After Sovereign's attack on the Citadel is thwarted by the infamous Commander Sheppard, humanity begins to take a larger role in the Intergalactic community. As a result, C-SEC has begun to accept more human recruits into it's ranks. You are one such recruit. A new life, in a new galaxy with many new species is a little bit of an adjustment. Speed dating is a good way to meet new people, right? Right.
SDotC is a fan tribute to Bioware with heavy dating elements and a heavy focus on narrative and inclusion of a spectrum of gender representation and sexual preference to better represent the melting pot of life.
The Characters
Anra T'nari // Asari // Kick ass 'mechanic'.
Kelly Chambers // Human // Psychology student
Mazdura // Hanar // Nerdy little bibliophile.
Rama'vasan nar Kubrick // Quarian // Resident bad-boy engineer.
Weylorc Thunk // Krogan // Ex-merc with a passion for musical theater.
TBA // Turian // Character is still in draft stages.
The Team
Jay... Art, GUI Design, Programming, Character Writer (Kelly, Thunk)
RiotJayne... Technical Design/Programming, Character Writer (Anra)
Ms .45... Character Writer (Mazdura)
Bene... Character Writer (Rama)
Snow... Character Writer (TBA)
We are a team of game developer and writers that wanted to push for a wider representation of gender and sexuality in Visual Novels/Dating Sims and were inspired by Bioware's attempts to improve this in their own games. So as a tribute to Bioware and to fulfill the long-awaiting need for a Mass Effect dating sim for fan, we decided we'd make one. It's been floating around in it's brainstorming stages since Feb, so we thought that NaNoRenO would be a good way for us to get a vertical slice (demo) of the project made!
Project Status
Writing: Basic drafts for 5/6 NPC encounters. Editing started.
Programming: GUI Implemented (including dialogue wheel), working on interactive map.
Art: Basic concepts done, working on in-game display sprites. (7 basic sprites, one pre character atm)
UI: Mocked up and implemented (fixing minor display bugs).
Music: Placeholders sourced, demos for original tracks in the works.