Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

NaNoRenO is an event where creators make a game from scratch during the month of March.
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Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#1 Post by paradigmshifty »

I'm soloing nano again!




A NaNoRenO 2016 game - made with Ren'Py

"Waiting for connection…
300s… 299s… 298s… 297s...296s…"

I've put a few features in spoiler tags because I think for me it'd be more enjoyable not to know in advance. Up to you if you want to see them before playing or you'd rather be surprised...


It's a:
Fourth wall bending
Sci-Fi / Fantasy
Quaint old-school text adventure*
With original art and music
& an underlying central theme*
* Subject to player perception!
Brief synopsis:
YOU are the main character
Controlling the
actions of the secondary character
As they interact
with 3 supporting characters
Also includes:
Magic fruit, A kestrel, a glowstick
Ecstasy (the feeling)
A sixth character**
& a connection pool (well it's really more of a puddle)

**Why not!? Oh yeah, I have to draw them…!

There will also be ascii art, hopefully-non-seizure-inducing animation and some voice acted lines - subject to strength of feature creep during the last 2 weeks of March.
Concept / WIP Art
- Writing: 90%
- Art: 5%
- Music: 0%
- Coding: 0%

I have a lot to do! I'm pretty sure a friend will be making some of the music, but I will likely be doing some audio stuff too!
If I do some art streams during nanoreno I'll announce it on my @sleepyagents twitter.
Is there anything you'd like to know?
If you're planning to play, what is it that draws you to this?
Can you help me make the game please!? (only half-joking)
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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#2 Post by Lesleigh63 »


Good luck with your entry.

I always like seeing people's art. Hope you have more to post soon.

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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#3 Post by Kinmoku »

It looks intriguing :D I haven't highlighted the "spoilers" as I want to go in blind ^_^

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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#4 Post by YossarianIII »

I like the art. It looks like someone's playing a really intense game of Dwarf Fortress in the background of that concept sketch. :) (In all seriousness, I like that effect whatever it is. Cool colors and very glitchy-looking.)

I liked the music composition/curation on your previous games, so I'm excited to see it's an original soundtrack.

(Didn't read the spoilers because I figure I'll be playing it at some point.)

Also, it's good that you clarified "ecstasy" was the feeling, because in a game with glowsticks, I could definitely see people assuming it was the other ecstasy, haha.

Best of luck!

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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#5 Post by MimirollCookie »

I'm gonna play it.
Looks intriguing.
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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#6 Post by Pick_One »

Very mysterious, that's what appeals to me. To be more specific, I didn't read whatever is under the spoilers, so I'm wondering what is the player controlling and what roles does the 3 supporting characters play in it. It makes me think, what is this connection pool? I sort of thought of some random general sci-fi ideas but it's all vague. The artwork just adds to the mystery and I think the guy is drawn nicely. Overall, I guess there's this disquiet kind of feeling to this whole thing?

And what the heck, I'll answer the questions with pretty much the same comments above. lol.

Is there anything you'd like to know?
As of now, no there isn't anything. Any questions I have, I'll just wait to play the game and look forward to whatever updates you'll post. ^^

If you're planning to play, what is it that draws you to this?
Mystery about what are the roles of the characters and pretty much what is going on. And I guess the feeling of matrix and something might be really wrong?

Can you help me make the game please!? (only half-joking)
I guess I can help find any bugs and writing errors before you release it? Not that I'm actually good, but yea, if you really need an extra pair of eyes, then I will try my best to help. :) Also, I will say that I will still do the same whenever I play the game. Oh, I could put your game logo in my signature to advertise for help wanted?

Good luck with the project!

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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#7 Post by paradigmshifty »

Week 1 progress:

writing: 90%
coding: 10-15%
art: 5-10%
music: 0%

That's the game icon! More art coming soon!

I need to do some drawing for the characters O_O

@Lesleigh63 Thank you! I will post some more art soon (when I have some!)

@Kinmoku Thanks - cool :) I'm glad that hiding most of the features behind spoiler tags hasn't been a problem

@YossarianIII Cheers! (running out of different words to express gratitude eheh) Hopefully my ATL skills are up to the task of getting some glitchy effects worked into the game :)

@MimirollCookie Thank you :) I'm glad it's piqued your interest!

