " Child , a Child , i do that for a Child , if fail , they will deny me , deny our , we will called by name 'THE KIdnapper' "
" 3 hour after that events , two man came to a inn "
" After they purchased a room , and enter that room , Sin Young says something to Bellboy "
" After the Bellboy leave they "
D " Why you says that ? "
S " o , you mean what the best food famous in this is land ? "
S " I am hungry "
D " We should eat food , cause we need effisien use our money , cause this is come from our Nation "
S " Well , you really loyal , but this is like what we need do "
D "?"
S " Follow me , o yes what you can carry a man like weight Sumo player "
D " what you says that ? what this is have relation with word 'The Kidnapper '?"
S " yes , i am serious "
D " But this is in another Nation , i not use heard something like kidnap someone in another Nation "
S " Yes , i too , usually kidnap someone used by person come from same Nation"
D " or they use pay tribal person in shoot Black List person came to another Nation , but usually do by Nation where Black List person came "
S " yes "
D " Who is traitor ? "
S " uh , this is not like captured and kill a traitor "
D " ?"
S " you will undetstand , i fear ... "
" Sin Young keep silents , and 1 hour later the bellboy came with food "
"The Bellboy tell about amazing Chef came to this is Island recently "
"The Chef is very famous , some says The Chef before his is The Chef for Tyranny Ruler "
" Sin Young ask the Bellboy how to find cheap food but good like the food which cooked by the famous Chef "
" After get addreas , Sin Young very loud says 'this is like my friends addreas'"
" after The Bellboy leave the room "
D " Why you says that? "
S " what Cheaper ? we use money Nation , this is why we need save money so much , so The Stupid Park not kill me cause use so much money "
D " I mean ..."
S " Ah , i am need sleep now , why you not sleep too , my niece "
D " but..."
" Sin Young ignore Jung Mong and He really sleep or what the Jung Mong thinks what he is do now "
" In 10 O'Clock Morning , They leave the inn , and came to addreas what the BellBoy tell to they "
" Sin Young quickly to kitchen room of that Restaurant , and says with Loud "
S "Wei Ming , i back again "
c " what this is ? who is spoken very loud when i teach my pupil "
" Wei Ming very suprised by Sin Young when he saw Sin Young "
c " Sin Young , how came ? "
S " Why you expell? why you not happy meet me now ?"
c " i always thinks you die in war "
S " how can i die when you still have life , and do what you really like entirelly for your life "
" The Chef quickly take Sin Young to back field of that Restaurant "
" Jung Mong still in kitchen room , and do not understand what really happen "
" when the chef and Sin Young back to Kitchen Room , looks The Chef not very happy "
"But Sin Young looks really happy "
" Sin Young and Jung Mong will stay in this is Restaurant since this is day "
" But Jung Mong really not get what suppose his do in this is place "
" in early this is morning , after they stay in the Restaurant , Sin Young leave for something , with leave Jung Mong "
" Jung Mong not really like this "
D " Why he leave in early morning without says anything to me ? "
c " this is not my problem , why you not leave like this "
D " What he says to you , yesterday ? "
c " why ? i need says to you , what your uncle not says anything to you ? or he really your uncle ?"
D " He is .. my uncle "
c " sorry i busy "
" Wei Ming back again "
c " Sorry what you can help me for do cooking something or cutting something or cleaning , cause i not like my guest not pay with his energic when
they live with free "
D " sorry , i do not know about that "
" Jung Mong help the restaurants for prepare some food "
" The Restaurant get any customer and only have one chef with 4 employed plus with Jung Mong "
" When enter Afternoon , more customer than morning coming out "
" Jung Mong do count some cash money and become cassier"
" after moon can watched in the restaurant , Sin Young back now "
" Wei Ming quickly back to his room "
D " why Mr. Wei Ming like hate and fear you ?"
S " What ? "
D " Why you looks happy when i says that ? "
S " Well , Child , you need grows little , or maybe your Nation not can believe you "
D " I not child anymore ,and please says what you do in Nation Money "
S " Nation Money ? "
D " yes "
S "I do what General Park says "
" Appear something bad thought coming on mind Jung Mong "
S " What your face now ? "
S " do not worry , this is only captured black list person "
D " Black List Person , but 2 days ago , you says he/she ..."
S " Why you stop here ? "
D " not , I hope we not kill a woman "
S " So you do not wants a kill a woman for your Nation "
D " A least she is only woman not evil woman , but a evil woman can we punish not for kill too "
S " You really nice , not people always nice when come to a woman "
D " So you can tell me what the person ? "
S " he is human , do not worry this is bout keep they alive not kill they "
D " They ? include Wei Ming ? "
S " Wei Ming ? well if i can do now , but i know what he really hiding from me , not he but someone like he "
D " A chef ? "
S " Yes "
D " why ? "
S " You not like young office always keep silents not do ask question when came a task for do "
D " sorry , Sir "
D " you made me fear , maybe you will leave this is job , leave me alone "
S " job ?"
D " O i sorry "
S " Why you do formally Pose now? "
D " Please not says anything about this is , i am only dare not believe Mr. Commander "
S " young office always praised older office , when in back they always made bad report bout that "
D " i not like that , my mom always thought me about always follow advice came from old people "
S " well , do that , and now why not you sleep now "
D " What Mr. Commander do for tomorrow ?"
S " you keep in here "
D " You do not need my help "
S " Yes , keep watch over Wei Ming , maybe he will says something to Office Government this is Nation "
