Seaview Academy demo [Text Based] [BxB][BxG][GxB][GxG]

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Projects: Seaview Academy - In progress
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Seaview Academy demo [Text Based] [BxB][BxG][GxB][GxG]

#1 Post by crazypairingirl »

I am not sure if Text-based (Aka no images or backgrounds or anything) are allowed here. If they aren't, feel free to remove this or let me know and I'll take this down. I'm just not comfortable putting images into this game.

And I'm mostly putting up a 'demo' version because I am still working on it, and I just wanted to know if it was enjoyable enough to keep working on it. I'm not making this for any money, so I'm not going to ask for money.
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Re: Seaview Academy demo [Text Based] [BxB][BxG][GxB][GxG]

#2 Post by AntiquedFae »

Could you give a bit more information about your game? Like the genre, characters, word count etc.? Because while I'm sure you didn't mean it to, right now it just seems a little suspicious since there's a download without much any information about what the potential players will be downloading.
Is it about pirates, perhaps? (Guessing from the title.)
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Re: Seaview Academy demo [Text Based] [BxB][BxG][GxB][GxG]

#3 Post by crazypairingirl »

Oh, sorry! Well, no, it's not about pirates. The character that player is (Andi, whom can be male or female) is at a new school, named after the town, (The town's actually named Seaville, but it's got a nickname of Seaview, hence the academy's name) which in turn is named for the beautiful beach it's near. Andi can join a Science Club, the Tech Crew for the Drama Club, be an actor in the aforementioned Drama Club, be on the Cheerleading Squad, or on the Baseball Team. Each one requires them to either be a Jock, Nerd or Prep, selected at the beginning after gender is chosen. And no, none of the clubs will care if Andi is male or female. There is, however, certain specialized dialogue for the genders at certain points.

After Andi joins a club, they get to meet some of the romance options available in the one they chose. Although the demo I've put up doesn't show all of the romance options. Kathleen in the cheerleading squad and Debby from the baseball team specifically, and I intend to have Mark and Cole from the Drama club show up only if the player doesn't accidentally or purposely get another character's romance points too high. (Their appearance will not cause any hindrance to Andi romancing another character, though)

Of course, the game won't focus on the romance. Each club has its own storyline. (I won't be spoiling it, sorry!) While the storyline is either hinted at or full-on introduced in some of the clubs during the demo, the Science Club specifically won't have any sort of hints.

In addition, if the player does not romance certain characters, those characters might end up in a relationship themselves! (Heavily hinted couples can be seen if you get towards the end of the demo during the Science Club, because depending on Andi's gender you can see one of two different couples hinted at, but ONLY if you don't select to speak to one of the participants of said couple)

I will also say that there are THREE, yes THREE, different characters to romance in the Drama Club who will depend on whether you are an Actor or on the tech crew. By which I mean there's three exclusive to the tech crew, and three exclusive to being on the cast. There are three other characters in that club (Tori, and Mark and Cole if the player unlocks them) whom the player can romance whether on the tech crew or part of the cast.

One last note. For most of the characters you can romance them regardless of your gender, but for some, you have to be either the opposite gender as them or the same gender! Which I guess adds somewhat a touch of realism...

The demo apparently has over 9k words according to the processor, but I think that takes into account ALL of the possible story branches. The demo itself, unless you WANT to play all possible story branches, is very short. (Which I guess is kind of good? Just so players can get an idea of characters?)

Ahaha, did that explain it well enough? (No that is not me being snarky fyi, I just wanted to make sure everything is 100% clear)

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Re: Seaview Academy demo [Text Based] [BxB][BxG][GxB][GxG]

#4 Post by Harmonywish »

Mentioning that information at the top would be lovely to the people coming by! :> Maybe some background info/summary of the characters? >w< I played for a while! Overall, I like it! Nice writing :3

Steamy Beard
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Re: Seaview Academy demo [Text Based] [BxB][BxG][GxB][GxG]

#5 Post by Steamy Beard »

look nice,but i'd advice to write it using ChoiceScript (choiceofgames)
renpy is for graphical VNs and not suited for text based.
also you could write at the end of the demo something like "End of The Demo" cuz it end so abruply,without any warning and it look like some sort of error or smtn.

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Re: Seaview Academy demo [Text Based] [BxB][BxG][GxB][GxG]

#6 Post by crazypairingirl »

While I appreciate that bit of feedback on where I should be making it, I do have a friend who has offered to add graphics to it. She'll be working on backgrounds and character sprites.

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