@Pick_One Cool thank you :D I should seriously consider having a few days of playtesting with other eyes looking over the game before the end of March! I'll send you a PM :)
There may indeed be some cyber-punk inspired elements!
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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#8 Post by KiloTango »

Really curious about this one, I love SF and Meta things, and the concept art is cool. Glitchy stuff is always fun, can't wait to see more from this!

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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#9 Post by paradigmshifty »

Week 2 Progress

writing: 90%
coding: 20%
art: 35%
music: 50%
I've been working on some of the more time-consuming tasks done (at least I hope so!), so I've got the important lines drawn for nearly all the backgrounds and characters now.
Music is coming along, Urban Fox - - has made some exclusive music for the game :D It sounds great, so I will start coding that in soon along with some other audio stuff I have planned.

I'm getting there with a textbox and font choice, which will give me something to work with for the GUI (maybe I'll leave the bulk of that for the final week though). I'm going to focus on getting the art finished of and coded in this next week, so possibly I can share a screenshot next week!
I suppose I can convert everything to 2 colour versions if I run out of time!
@KiloTango Thanks - I'll be working hard on this and share some more progress next week ^^
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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#10 Post by Nylan »

You, OP, have good taste.

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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#11 Post by Dreamgazer »

Is there anything you'd like to know?
I want to know about a lot of things, but I'll find out when I play it. :)

If you're planning to play, what is it that draws you to this?
It provokes curiosity, so how can I not be drawn to it?

Can you help me make the game please!? (only half-joking)
I want to help you, but I'm drowning under my own NaNoRenO. However, I can support you! You got this, paradigmshifty!

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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#12 Post by paradigmshifty »

Week 3 Progress

writing: 90%
coding: 35%
art: 55%
music: 75%
I keep changing my mind as to whether I'm happily on track or terribly behind schedule - I really want to release by the 31st March! So I have a fair amount to do, but only a few of the things left are absolutely needed, most are wishlist type things ^^

As kinda promised here is an actual screenshot from the game:
Actual Screenshot
The main things left to do are coding in the second half of the game properly and lots of little art edits (probably some audio edits too!). There are a couple of bank holidays coming up this weekend in the UK, so that is going to help hopefully with finding free time to do all the nice little polishing things!!

Expect some kind of update next week! Or follow me on twitter for nearly daily updates @sleepyagents :D
@Nylan Thanks - I hope you enjoy the game if you get the time to check it out! :D

@Dreamgazer Ooo I was hoping it would come across as somewhat intriguing (but I am not very good at this marketing stuff hehe!). Thank you for the support ^^
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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#13 Post by Pick_One »

That screenshot looks ominous and I keep looking at that fruit (?)... it looks sort of disturbing...The guy looks nicely done. I look forward to more screenshots! The WIP dither style background looks cool and I like it. :)

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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#14 Post by paradigmshifty »

Week 4 Progress

writing: 98%
coding: 95%
art: 95%
music: 100%
Another screenshot
I thought I'd share another screenshot before the finishing touches are done. What's left is a bit of testing, and tidying up some of the scenes. Also I would like to customise some of the GUI (the in game menu is alright, but the other screens are very default!).
I'm putting some really quick little easter eggs into the game as well! (tis the season and all that?). Oh and I need to make the credits screen!

I had to make some decisions about what I could get done (especially for the art) by the end of the month! I kind of knew from the outset that doing this thing solo would be a challenge (and of course things like work get in the way sometimes!!), but I'll keep doing as much as possible until Thursday (2 days!?) which is when I want to release.
Connection Pools - NaNoRenO 2016 - Release date 31.03.16 In a few days time! Just need to put some finishing touches in! Hoping to release by 3rd April.

@Pick_One Thankyou :) It's going to be tricky picking screenshots for the completed thread and page!
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Re: Connection Pools [Sci-Fi / Fantasy][NaNo16]

#15 Post by paradigmshifty »

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