Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15) COMPLETE

NaNoRenO is an event where creators make a game from scratch during the month of March.
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Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15) COMPLETE

#1 Post by Godline »


Chrysandra [name changeable] is the crowned princess of Novaria, but she is not first in line for the throne. To rectify that grave injustice she has decided to get even with the whole kingdom and get a dragon to help her in her mad grab for power (or in burning the place to the ground).

Of course procuring a dragon for her evil schemes is not always easy, and with a do-gooder mage hindering her, she might have to think about very crafty ways to get what she wants.

Will she succeed? Will she fail? Will she fall in love?

Obtainable Characters

The Foolish Young Merlin
Name: Cyril MoroniousMerlonious
He has the job that nobody wants, guarding the dragons. It's too bad he's so meek that he hasn't been able to stand up to the rest of the council of mages.

The Scheming Dragon
Name: Balrung
Balrung has been imprisoned for a long time, due to a long lost love who rathered die than get kidnapped by the calculating Balrung. Now he's a bitter, old dragon with more than a few tricks up his sleeve.

The Immature Dragon
Name: Niir
Niir sees people as his playthings, he only sees entertainment value in anything he does. Besides mentally undressing the protagonist, he plays tricks around the castle and is itching to get out of there. But at what cost?

Idea/Ideabouncing: Katta
Art/GUI/etc: Anne
Writing/Story: Qirien
Writing/Story: Yours truly

Last edited by Godline on Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:54 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#2 Post by qirien »

This protagonist is so fun to write. Here's a few quotes from her:
"Let me guess; all the princesses you’ve met were the demure, gentle type that pretend they wouldn’t hurt a fly, but actually scheme behind their sister’s back to steal away their kingdom? I know the type."
"I prefer to be bribed with powerful artifacts, though I also enjoy oaths of fealty and rare poisons."
"Dear Father Who has Abandoned One Daughter in Favor of the Other, I was delighted to receive your letter and see that you haven't completely forgotten me, Chrysandra, your other daughter, the one that you should have chosen to be Queen."

Word Count: 10,142
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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#3 Post by Gabylc »

This sounds like a very fun idea! I love dragons and I'd love to play an evil MC : at least! I can make all the mean choices without feeling bad / OoC! :lol:
The tone of her dialogue seems really entertaining too.

Good luck with your project!
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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#4 Post by KittyKatStar »

Gaaasp, a game with dragons? I LOVE THOSE.

Also love the idea of an evil princess. I have a feeling it'll be a fun game. I look forward to burning the place to the ground at the end of nano. =D

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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#5 Post by Auro-Cyanide »

I'm also intrigued by the less then nice main character, sounds exciting! Good luck with making your game :D

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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#6 Post by n0tgin »

Haha! An un-nice heroine, that's something I'd love to see more of!
I'm looking forward to it, good luck!
(Also, un-nice heroines? Kind of reminds me of Kaitlyn... haha~ :) )

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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#7 Post by Godline »

Auro-Cyanide wrote:I'm also intrigued by the less then nice main character, sounds exciting! Good luck with making your game :D
Yay, my Melbourne buddy well actually, it's my bro that's in Mel, but meh.
Thanks, we're plugging through it.
Can't wait to play yours!
KittyKatStar wrote:Gaaasp, a game with dragons? I LOVE THOSE.
I thought you might. ;) Haha. Queen of the Dragons. :)
Burning stuff is clearly fun.
n0tgin wrote:Haha! An un-nice heroine, that's something I'd love to see more of!
I'm looking forward to it, good luck!
(Also, un-nice heroines? Kind of reminds me of Kaitlyn... haha~ :) )
<3 <3
If Kaitlyn was in a fantasy land surrounded by dragons. :P

Have assets and more writing.

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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#8 Post by uminee »

this has my love already! YES to fantasy and cute guys with abs showing... >///< *wishes i could draw those kinds of abs without blushingg* on top of that the logo is amazingly epic!

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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#9 Post by CSV »

That logo is epic. I like the plot too - and of course, that the heroine is NOT a nice princess. =)

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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#10 Post by qirien »

Just a quick update!

Code: Select all


The game contains 1,067 dialogue blocks, containing 12,479 words and 66,414
characters, for an average of 11.7 words and 62 characters per block.

The game contains 23 menus, 15 images, and 12 screens.
Here's a few more fun quotes for you!

Balrung: "I imagine you're looking for some gullible fool that you can trick into using their powers for your benefit? A thrall, a lackey, a minion?"

Niir: "I would rather work on the injustices of that unflattering dress of yours. How about you come a little closssser, so that I can see it more fully."
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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#11 Post by Godline »

Gabylc wrote:This sounds like a very fun idea! I love dragons and I'd love to play an evil MC : at least! I can make all the mean choices without feeling bad / OoC! :lol:
The tone of her dialogue seems really entertaining too.
I missed your comment! Thanks. It's not just the MC who is eeeeevil. The dragons are pretty bad themselves, so they need an intimidating princess who won't be easily manipulated, chewed up and spat out by the dragons.
I think with any other MC it would be borderline abuse. Haha. ;)
uminee wrote:this has my love already! YES to fantasy and cute guys with abs showing... >///< *wishes i could draw those kinds of abs without blushingg* on top of that the logo is amazingly epic!
All due to Anne, who is awesome as usual. <3
CSV wrote:That logo is epic. I like the plot too - and of course, that the heroine is NOT a nice princess. =)
Just like yours. :) Which I can't wait to check out!

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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#12 Post by yoshibb »

Dragons and the chance to be evil sounds like fun. It's not often you get to play the villian type. I'm liking the character descriptions, too, I can't decide who I would go for first. Good luck!

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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#13 Post by Godline »

Let's just ignore that other guy. Hehehe.
yoshibb wrote:Dragons and the chance to be evil sounds like fun. It's not often you get to play the villian type. I'm liking the character descriptions, too, I can't decide who I would go for first. Good luck!
Go for Cyril. I mean they're all good. But seriously, go for Cyril.

Qirien just made me like Balrung just a little more.

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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#14 Post by Cith »

Looks amazing.
Godline wrote:Other: We'll get there - don't rush us!
Definitely! Have fun with this, you'll get there in the end and it will be awesome.

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Re: Wanted: Dragon (evil!GxB - NanoReno15)

#15 Post by qirien »

Here's a song my husband and I composed for the game:
Evil Princess March.

Still doing lots of writing; there will be plenty of endings to enjoy. :)
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