A NaNoRenO 2016 game - made with Ren'Py
"Waiting for connection…
300s… 299s… 298s… 297s...296s…"

It's a:
Quaint old-school text adventure*
With original art and music
Magic fruit, A kestrel, a glowstick
Ecstasy (the feeling)
A sixth character**
& a connection pool (well it's really more of a puddle)
**Why not!? Oh yeah, I have to draw them…!
There will also be ascii art, hopefully-non-seizure-inducing animation and some voice acted lines - subject to strength of feature creep during the last 2 weeks of March.

Concept / WIP Art
- Writing: 90%
- Art: 5%
- Music: 0%
- Coding: 0%
I have a lot to do! I'm pretty sure a friend will be making some of the music, but I will likely be doing some audio stuff too!
If you're planning to play, what is it that draws you to this?
Can you help me make the game please!? (only half-joking)