D " he ? "
D " i am ready "
"Like yesterday, Sin Young leave the restaurant , and Jung Mong help the restaurant "
" but when Afternoon came , Sin Young back and quickly to his room and bring all bag "
"Sin Young ask Jung Mong for leave quickly and Sin Young give a paper to Wei Ming "
"Sin Young not says anything to Jung Mong "
" They came to another city "
" When they came this is city "
"Sin Young ask to Jung Mong for waiting in fronts of a house "
" they stay in a inn"
" tommorow they walk out "
" they back in same house "
S " if you see a man out from door , quickly captured him "
S " you must pays your credits now "
" After several minutes Sin Young enter this is house "
" A man running out from door "
" Jung Mong quickly captured him "
D " Your Lordland need money now , what you really wants i sold your daughter ?"
" When Jung Mong says that , the man very shock and fear "
A " please not sold my daughter "
" when heard what the man says , Jung Mong is suprised "
"Sin Young came and together with Jung Mong take in the man to house "
"In house a girl sit on seat saw his father came again "
" The girl approach her father "
S " okay , now tell to me , where is Mr. Soung Hee ?"
A " I do not know "
S " PLease not says like this "
A " i really do not know about where Soung Hee "
S " this is very important , you know all what i mean if this is Nation find about what now i do in this is place "
A " i know , but what His really not can leave all alone , they not need His anymore "
S " But how can you says that , when your child in here ?"
A " i ... , please stop here , this is child not have relation with this is problem "
S " You really think His can do that when ..."
"Sin Young look Jung Mong "
S " please cooperate now , this is time really important "
A "What his is now will die cause sickness ? "
S " you really pessimints "
A " This is Nation always take my faith for all Nation do for me and another friends i know "
S " this is made by last Ruler not His , so if you really care about His or a least for people Nation , please tell me where Mr.Soung Hee ?"
S " Okay , do something to his daughter "
D " but , Sir her only child "
S " you see , this is Nation not send a murderman or a assassints but only older office and young office , His is not bad man "
A " But ... if His is good human , this is made more worse , cause His Office will do crazy thing for save His "
S " you really care your daughter or not ? "
A " yes "
S " Good , tell me where Mr. Soung Hee? "
A " He now in main land now "
S " what ? "
A " He is pass over border yesterday "
" After get that info , Sin Young quickly leave that city with Jung Mong "
" Sin Young and Jung Mong enter a house "
"Sin Young made communication with General Park "
S " His now in Main Land "
C " you sure about this is info ? "
S " i get this is info from two people "
C " How about the main target ? "
S " I not get any info !"
" several second passed away "
S " What you send second team like your habitual usually ? "
C " yes "
S " you will made me like Bosses Crime when i captured by Law Island Nation ?"
C " i do that now "
S " If i survived , my Sister will call me the Traitor human and the Idiot Sin "
C " yes , you always idiot , will you always loyal to this is Nation when Nation punishment your Father "
S " you really idolate my Father , i thanks for that , but i only want get any important but like hiding from culture lifestyle "
C " yes , like you , this is why your father not like you when understand what you wants in life "
S " About hiding , "
C " ..."
S " you really believe Jung Mong ?"
S " I mean Jung Mong not like our , he appear not kill someone excepts forced in war "
C " he came from poor family "
S " our all come from poor people "
C " you can believe his "
S " first i thinks you send his with me , for kill me if i fail but appear he not like killer typical "
C " please believe him and send him do what you always do in this is situation "
S " let send him for kill people ? "
C " you know what i mean !"
S " so Jung Mong not your office ? "
C " he is under me "
S " Yes , he is office military , but looks he only train his body and remember about Protocol but not his soul "
C " what you mean with that ? "
S " his like Poor child raised by rich man , like loyal dog "
C " Dog ? "
S " Dog which kill everything kill his master "
C " why says that ? you not man can read what other people mind like your mom "
S " My Mom always what in our minds and excepts my Father "
C " Please come to what you mean he like dog ?"
S " sorry if i wrong , but i think he like that for my best thinking in this is Situation "
C " he is under me "
S " what this is really about you ? not about His ? "
C " why you thinking about that "
S " You really ...what this is Nation not believe everything now control the Body Government now ? "
C " why you says stupid like that , this Nation not like ... "
S " your silents says everything "
S " please believe me "
C " believe you ??"
C " if i not can believe what mean in this is task so how can i believe you "
S " if only this is Nation not hated by many Nation "
C " how can you hope about that ? this is will bring bad omen for this is Nation "
S " I believe this is will stop war "
C " you become more like ...your Beloved Sister "
S " you right , maybe She really made out me , cause for 4 year always hear advice came from Her include her Complain "
S " i think this is much time to speak with you , so i stop now "
C " please keep watch ..."
S " Do not worry i will keep my eyes over Jung Mong "
" The Communication is end but Sin Young not leave the phone "
S " I really become confuse or they government now become difficult thing for understand "
S " mom always right , Government when meet something about problem usually human always become Unreasonable for undetrstand"
" Three day afterways , They arrive in Main Land "
" They get info Soung Hee about His addreas "

