Chrysandra [name changeable] is the crowned princess of Novaria, but she is not first in line for the throne. To rectify that grave injustice she has decided to get even with the whole kingdom and get a dragon to help her in her mad grab for power (or in burning the place to the ground).
Of course procuring a dragon for her evil schemes is not always easy, and with a do-gooder mage hindering her, she might have to think about very crafty ways to get what she wants.
Will she succeed? Will she fail? Will she fall in love?
Obtainable Characters
The Foolish Young Merlin

Name: Cyril
He has the job that nobody wants, guarding the dragons. It's too bad he's so meek that he hasn't been able to stand up to the rest of the council of mages.
The Scheming Dragon

Name: Balrung
Balrung has been imprisoned for a long time, due to a long lost love who rathered die than get kidnapped by the calculating Balrung. Now he's a bitter, old dragon with more than a few tricks up his sleeve.
The Immature Dragon

Name: Niir
Niir sees people as his playthings, he only sees entertainment value in anything he does. Besides mentally undressing the protagonist, he plays tricks around the castle and is itching to get out of there. But at what cost?
Idea/Ideabouncing: Katta
Art/GUI/etc: Anne
Writing/Story: Qirien
Writing/Story: Yours truly