i don't if i can finished the game , but i lack about images in this is game ( firts i sorry if you hardly for understand what i written in this is game , cause i not native language English

first this is free game , i not have any background for this is game , not have image or character spirit for this is game .
so let's i have says , i need some character for this is game .
one old man with serious face
one girl age between 10 - 13 year old
young man have good shape of body but please not like biggest muscles but have muscle ( very nice or nice , i not can good word for detail about that )
woman with shadow so we not can saw Her face with easy
little fat but young and maybe serious but not very "Guard " or face smile but look like forced ?
man with military outfit or office outfit or a least use tie and tuxedo
two or more man old and two or more woman
if i not can finish this is game , i will put word for says to this is thread .
if you can give free , i will thanks you for you , but i give a least thanks for all which give hints for me , or give advice about story something similar with this is game ,
thanks you .

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Re: For some body wants give free image for character in gam

#2 Post by DreamDragonHatchling »

I too am not a native speaker in English, so you have my thumbs up, for good luck.
Since I myself have lots of work to do on my language skills, I won't be much off help in that department, but one thing I can say: S " but since 3 years ago , i not have any clients " i can clearly see you have difficulties in "not" part. A"professional" in this language probably would give a better advise than i, but in thinking good thoughts: S " but since 3 years ago , i haven't had any clients (not just doesn't feel right in place.)

i not have any background for this is game , not have image or character spirit for this is game (don't would be better put here)
As far i can see i can give you a advice: Put small portions of your text in google search. like i put : i not have any clients change the sensitive parts like not with don't haven' t and like that to see if someone had wrote something like that, it' s not the best way, but for those like i who don' t have no one close to help with english things, it's the best way to see if your one the right path.
Still when i will finish my script I will search or an editor.

as for the spirits. unfortunately i don' t have any to spare. I' m working on my own visual novel (two visual novels- yes, I' m mad), so good luck in spirit hunt!!
I hope you won't give up on your idea an if your do, You will have new one in its place.
I myself dreamed of making a visual novel since 3-4 years ago, with no idea how to use renpy (and not knowing made me stopt for a while until last summer i found great tutorial for stupidnormal people like me :) )
Good luck again. :)

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Re: For some body wants give free image for character in gam

#3 Post by JierSun »

for @DreamDragonHatchling , thanks a lots ,
oh yes in " Sin Young quickly wake up from his seat and quickly take out His sistre out from that room " , this is part i wrong
should " Sin Young quickly wake up from his seat and quickly take out His sister out from that room " i repair that sentences .

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Re: For some body wants give free image for character in gam

#4 Post by leon »

Maybe you should write in your native language and find a translator, than trying to find someone that will rewrite it. You can find plenty of free images here -

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Re: For some body wants give free image for character in gam

#5 Post by KomiTsuku »

I personally would recommend finding someone to fix the grammar in script or just write it in your native language before looking for the images. That was an incredibly painful read as every line needed editing.

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